
人間生活情感錄 發佈 2020-06-13T09:22:28+00:00

Hello,終於等到你,瀏覽之前可以點擊上面的音樂放鬆一下,望喜歡!Like is the joy at first sight, love is a long time. And all the time in the world is because of heart.


Like is the joy at first sight, love is a long time. And all the time in the world is because of heart. ​

喜歡是乍見之歡,愛是久處不厭 。而這世上所有的久處不厭,都是因為用心。 ​

You ask me if I love you is worth it, in fact, you should know that love is not worth it.


The end of love is not the end of life, it let people start to understand that love will end for some reason, leaving a lesson. ​

愛的終結並不是生活的終止,它讓人開始懂得愛總會為某個原因結束,留下教訓。 ​

No matter how ordinary people are, they also need a great love.


Love is the feeling reflected by the senses, and love is the vibration touched by the soul. Then love is the crystallization of the unity of the two. To love a person can give everything and even life for each other.


Don't ask you to remember me for a lifetime, just don't forget that your world I've been here, not everyone who passed by will know each other, and not everyone who knows each other will be concerned, at least, we didn't miss it in this life, in that place, when we turned around. It's really not easy to meet you on such a big earth. Thank God for giving us the chance to know each other this time. Don't forget, I've been to your world.


If I'm in your heart, what's the matter with a rival of three thousand. If you are by my side, what if you lose the world.


The one who really loves you will never leave you. Even if he has thousands of reasons to give up, he will always find a reason to persist.


|| 我想收集10000條美句、10000張美圖、10000首好歌送給可愛的的你!

