
英文合同研究 發佈 2022-08-15T10:06:54.988322+00:00

熱能動力工程設計技術附件方(中英文對照)TECHNICAL APPENDIX OF THERMAL POWER ENGINEERING DESIGN學術交流請私信或評論留言2. 設計說明書 2. Design Specifications2.1.




2. 設計說明書

2. Design Specifications

2.1.1 設計依據、設計要求及主要技術經濟指標

2.1.1 The design basis, design requirement and major technical economical index

1 列出與工程設計有關的依據性文件的名稱和文號,如選址及環境評價報告、地形圖,項目的可行性研究報告,政府有關主管部門對立項報告的批文、設計任務書或協議書等。

1 The name and number of reference document related to the engineering design, such as location and environmental assessment report, boundary line of land, project 3feasibility research report, project approval issued by the relevant governmental competent department, design specification or agreement;

2 設計所採用的主要法規和標準。

2 The main regulations carried out by the design and the adopted primary standard (including the standard name, number, era name and version number);

3 設計基礎資料,如氣象、地形地貌、水文地質、地震、區域位置等。

3 design basis information, such as meteorology, topography, hydrogeology, basic earthquake intensity and regional location;

4 簡述建設方和政府有關主管部門對項目設計的要求,如對總平面布置、建築立面造型等。當城市規劃對建築高度有限制時,應說明建築、構築物的控制高度(包括最高和最低高度限值)。

4 Briefly indicate the requirements of the relevant government departments to the project design, such as requirements on aspects like general layout, environment coordination and architectural style. When the city planning departments confines the building height, the control height of the buildings and structures shall be mentioned (including the maximum and minimum altitude limitation);

5 委託設計的內容和範圍,包括功能項目和設備設施的配套情況。

5 briefly introduce the content and scope designed according to the commission of the construction unit, including the supporting situation of the functional project and equipment or facilities;

6 工程規模(如總建築面積、總投資、容納人數等)和設計標準(包括工程等級、結構的設計使用年限、耐火等級、裝修標準等)。

6 The project scale (such as the total construction area, total investment and accommodation population), project design scale grades and design standards (including the structure's design life, building fire type, fire-resistant grades, fitment standards);

7 列出主要技術經濟指標,如總用地面積、總建築面積及各分項建築面積(還要分別列出地上部分和地下部分建築面積)、建築基底總面積、綠地總面積、容積率、建築密度、綠地率、停車泊位數(分室內、外和地上、地下),以及主要建築或核心建築的層數、層高和總高度等項指標。根據不同的建築功。還應表述能反映工程規模的主要技術經濟指標,如住宅的套型、套數及每套的建築面積、使用面積,旅館建築中的客房數和床位數,醫院建築中的門診人次和病床數等指標。當工程項目(如城市居住區規劃)另有相應的設計規範或標準時,技術經濟指標還應按其規定執行。

7 The main technical and economic indexes, such as the total construction area, total floor area and categorized building area (with list of building area of both aerial portion and underground portion respectively), total building base area, total greenfield area, floor area rate, building density, green rate, parking berthing capacity (including indoor, outdoor, ground and underground), floors of main building or core building, floor height and overall height and other indexes; according to different architectural features, major technical and economic indexes reflecting the project scale shall also be indicated, such as residential dwelling size, number, building area, floor area, guest room number and bed number of the hotel building, out-patient visits number and sickbed number of the hospital building, and other indexes; when the engineering project (such as urban residential area planning) is limited by other corresponding design codes or standards, the technical and economic indexes shall also comply with them thereof.

2.1.2 總平面設計說明

2.1.2 Design specification of general plan

1 概述場地現狀特點和周邊環境情況,詳盡闡述總體方案的構思意圖和布局特點,以及在豎向設計、交通組織、景觀綠化、環境保護等方面所採取的具體措施。

1 summarize the features of the site actuality, peripheral environment condition and geological or morphological features, elaborate the idea intent and layout features of the general planning, and the physical measures adopted in aspects of vertical design, traffic organization, fire protection planning, landscape planting and environmental protection.

2 關於一次規劃、分期建設,以及原有建築和古樹名木保留、利用、改造(改建)方面的總體設想。

2 explain the general considerations on primary planning, construction stages, the preservation, utilization and renovation (reconstruction) of original buildings and old trees or rare woods

1.1.3 建築設計說明 建築方案的設計構思和特點:

1.1.3 Building design specification , the idea and the features of building project design.

1 建築的平面和豎向構成,包括建築群體和單體的空間處理、立面造型和環境營造、環境分析(如日照、通風,採光)等;

1 The building layout and elevation include the spatial treatment of building group and monomer, the elevation modeling, environmental creation and environmental analysis(such as sunshine, ventilation and lighting)

2 建築的功能布局和各種出入口、垂直交通運輸設施(包括樓梯、電梯、自動扶梯)的布置;

2 Layout of building function, various gateway and vertical transport facilities(include stairs, elevator and escalator)

3 建築內部交通組織、防火設計和安全疏散設計;

3 traffic organization of building inside, fireproof design and evacuation design.

