
麗格教育波士頓lily 發佈 2020-08-05T22:31:14+00:00

Each person has a unique set of character skills they learn and develop over time. These characteristics affect the way they think, feel, and behave. Examples are things like cooperation, open-minded, curious, thoughtful of others, responsible, etc. Take a moment to think about the character skills that make you who you are. Describe one of your character skills and a time or situation when that skill came in handy. 在成長的過程中, 每個人都會持續的發展他們的特點,例如和藹,思想開放,好奇,周到,負責任等等。

SAO 是The Standard Application Online的縮寫,是美高申請使用頻率最高的系統,同時也是可以申請的學校數量最多的系統。





1. 從去年的5道題目改成4道題目

2. 第一題更改為學生將從校外書籍、文章、播客、和紀錄片中選擇最喜歡的部分。此題題目將不允許學生從學校規定的書籍和文章中挑選題材

3. 第三題更改為學生挑選3個最能代表自己的單詞,並解釋其原因。

4. 最後一題本來有多題需要學生想像力的題目已悉數被拿掉,改為個人經驗的題型


1. What reading have you enjoyed most in the past year and why?


2. Describe an academic or extracurricular achievement of which you are most proud or a challenge you have faced. If you select an achievement, what did it take to accomplish this achievement? If you select a challenge, what did you learn from it and how did you overcome it? 描述一個最令你驕傲的學術或課外活動的成就,或你在兩個方面曾面臨過的挑戰。如果你選擇成就,請描述你為了這項成就都做了些什麼。如果你選擇挑戰,請描述你是如何克服這個挑戰的以及你從這個過程當中又學到了些什麼。

3. Each person has a unique set of character skills they learn and develop over time. These characteristics affect the way they think, feel, and behave. Examples are things like cooperation, open-minded, curious, thoughtful of others, responsible, etc. Take a moment to think about the character skills that make you who you are. Describe one of your character skills and a time or situation when that skill came in handy. 在成長的過程中, 每個人都會持續的發展他們的特點,例如和藹,思想開放,好奇,周到,負責任等等。這些特點會影響他們的想法、感受和行為。考慮一下你的特點有哪些,然後描述一下其中一個特點, 且描述一個你的這個特點在你生活中的事例。

4. What are the reasons you want to attend an independent school? What do you believe you will contribute to a school community? 你為什麼想加入獨立學校(獨立學校是指:不依賴國家或地方政府撥款,而依賴學費收入或捐贈而運作的私立學校)?你認為你能為學校社區做些什麼?

5. Please choose ONE of the essay prompts below. 請在下面選擇一個問題回答,並用不同顏色標註你選擇的題目。

· Describe a person you admire or who has influenced you a great deal. 描述一個你欣賞的人或對你影響較大的人。

· If you could spend the day with any 2 people- real or fictional, living or not, famous or not- who would those 2 people be and why would you choose them? How would you spend your day and what topics would you hope to talk about? 如果你可以選擇任何兩個人一起度過一天 (該人可以是真實存在你生活的人或故事裡面虛構的角色、已故或依然在世的、可以是名人或普通人),這兩個人是誰?你為什麼要選擇他們?你將如何度過這一天?你希望和他們討論些什麼話題?

· Explain the impact of an event or activity that has created a change in your life or in your way of thinking. 描述一件改變你的生活或思維方式的事情。

· You have found a time-machine and traveled 40 years into the future where you are able to meet and interview your future self. What did you do in the years following high school? Where do you find yourself living in the future and what is your life like? 你找到了一台時間機器,穿梭到四十年後。你有機會去採訪到未來的你,你在高中畢業後都做了些什麼?你住在哪裡?你的生活是什麼樣的?

· Imagine you are spending the weekend with your family in a location with ZERO technology- no phones, TV, computers, video, radio, etc. How will you spend your weekend? Describe some of the activities you will do to pass and enjoy the time. 想像一下,您正在與家人一起度過一個沒有手機、電視、電腦、視頻,收音機或者任何電子設備的周末。你將如何安排這個周末?描述您將安排哪些活動來和家人一起愉快的度過這個周末。


1. Aside from books or articles assigned for school, what book(s), article(s), podcast(s), and or documentary(s) have you most enjoyed in the past year and why?除了學校規定的書籍或文章以外,你過去一年最喜歡的書籍,文章,播客和紀錄片是什麼?為什麼?

2. Describe EITHER an academic/extracurricular achievement OR a challenge that had a meaningful impact on you. What did it take to accomplish the achievement or overcome the challenge and what did you learn from that experience? 請描述一項對你有重點影響的學術/課外成就或挑戰。完成成就或克服挑戰需要什麼,你從經驗中學到了什麼?

3. Each person has unique characteristics that define who they are. Choose three words that best describe you as a person, and explain how they represent you. 每個人都有獨特的特徵來定義自己。選擇三個最能形容你的單詞,並說明它們如何代表你。

4. Choose ONE of these essay prompts and respond in 250-500 words


· Explain an event or activity that has impacted your life and or your way of thinking. 描述一項影響你的生活或思維方式的事件或活動。

· Explain a time when you made a decision you regretted. Explain why you made that decision. How would you approach the same situation differently if you could now? 描述一次感到後悔的決定。說明你為什麼做出該決定。如果現在可以,你將如何以不同的方式處理相同的情況?

· What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? From whom did you receive the advice and how did you apply it? 你收到的最好的建議是什麼?你是從誰那裡得到建議的,是如何應用的?

· Describe a moment when you felt left out or that you did not fit in well with others. What did you learn about yourself and others? How did you overcome that situation? 描述你感到被排斥或與他人不適應的時刻,你從自己和他人中學到了什麼?你是如何克服這種情況的?

· What is your favorite quote from a movie, book or a line from a song or poem? Please name the movie, poem or song, and tell us what it means for you? 你最喜歡電影,書本或歌曲或詩歌中的台詞的語錄是什麼?告訴我們這對你意味著什麼?





If there is anything you wish to tell us about your child, but that you have not yet had an opportunity to share, feel free to use the space below to offer your thoughts. 如果你有任何想要和我們分享但是前面問題沒有問到的內容, 請用這個問題和我們分享。


How have COVID-19 and remote learning impacted your child personally and/or academically? Please use this space to describe what you and your child have learned through your positive and/or negative experiences with this challenge.

COVID-19和遠程學習如何對您的孩子個人和/或學術產生影響?請和我們分享您和您的孩子在這項挑戰的積極和/或消極經歷學到的東西。(200-250 words)






