
英語學習er 發佈 2022-06-15T09:31:20.089930+00:00


A viral video showing two women scaling the wall of a well to access water has highlighted the acute shortage in several areas of the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.


viral [ˈvaɪrəl] adj. 走紅的,在社交媒體上迅速傳播的;病毒性的,病毒引起的
scale [skeɪl] v. 攀登
access [ˈækses] v. 接近,進入;獲取
highlight [ˈhaɪlaɪt] v. 突出,強調
acute [əˈkjuːt] adj. 嚴重的;靈敏的;敏銳的

The video shows the women on the wall of the well without a rope or harness to access water.


harness [ˈhɑːnɪs] n.系帶,安全帶

People in Ghusiya village have been forced to take such extreme measures after wells and ponds have dried.


Several other areas across India are facing similar water crisis.


Videos showing Indians risking their lives to get water frequently go viral. In April, a similar video showed a woman going down a well in Maharashtra state to get water.

印度人冒著生命危險取水的視頻經常在網上瘋傳。 4 月,一段類似的視頻顯示,一名婦女在馬哈拉施特拉邦下井取水。

risk one's life to do 冒著生命危險做某事
go viral 瘋狂傳播;走紅

A 2019 global report had named India among 17 countries where "water stress" was "extremely high".

一份 2019 年的全球報告將印度列為「水資源壓力」「極高」的 17 個國家之一。

name v. 命名,給……取名;說出……的名稱,叫出……的名字;提名

The report said the states of Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttarakhand and Haryana were among those worst hit by the crisis.


In Madhya Pradesh, water shortage is a recurring issue every summer. The state government has promised tap water supply to every village by 2024. But drinking water is still inaccessible to millions.

在中央邦,每年夏天都會出現缺水問題。州政府已承諾到 2024 年為每個村莊提供自來水。但仍有數百萬人無法獲得飲用水。

recurring [rɪˈkɜːrɪŋ] adj. 反覆出現
recur [rɪˈkɜː(r)] v. 再發生,反覆出現
tap [tæp] n. 水龍頭,閥門;輕拍(聲)
tap water 自來水
inaccessible [ˌɪnækˈsesəb(ə)l] adj. 難到達的,不可及的;難得到的
accessible adj. 可到達的,可進入的;易得到的,

In Ghusiya, angry villagers have said they will boycott local elections this year to protest against the government.


boycott [ˈbɔɪkɒt] v. 抵制,拒絕參加

"We have to go down the well to collect water. There are three wells [here], all have almost dried. No hand pumps have water," one woman told the news agency ANI.


pump [pʌmp] n. 抽水機,泵
hand pump 手泵,手動泵

Many Indians on social media reacted to what they called a "heart-breaking" video and urged officials to urgently help the village.


heart-breaking adj. 令人心碎的;讓人心疼的

India is the largest extractor of groundwater in the world - many still rely on it for their daily water supply.


extractor [ɪkˈstræktə(r)] n. 排氣扇;抽油煙機;提取器

But almost two-thirds of the country's districts are threatened by falling groundwater levels, the World Bank says.


India is projected to face severe water stress by 2050, with 30 cities said to fall in high-risk regions.

預計到 2050 年,印度將面臨嚴重的水資源壓力,據說有30個城市將成為高風險地區。

be projected to 預計