4 關於無障礙、節能和智能化設計方面的簡要說明;

4 Briefly indicate obstacle-free, energe-saving and intelligent design.

5 在建築聲學、熱工、建築防護、電磁波屏蔽以及人防地下室等方面有特殊要求時,應作相應說明。

5 When having special requirement in aspect of architectural acoustics、heat engineering、 prevention in building、electromagnetic wave shielding and antiaircraft basement, specification related to those should be mentioned.

2.1.4 結構設計說明 2.1.4 Structural design description

1 設計依據 1 Design basis

1)本工程結構設計所採用的主要法規和標準;1) The main regulations and standards adopted in the structural design of this project;

2)建設方提出的符合有關法規、標準與結構有關的書面要求;2) Written requirements put forward by the construction party in compliance with relevant regulations, standards and structures;

3) 要闡述建築物所在地與結構專業設計有關的自然條件,包括風荷載、雪荷載、地震基本情況及有條件時概述工程地質簡況等。3) Mainly expounds the natural conditions related to the professional design of the structure at the location of the building, including wind load, snow load, the basic situation of the earthquake, and an overview of the engineering geology when conditions permit.

2 結構設計 主要闡述以下內容:2 The structural design mainly elaborates the following contents:

1)建築結構的安全等級、設計使用年限和建築抗震設防類別;1) The safety level, design service life and building seismic fortification category of the building structure;

2)上部結構選型概述和新結構、新技術的應用情況;2) Overview of superstructure selection and application of new structures and new technologies;

3)採用的主要結構材料及特殊材料;3) The main structural materials and special materials used;

4)條件許可下闡述基礎選型;5)地下室的結構做法及防水等級,當有人防地下室時說明人防抗力等級。4) Explain the basic selection when conditions permit; 5) The structure and waterproof level of the basement. When there is an air defense basement, the air defense resistance level is indicated.

3 需要特別說明的其他問題3 Other issues that need special explanation

1.1.5 建築電氣設計說明1.1.5 Description of building electrical design

1 設計範圍 本工程擬設置的電氣系統。1 Design Scope The electrical system to be set up in this project.

2 變、配電系統2 Transformer and power distribution system

1)確定負荷級別:1、2、3級負荷的主要內容。1) Determine the load level: the main content of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd level loads.

2)負荷估算。2) Load estimation.

3)電源:根據負荷性質和負荷量,要求外供電源的迴路數、容量、 電壓等級。3) Power supply: The number of circuits, capacity and voltage level of the external power supply are required according to the nature and load of the load.

4)變、配電所:位置、數量、 容量。4) Transformer and power distribution station: location, quantity and capacity.

3 應急電源系統:確定備用電源和應急電源型式。3 Emergency power system: determine the type of backup power and emergency power.

4 照明、防雷、接地、智能建築設計的相關系統內容。4. Related system content of lighting, lightning protection, grounding, and intelligent building design.

2.1.6 給水排水設計說明2.1.6 Design instructions for water supply and drainage

1 給水設計 1 Water supply design


(1) Brief description of water sources (including self-provided water sources and municipal water supply network).


(2) Estimation of water consumption and heat consumption: total water consumption (maximum day, maximum hour), design hourly heat consumption for hot water, fire-fighting water volume.


(3) Water supply system: brief description of the system water supply mode.


(4) Fire-fighting system: brief description of the type of fire-fighting system and the mode of water supply.


(5) Hot water system: brief description of heat source, scope of supply and mode of supply.


6) Water system: Brief description of design basis, treatment methods.


7) Circulating cooling water, reuse of water and other water and energy saving measures taken.


8) Drinking water purification system: brief description of design basis, treatment methods, etc.

2 排水設計 2 drainage design


1) Drainage system, drainage outlets for sewage, waste water and rainwater.


(2) Estimated volume of sewage and wastewater discharge, rainwater volume and return period parameters, etc.


(3) Description of the drainage system and its comprehensive use.


4) Treatment methods for sewage and wastewater.

3 需要說明的其他問題。

3 Other issues requiring clarification.

2.1.7 採暖通風與空氣調節設計說明

2.1.7 Design notes for heating, ventilation and air conditioning

1 採暖通風與空氣調節的設計方案要點。

1 Key points of the design scheme for heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

2 採暖、空氣調節的室內設計參數及設計標準。

2 Interior design parameters and design criteria for heating and air conditioning.

3 冷、熱負荷的估算數據。

3 Estimated data for cooling and thermal loads.

4 採暖熱源的選擇及其參數。

4 Selection of heating and heat sources and their parameters.

5 空氣調節的冷源、熱源選擇及其參數。

5 Selection of cooling and heat sources for air conditioning and their parameters.

6 採暖、空氣調節的系統形式,簡述控制方式。

6 Forms of heating and air conditioning systems, brief description of control methods.

7 通風系統簡述。 7 Brief description of ventilation systems.

