每日一詞∣中國網絡文明大會 China Internet Civilization Conference

fans news 發佈 2021-11-19T12:54:41+00:00


首屆中國網絡文明大會於11月19日在北京國家會議中心舉辦。本次大會定位於打造我國網絡文明的理念宣介平台、經驗交流平台、成果展示平台和國際網絡文明互鑒平台。The first China Internet Civilization Conference is held at the China National Convention Center in Beijing on Nov 19. The conference focuses on building a platform for promoting China's internet civilization, exchanging experiences, showcasing achievements and learning from international internet civilizations.




網絡文明是新形勢下社會文明的重要內容,是建設網絡強國的重要領域。As a major component of social etiquette and civility under new circumstances, internet civilization is a key area of enhancing China's strength in cyberspace.——2021年11月19日,習近平致信祝賀首屆中國網絡文明大會召開

我們要本著對社會負責、對人民負責的態度,依法加強網絡空間治理,加強網絡內容建設,做強網上正面宣傳,培育積極健康、向上向善的網絡文化,用社會主義核心價值觀和人類優秀文明成果滋養人心、滋養社會,做到正能量充沛、主旋律高昂,為廣大網民特別是青少年營造一個風清氣正的網絡空間。Inspired by a sense of duty to society and the people, we must step up our law-based governance of cyberspace, develop better online content, strengthen positive publicity, and work to foster a positive, healthy, upright online culture. We need to use our core socialist values and profit from the best achievements of human civilization to nurture people's minds and nourish society, ensuring that positive energy and mainstream values prevail. By doing so, we will be able to create a clean and upright cyberspace for internet users, especially young ones. ——2016年4月19日,習近平在網絡安全和信息化工作座談會上的講話


風清氣正的網絡空間a clean and upright cyberspace

網絡治理cyberspace governance

社會主義核心價值觀 the core socialist values
