
alevel課堂 發佈 2023-01-30T09:07:57.092877+00:00

UK Minimum Wage 英國最低工資標準The National minimum wage rate is currently £8.72 for workers over 25 (from April 2020).

UK Minimum Wage 英國最低工資標準

  • The National minimum wage rate is currently £8.72 for workers over 25 (from April 2020). The minimum wage was introduced in April 1999 (at £3.60) and is the legal Minimum that employers can pay. 全國最低工資標準目前是25歲以上工人的8.72英鎊(從2020年4月起)。最低工資於1999年4月推出(3.60英鎊),是僱主可以支付的法定最低工資。
  • The aim of the National Minimum Wage is to help increase incomes of the low paid. It has become more important in a labour market characterised by a decline in trade unions and the growth of low-paid service sector jobs. 國家最低工資的目的是幫助提高低薪人群的收入。在以工會減少和低薪服務部門工作增長為特徵的勞動力市場上,它變得更加重要。
  • Free market economists, such as Milton Friedman argued a National Minimum Wage would lead to unemployment because firms cannot afford to pay the workers. 自由市場經濟學家,如米爾頓-弗里德曼,認為全國最低工資將導致失業,因為公司無法支付工人的工資。
  • However, since it was introduced in 1999, the effect on unemployment has been negligible. In the UK, there are record levels of employment, lower natural rates of unemployment and unemployment only increasing temporarily because of the recession in 2008. 然而,自1999年推出以來,對失業的影響可以忽略不計。在英國,就業水平創歷史新高,自然失業率較低,失業率只是因為2008年的經濟衰退而暫時增加。
  • However, although the impact has been less than some economists anticipated, future increases could place a strain on some employers. 然而,儘管影響比一些經濟學家預期的要小,但未來的增長可能會給一些僱主帶來壓力。
  • However others argue that Minimum Wage rates are still too low and do not provide a 『living wage『 in certain areas of high housing costs, such as London. 然而,其他人認為,最低工資率仍然太低,在某些住房成本高的地區,如倫敦,並沒有提供 "生活工資"。

National Minimum Wage Rates from April 2020 2020年4月起全國最低工資標準

  • £8.72 – 25 and over
  • £8.20 – Age 21-24
  • £6.45 – Age 18-20
  • £4.55 – Under 18
  • £4.15 – Apprentice rate.

It is estimated 1 million workers (5% of the workforce) receive the national minimum wage. 據估計,有100萬工人(占勞動力的5%)領取國家最低工資。

Forecast for National Minimum Wage 全國最低工資的預測

By 2020, the National Minimum Wage could reach £9.00 or more. The Resolution Foundation have suggested by 2020 the minimum wage could affect one in nine workers. 到2020年,全國最低工資可能達到9.00英鎊或更高。決議基金會認為,到2020年,最低工資可能影響到九分之一的工人。

History of National Minimum Wage 國家最低工資的歷史


21 and over

18 to 20

Under 18



































Increased importance of minimum wage 最低工資的重要性增加

Note: Since October 2010, the National Minimum Wage has increased from £5.93 to £8.72 (2020), while average wages have stagnated.


The National minimum wage has risen faster than average wages, especially since 2007 全國最低工資的增長速度比平均工資快,特別是自2007年以來