8 防煙、排煙系統簡述。

8 Brief description of the smoke prevention and exhaust system.

9 方案設計新技術採用情況,節能環保措施和需要說明的其他問題。

9 The use of new technologies in the design of the scheme, energy saving and environmental protection measures and other issues that need to be explained.

2.1.8 熱能動力設計說明

2.1.8 Description of the thermal power design

1 供熱 1 Heat supply

1)熱源概況; 1) Overview of heat sources.

2)供熱範圍; 2) Scope of heat supply.

3)供熱量估算;3) Estimation of the amount of heat supplied.

4)供熱方式; 4) Mode of heat supply.


5) Area of boiler house and field, area, location and room height requirements of heat exchange stations.


6) heat piping layout and laying principles.


7) water source, water quality and water pressure requirements


8) Energy saving, environmental protection, fire fighting and safety measures.

2 燃料供應 2 Fuel supply


1) Fuel sources, types and performance data.

2)燃料供應範圍;2) Scope of fuel supply.

3)燃料消耗量; 3) Fuel consumption.

4)燃料供應方式; 4) Mode of fuel supply.


5) Ash storage and transportation methods.


6) Fire and safety measures.

3 其他動力站房;3 Other power stations


1) Contents and nature of power stations.

2)主要設備技術參數;2) Technical parameters of the main equipment.

3) 系統形式; 3) The form of the system.


4) Area, location and other requirements of the station house.


5) Energy saving, environmental protection, fire fighting and safety measures.

2.1.9 投資估算編制說明及投資估算表

2.1.9 Notes for the preparation of investment estimates and investment estimate tables

1 投資估算編制說明資料

1 Information on the notes for the preparation of the investment estimates

1)編制依據;1) Basis of preparation.

2)編制方法;2) Method of preparation.


3) Scope of preparation (items of work and costs included and excluded).


4) Main technical and economic indicators.


5) Other necessary explanations.

2 投資估算表 2 Investment estimate table

投資估算表應以一個單項工程為編制單元,由土建、給排水、電氣、暖通、空調、 動力等單位工程的投資估算和土石方、道路、廣場、圍牆、大門、室外管線、綠化等室外工程的投資估算兩大部分內容組成。 編制內容可參照第3.10和4.9兩節有關建築工程概、預算文件的規定。在建設單位有可能提供工程建設其他費用時,可將工程建設其他費用和按適當費率取定的預備費列入投資估算表,匯總成建設項目的總投資。

The investment estimate form should be prepared as a unit of a single project, consisting of two major parts, namely the investment estimates of unit works such as civil construction, water supply and drainage, electrical, HVAC, air-conditioning and power, and the investment estimates of outdoor works such as earthworks, roads, squares, fences, gates, outdoor pipelines and greenery. The content of the preparation can refer to the provisions of sections 3.10 and 4.9 concerning the construction project estimates and budget documents. When it is possible for the construction unit to provide other costs of construction, other costs of construction and reserve fees taken at appropriate rates can be included in the investment estimation table and summarized into the total investment of the construction project.

3.3 設計圖紙 3.3 Design drawing

3.3.1 總平面設計圖紙 3.3.1 The general design layout drawings

1 場地的區域位置。 1 The regional location of the site

2 場地的範圍(用地和建築物各角點的座標或定位尺寸、道路紅線)。

2 The scope of the site(land and coordinate of building angular point or location dimension and boundary lines of roads.

3 場地內及四鄰環境的反映(四鄰原有及規劃的城市道路和建築物,場地內需保留的建築物、古樹名木、歷史文化遺存、現有地形與標高,水體,不良地質情況等)。

3 The reflection of the site and the surroundings(such as the original and planning urban road and buildings, ancient and well-known trees, historic landmark, currently existing landform and level, water body and adverse geological condition.

4 場地內擬建道路、停車場、廣場、綠地及建築物的布置,並表示出主要建築物與用地界線(或道路紅線、建築紅線)及相鄰建築物之間的距離。

4 Proposed road, parking area, plaza, green and location of the building in the site should be mentioned. The main buildings and site boundary(such as boundary lines of roads or property line)and the distance of adjacent building.

5 擬建主要建築物的名稱、出入口位置、層數與設計標高,以及地形複雜時主要 道路、廣場的控制標高。

5 The name of the main proposed building, gateway location, number of plies, design level and if the formland is complicate, the main road and plaza controlling elevation.

6 指北針或風玫瑰圖、比例。

6 North arrow, wind rose map and proportion.

7 根據需要繪製下列反映方案特性的分析圖: 功能分區、空間組合及景觀分析、交通分析(人流及車流的組織、停車場的布置及停車泊位數量等)、地形分析、綠地布置、日照分析、分期建設等。

7 Draw the analysis graphics that can reflect the poject property according to the requirement, such as function division, spatial organization and landscape analysis, green layout, sunlight analysis, stage construction.
