
英語學習er 發佈 2022-06-15T08:46:52.877188+00:00

「請給他們判刑,不要讓他們任何一個跑掉。」A widely shared WeChat post took issue with the initial official framing of the attack as a simple act of violence.

China: Footage of women attacked in restaurant sparks outrage


footage [ˈfʊtɪdʒ] n. (描述某一事件的) 片段鏡頭
spark [spɑːk] v. 引發,觸發;產生火花(電火花);點燃
outrage [ˈaʊtreɪdʒ] n./v. 憤慨,憤怒

Nine people have been arrested in China after a video went viral of a brutal attack by a group of men on women in the city of Tangshan, police say.


go viral 走紅,瘋傳,迅速傳播
brutal [ˈbruːt(ə)l] adj. 野蠻的,兇殘的

It has led to an outcry on social media and re-ignited debate about gender violence in China.


outcry [ˈaʊtkraɪ] n. 強烈抗議;大聲疾呼;尖叫;倒彩
reignite [ˌriːɪɡˈnaɪt] v. 重燃;再點燃

The incident began when a man put his hand on a woman's back in a restaurant and she pushed him away.


The man is seen striking her before others drag her outside and continue attacking as she lies on the floor.


drag [dræɡ] v. 拖,拽 

The group of men are also seen attacking her dining partners.


Two of the women were admitted to hospital and were in a "stable condition and not in mortal danger", while two others sustained minor injuries, officials said.


be admitted to 獲准做某事;收治,接收入院
mortal [ˈmɔːt(ə)l] adj. 極其嚴重的,致命的
mortal danger 致命危險,生命危險
sustain [səˈsteɪn] v. 維持;遭受,經受;(在體力或精神方面)支持,支撐
minor [ˈmaɪnə(r)] adj. 較小的,次要的,輕微的;(疾病)不嚴重的

Police in Tangshan, in northern Hebei province, said they had arrested nine people on suspicion of violent assault and "provoking trouble".


on suspicion of 涉嫌
suspicion [səˈspɪʃ(ə)n] n. (對某人有罪、不誠實等的)懷疑;不信任,猜疑
assault [əˈsɔːlt] n. (軍事)襲擊,攻擊;人身攻擊,侵犯人身(罪)
provoke [prəˈvəʊk] v. 激起,引起;激勵,刺激;挑釁,激怒
provoking trouble 尋釁滋事

The attack dominated discussion on Chinese social media on Saturday, taking up the top six places of Weibo's most-discussed topics. State television called for the suspects to be severely punished.


dominate [ˈdɒmɪneɪt] v. 統治,支配;在……中占首要地位
take up 開始從事;占據(時間,地方)
most-discussed 最多人討論的 ; 討論最多的
Weibo's most-discussed topics 微博熱議話題
call for 要求

"All of this could happen to me, could happen to any of us," said one commenter in a post liked over 100,000 times.

「所有這一切都可能發生在我身上,可能發生在我們任何人身上,」一位評論者在一篇被點讚超過 10 萬次的帖子中說道。

commenter [ˈkɒmentə(r)] n. 批評家;評論家
被點讚超過 10 萬次 liked over 100,000 times (要學習這種說法)

"How is this sort of thing still happening in 2022?" wrote another. "Please give them criminal sentences, and don't let any of them get away."

「2022年這種事情怎麼還會發生?」另一個評論者寫到。 「請給他們判刑,不要讓他們任何一個跑掉。」

criminal sentence 刑事判決

A widely shared WeChat post took issue with the initial official framing of the attack as a simple act of violence.


take issue (with)不同意;對…持異議;提出異議

"To ignore and suppress the perspective of gender is to deny the violence that people - as women - suffer."


perspective [pəˈspektɪv] n. (觀察問題的)視角,觀點