Is the minimum wage a good idea? 最低工資是個好主意嗎

Benefits of a minimum Wage 最低工資的好處

  1. Reduces poverty 減少貧困. The minimum wage increases the wages of the lowest paid. These workers will have increased income and will reduce relative poverty. 最低工資提高了最低收入者的工資。這些工人的收入將增加,並將減少相對貧困。
  2. Increase productivity 提高生產力. The efficiency wage theory States that higher wages can increase the incentive for people to work harder and thus higher wages may increase labour productivity. If firms have to pay higher wages, they may put more focus on increasing labour productivity, which increases efficiency of the economy 效率工資理論指出,較高的工資可以增加人們努力工作的動力,因此較高的工資可能會提高勞動生產率。如果企業不得不支付更高的工資,他們可能會把更多的精力放在提高勞動生產率上,從而提高經濟的效率
  3. Increases the incentives to accept a job 增加了接受工作的激勵. With a minimum wage, there is a bigger difference between the level of benefits and the income from employment. A minimum wage could also increase the participation rate as the benefits of work become greater and more worthwhile. 有了最低工資,福利水平和就業收入之間就有了更大的差異。最低工資也可以提高參與率,因為工作的好處變得更大,更有價值。
  4. Increased investment 增加投資. Firms will have an increased incentive to invest and increase labour productivity because labour is more costly. In the long-term, this can encourage greater investment and labour productivity – an economy based on high value added, rather than competing on low wages. 企業將有更大的動力去投資和提高勞動生產率,因為勞動力的成本更高。從長遠來看,這可以鼓勵更多的投資和勞動生產率--一個基於高附加值的經濟,而不是靠低工資競爭。
  5. Knock on effect of minimum wage 最低工資的敲擊效應. Although only 5-7% of workers are on the minimum wage, the minimum wage has an indirect effect on the wages of those just above the minimum wage. If the minimum wage floor rises, firms may need to increase wages for those just above the minimum wage floor – to maintain pay premium for experienced workers. 雖然只有5-7%的工人領取最低工資,但最低工資對剛剛超過最低工資的工人的工資有間接影響。如果最低工資標準提高,企業可能需要增加那些剛剛超過最低工資標準的人的工資--以保持對有經驗的工人的工資溢價。
  6. Counterbalance the effect of monopsony employers 抵消壟斷僱主的影響. If firms have Monopsony power they can drive wages down by employing fewer workers. However, minimum wages will make this more difficult. Therefore a minimum wage could have a positive effect on employment. 如果企業擁有壟斷權,他們可以通過減少僱傭工人來降低工資。然而,最低工資將使這種情況更加困難。因此,最低工資可以對就業產生積極影響。

Diagram of Minimum Wage on Monopsony 最低工資對壟斷的影響示意圖

A monopsony pays a wage of W2 and employs Q2. If a minimum wage was placed equal to W1, it would increase employment to Q1. Therefore, in some circumstances, it is feasible that a minimum wage could actually increase employment – or at least not cause any employment. 一個壟斷者支付W2的工資,並雇用了Q2。如果把最低工資放在等於W1的位置上,就會把就業率提高到Q1。因此,在某些情況下,最低工資實際上是可行的,它可以增加就業--或者至少不會造成任何就業。

Arguably many firms can afford to pay higher wages, a minimum wage helps redistribute income in society. 可以說,許多公司有能力支付更高的工資,最低工資有助於社會的收入再分配。

Problems of Minimum Wage 最低工資的問題

1. Scope for unemployment 失業的範圍 If labour markets are competitive, a minimum wage above the equilibrium could cause a fall in demand for workers, and excess supply 如果勞動力市場是競爭性的,高於均衡水平的最低工資可能導致對工人的需求下降,而供應過剩

Above the equilibrium, the national minimum wage can cause unemployment of Q3-Q2 在平衡狀態之上,國家最低工資可以造成Q3-Q2的失業。

2. Certain industries vulnerable to a 『living wage』 某些行業容易受到 "生活工資 "的影響 It is argued labour-intensive industries, where labour costs are a high percentage of overall costs could be hit by a high National Minimum Wage. In particular care workers for old people are often paid the Minimum Wage. With a rise in number of old people needing care, this could significantly increase costs for old-age care. 有人認為,勞動密集型行業,即勞動力成本在整體成本中占很高比例的行業,可能會受到國家最低工資的打擊。特別是為老年人服務的護理人員,通常被支付最低工資。隨著需要護理的老人數量的增加,這可能會大大增加老年護理的成本。

