
英語學習er 發佈 2022-06-15T08:01:28.249988+00:00

吃聚苯乙烯的那批大麥蟲甚至長胖了。這兩者塑料在外賣容器以及絕緣材料、汽車零件等其他物品中都很常見。But some question whether such techniques will ever be commercially viable.

Plastic-munching superworms offer hope for recycling

By Tiffanie Turnbull


munch [mʌntʃ] v. 大聲咀嚼,用力咀嚼
superworm n. 大麥蟲,麥皮蟲
recycling 循環再用

A species of insect larvae with a taste for plastic could help revolutionise recycling, researchers say.


species [ˈspiːʃiːz] n. (動植物的)種,物種;種類
larva [ˈlɑːvə] n. [水產] 幼體,[昆] 幼蟲
with a taste for 以…為食;有……方面的的興趣
revolutionise [ˌrevəˈljuːʃənaɪz] v. 使發生革命性巨變,徹底改變

Australian scientists have found the Zophobas morio - commonly known as a superworm - can survive on a diet of polystyrene.

澳大利亞科學家發現Zophobas morio,通常被稱為大麥蟲,可以聚苯乙烯為食。

Zophobas morio 大麥蟲
on a diet of 以……為主食
polystyrene [ˌpɒliˈstaɪriːn] n. [高分子] 聚苯乙烯,目前世界上應用最廣的塑料之一

They believe the beetle larvae digest the plastic through a gut enzyme.


beetle [ˈbiːtl] n. 甲蟲,是指一種身體有一層堅硬覆蓋物的昆蟲。
digest [daɪˈdʒest] v. 理解,領悟;消化
gut [ɡʌt] n. 腸,腸道;內臟
enzyme [ˈenzaɪm] n. 酶

That could be significant for advancements in recycling, says one of the study's authors.


significant [sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt] adj. 顯著的;重要的
author n. 作者;發起者,創始人

"Superworms are like mini recycling plants, shredding the polystyrene with their mouths and then feeding it to the bacteria in their gut," Dr Chris Rinke said.


mini [ˈmɪni] adj. 微型的;袖珍的
recycling plant 回收廠,再循環工廠
shred [ʃred] v. 切碎,撕碎;粉碎銷毀
bacteria [bækˈtɪəriə] n. 細菌

The University of Queensland team fed three groups of superworms different diets over three weeks. The batch that ate polystyrene even put on weight.


diet [ˈdaɪət] n. 特定飲食;日常飲食
put on weight 體重增加

The team found several enzymes in the superworm's gut have the ability to degrade polystyrene and styrene. Both are common in takeaway containers and other items such as insulation and car parts.


degrade [dɪˈɡreɪd] v. 侮辱,貶低;降解,分解
styrene [ˈstaɪriːn] n. [有化] 苯乙烯
takeaway [ˈteɪkəweɪ] n. 外賣食品;外賣餐館
insulation [ˌɪnsjuˈleɪʃ(ə)n] n. 隔熱,絕緣,隔音;隔熱(或絕緣、隔音)材料

But the research is unlikely to lead to massive worm farms that double as recycling plants.


Instead, they hope to identify which enzyme is the most effective so it can be reproduced at scale for recycling.


effective [ɪˈfektɪv] adj. 有效的
reproduce [ˌriːprəˈdjuːs] v. 複製;再製造,再現;繁殖,生殖
at scale 大規模地

Research has previously shown some types of beetle larvae can consume polystyrene.


But this study takes it a step further, says Australian National University researcher Colin Jackson - who wasn't involved with the study.


take it a step further 更進一步,更加深入

"This study goes a long way towards understanding how the bacteria in [the superworms'] gut do this at the molecular level," Professor Jackson told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.


go a long way towards 大大有利於,對……大有幫助
molecular [məˈlekjələ(r)] adj. 分子的,與分子有關的

Internationally, other researchers have had success in using bacteria and fungi to break down plastics.


fungi [ˈfʌŋɡiː] n. 真菌;菌類 (複數)
fungus [ˈfʌŋɡəs] n. 真菌 (單數)
break down分解;發生故障

But some question whether such techniques will ever be commercially viable.


question v. 向……提出問題;對……提出質疑(異議),懷疑
commercially [kəˈmɜːʃəli] adv. 商業上,從商業角度看
viable [ˈvaɪəb(ə)l] adj. 可望成功的,切實可行的


