
孟薩空間設計 發佈 2020-06-28T17:43:14+00:00

Interior was filled with factors from the outside and what normally stays inside was placed outside. Doing this blurs the line between the concept of inside and outside. Customers coming into the store as they walk from the outside can familiarize with the space easily due to this blurred distinction. The yellow flat-top cone shaped table is also one of the examples of seeing the essence of things rather than being confined to its original usage. It was an eye-catching element in that an actual plastic parking cone and a plate for depositing concrete were used as molds to create this specific shape of table.


Located in suburb, customers of ilil coffee store are intrigued by what is on trend even when they are rather hesitant to apply the new trend to their lives. Being surrounded by familiarity can make us feel comfortable, but can be dull; newness can give fresh touch to our lives, but it may provide discomfort. The main theme of this project was to keep the balance between the two and to make the familiar feel unfamiliar and to make the unfamiliar feel familiar.

▼店鋪外觀,project appearance © Park woo-jin


The priority of this project was to find the essence of things; being able to see what can be created out of the essence regardless of what it was made to be. Designers constantly reexamined their ideas to show customers different perspectives, and this enabled customers to embrace new ideas into their daily lives.

▼項目模型,model © ATMOROUND


As it being near residential area, bringing in the features of home was key to the design. Familiar factors of home such as the couch of living room, curtains, windows, dinner table, and room with window were brought into the design in a new perspective. The overall structure of the inside was altered but the structure of the façade and the wall paint remained untouched to keep the natural vibe to the space. Crushed stones were used both inside and outside; this provides a cohesiveness to the design where inside feels like outside and vice versa.

▼透過窗戶看向咖啡廳內部,look through the window into the cafe © Park woo-jin

▼從入口看向吧檯,view from the entrance to the bar © Park woo-jin


▼內部空間概覽,overview of internal space © Park woo-jin

The coffee bar was designed to act as a dinner table where baristas can communicate with their customers. The coffee maker, Moka pot, is placed on the stove in front of the table for customers to see how things they used in their homes can be used in other ways. In the middle of the table where the work table and the bar meet is the gravel-filled middle space decorated with flowers and a small tree. Materials from the nature and home were used to freshen up customers』 experience at the cafe. What seems new came from of our daily lives and surroundings, and this comes as a pleasant surprise to customers.

▼操作台和吧檯細部,work table and bar details © Park woo-jin


▼背靠水泥牆的座位區,seating area backed by a concrete wall © Park woo-jin

▼通往沙發區域的水泥台階,cement steps to the sofa area © Park woo-jin

The sofa was arranged against the wall, facing the wide living space as in most of the Asian houses. However, by having the sofa made of hard concrete with cushions for comfortable sitting and replacing the curtain with the wooden molding added a fun twist to the space.

▼獨特的木製幕簾卡座區,unique wooden curtain booth area © Park woo-jin

室內外空間的接界限十分模糊,顧客從店外走近店內,會產生一種莫名的熟悉感。黃色的平頂錐體形桌子也是看清事物本質而不拘泥於其原有用途的例子之一。 這樣一個引人注目的形狀和元素,採用了真正的塑料停車錐和用於沉積混凝土的板來作為模具打造而成。

Interior was filled with factors from the outside and what normally stays inside was placed outside. Doing this blurs the line between the concept of inside and outside. Customers coming into the store as they walk from the outside can familiarize with the space easily due to this blurred distinction. The yellow flat-top cone shaped table is also one of the examples of seeing the essence of things rather than being confined to its original usage. It was an eye-catching element in that an actual plastic parking cone and a plate for depositing concrete were used as molds to create this specific shape of table.

▼黃色平頂錐體形桌,the yellow flat-top cone shaped table © Park woo-jin

▼項目平面,plan © ATMOROUND