3. Regional variations in wages 工資的地區差異. A big problem with a national minimum wage is that wages vary enormously within the UK. In London, with higher costs of living, not many people get the minimum wage because wages are relatively higher. However, in some areas, a minimum wage of £9 could cause significant unemployment, especially in labour-intensive industries. It is estimated that in 10 hot spot low pay areas 30% of workers are on the Minimum Wage. 全國最低工資的一個大問題是,英國國內的工資差異很大。在生活成本較高的倫敦,沒有多少人得到最低工資,因為工資相對較高。然而,在一些地區,9英鎊的最低工資可能會導致大量失業,特別是在勞動密集型行業。據估計,在10個熱點低薪地區,30%的工人在領取最低工資。

4. Higher wages passed onto consumers 更高的工資轉嫁給消費者. An increase in the minimum wage could cause firms to increase prices and pass the costs onto consumers 最低工資的提高可能會導致企業提高價格,並將成本轉嫁給消費者

5. More and more workers are getting stuck on the minimum wage 越來越多的工人被卡在最低工資上 More than 1 million workers receive the minimum wage. The highest proportion are amongst women, ethnic minorities and young people. The fear is that a minimum wage encourages firms to keep more workers on the lowest band of wages. 超過100萬的工人領取最低工資。其中婦女、少數民族和年輕人的比例最高。人們擔心的是,最低工資會鼓勵企業把更多的工人留在最低工資水平上。

6. Incentive to work in black market 鼓勵在黑市工作 A high minimum wage may create an incentive for firms to find ways to avoid declaring wages to the government but offer cash-in-hand work in the unofficial/underground economy. This can lead to the exploitation of labour and is a concern in some industries – especially with higher rates of migrant labour. 高額的最低工資可能會刺激企業想方設法避免向政府申報工資,而是在非官方/地下經濟中提供現金工作。這可能會導致對勞動力的剝削,在某些行業,特別是在移民勞動力比例較高的情況下,這是一個值得關注的問題。

What is the best rate to set? 設定的最佳比率是什麼?

The desirability of a minimum wage depends on various factors 最低工資的可取性取決於各種因素:

  • State of the economy 經濟狀況. During strong growth and falling unemployment, it is easier for firms to pay higher wages. 在強勁增長和失業率下降期間,企業更容易支付更高的工資。
  • The elasticity of demand 需求的彈性. Is demand for labour wage inelastic? or will some firms be very sensitive to higher wages? Some service sector jobs like hairdressers/cleaners may argue a small increase in their wage bill could lead to unemployment. 對勞動工資的需求是沒有彈性的嗎?還是有些公司會對提高工資非常敏感?一些服務部門的工作,如美髮師/清潔工,可能會認為他們的工資支出的小幅增加會導致失業。
  • Regional wage rates 區域工資率. Could you allow for regional differences in wages? (e.g. a London specific minimum wage) 你能不能考慮到工資的地區差異?(例如,倫敦特定的最低工資)。
  • Type of labour market 勞動力市場的類型. Are labour markets competitive or monopsonistic? 勞動力市場是競爭性的還是壟斷性的?
  • Is there scope for firms to increase labour productivity? and therefore be able to afford the wage increases. 企業是否有提高勞動生產率的餘地,從而能夠承受工資的增長。
  • Percent of Median wages. One study found that the rate of the minimum wage compared to median wages is important. For example, Effect of minimum wages on low wage jobs, Jan 2019 found that a min wage set 」 between 37% and 59% of the median wage—have yet to reach a point where the job losses become sizable.」 (NBER Working Paper No. 25434, Effect of minimum wages on low wage jobs, Jan 2019) 中位數工資的百分比。一項研究發現,最低工資與中位數工資相比的比率很重要。例如,最低工資對低工資工作的影響,2019年1月發現,最低工資設置 "在中位工資的37%和59%之間,尚未達到工作崗位損失變得相當大的程度。"

International minimum wages 國際最低工資

Most western economies adopt a legal minimum wage. 大多數西方經濟體採用法定最低工資。
