起初In the Beginning(3)


Ifyou remember our Bible lesson from last time, you can answer that question without even thinking!

起初In the Beginning(2)


Ifyou have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, He has forgiven your sin and made you His child. You have the wonderful hope of being in Heave

起初In the Beginning(6)


Have you seen a rainbow in the sky lately?Do you remember why God put the rainbow there?

起初In the Beginning(5)


Genesis6:5 says, 「And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was

起初In the Beginning(4)


Have you ever attended the funeral of someone you love?Can you think of anything more sad than having to face the death of a loved one?

In the Beginning(2)


TheBible says, 「And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, 」 to make a c

起初In the Beginning(1)


Nothing but the Word of God! God spoke, and the heaven and the earth came into being. Many people say, 「That’s impossible!