每日外刊 | 0126-在美國19個州,在學校體罰學生仍然是合法的

viewworld明 發佈 2023-01-27T06:54:53.239353+00:00

第一次違反著裝規定、公開示愛、多次遲到或九周內三次未交作業,都會使孩子們有資格受到體罰。Corporal punishment in public schools is legal in 19 American states;



據《今日美國》(USA Today)近日報導稱,在新學年中,用戒尺打屁股——這樣一種對不守紀律學生的懲罰方式分別在佛羅里達州的三個縣和北卡萊羅那州的兩個縣中禁止。



It is still legal to hit children in school in 19 American states


According to this year’s student handbook, wearing 「sagging pants」 or being too touchy with a crush in the hallway is enough to get a teenager paddled by the school principal in Union County, Mississippi. A first-time dress code infraction, public display of affection, repeated tardiness or failure to hand in homework three times in nine weeks makes children eligible for corporal punishment.


Beatings in the state’s schools are not uncommon. In 2018, the year for which the latest numbers are available, 69,000 American children were hit by public-school staff—30% of them in Mississippi. Though intentionally wounding a pet cat is punishable by six months in prison, teachers in Mississippi can legally strike kindergarteners with wooden paddles for speaking out of turn.


Corporal punishment in public schools is legal in 19 American states; in private school it is permitted in all but two. For a wealthy country that is unusual. In Britain the practice was banned in 1986. Canada did away with it in 2004. In all of Europe and most of South America and East Asia it is outlawed. But since there is no federal prohibition on the books, American students, mostly in the South, can still be hit. Though others disregard it, America is the only country not to have ratified the United Nations』 treaty to protect the rights of children, which prohibits the practice.



  • sagging pants 下垂的褲子;松垮的褲子;
  • touchy /ˈtʌtʃi/ adj. 易怒的; 棘手的;
  • crush /krʌʃ/ n. 擁擠的人群;熱戀;
  • paddle /ˈpæd(ə)l/ vt. 用槳劃;在水中擺動;掌摑;
  • principal /ˈprɪnsəp(ə)l/ n. 校長;
  • dress code 著裝守則;著裝要求;
  • infraction /ɪnˈfrækʃ(ə)n/ n. 違法;
  • affection /əˈfekʃ(ə)n/ n. 喜愛;愛情;
  • tardiness /ˈtɑːrdinəs/ n. 拖拉;
  • eligible /ˈelɪdʒəb(ə)l/ adj. 有資格的;
  • corporal punishment 體罰;
  • strike /straɪk/ vt. 擊打;
  • paddle /ˈpæd(ə)l/ n.(小船的)短槳,槳;槳狀工具,槳狀物;划槳;<美>(桌球的)球拍;<美,非正式>扁條刑杖;
  • out of turn 不按順序地;不合時宜地;魯莽地;
  • do away with 廢除,去掉;
  • outlaw/ˈaʊtlɔː/ vt. 使非法,禁止,取締;
  • disregard/ˌdɪsrɪˈɡɑːrd/ vt. 忽視,輕視,不尊重;
  • ratify/ˈrætɪfaɪ/ vt. 批准,正式簽署;


文本選自:The Economist(經濟學人)


原文發布時間:22 Jan. 2023


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