
人間生活情感錄 發佈 2020-06-13T09:24:06+00:00



I used to think that the beginning of boredom is the end, until recently, when you feel that love begins to fade, the real love begins to emerge. Of course, you can choose to give up, and then find another fresh love, but the price is that you can never escape the new cycle of death.


Youth flowers fall, we look forward to the next bloom, people come and go, whether you are still beside me or wandering far away, hope that each other's journey is not the opposite direction.


The time when I really left, the door closed with the smallest sound, I never looked forward to it, I never thought of it, I never saw you again, I never met you. For the rest of your life, you will no longer be my armor or my weakness.


There are many beautiful things in the world, but the most beautiful is the invisible fetters between people, which is called feelings.


Even if there are too many disappointments in the world, I hope you can try to accept them and learn not to embarrass yourself. May you always be simple, brave and believe in love.


Count how many people have said that they love me, and then count how many people really accompany me for a long time. It's not a childhood age. Now I have learned that speaking is not justified. True love should not be expressed by mouth. I'm waiting for the time to tell me the truth.


Love is actually a habit. You are used to having him in your life. He is used to having you in his life. When you have something, you don't feel anything. Once you lose it, you seem to lose everything. ​​​​

愛情其實是一種習慣,你習慣生活中有他,他習慣生活中有你,擁有的時候不覺得什麼,一旦失去,卻仿佛失去了所有。 ​​​​

If you love each other, keep your hands old; if you miss them, keep them safe


|| 我想收集10000條美句、10000張美圖、10000首好歌送給可愛的的你!

