
甘河一老漢 發佈 2020-01-30T13:01:13+00:00

#大學英語聽力# The internet loves an art restoration gone wrong.網際網路喜歡藝術修復出了問題。


The internet loves an art restoration gone wrong.


A few years ago the 'Monkey Christ' debacle - also known as 'Potato Jesus', or, more historically, Ecce Homo - became such a laughable sensation, it actually increased tourism to the Spanish town of Borja by more than four-fold.

幾年前,「猴子基督」的崩潰-也被稱為「土豆耶穌」,或者更具歷史意義的「ECCE Homo」-成為了如此可笑的轟動,它實際上使前往西班牙小鎮博爾哈的遊客增加了四倍多。

That particular mess was done by an amateur.


But even when restorations go right, there's opportunity for a chuckle, as this latest experience shows.


After X-ray fluorescence scans revealed widespread changes to the Ghent Altarpiece - widely regarded as the world's oldest oil painting - researchers from Belgium's Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage have now unveiled the true face of the altarpiece's sacrificial lamb.


The revelation underneath, which was hidden for some inexplicable reason in the 1500s, was not what anyone was expecting, least of all the curators.


Head of restoration Hélène Dubois told The Art Newspaper in December that discovering the true nature of this masterpiece was "a shock for everybody - for us, for the church, for all the scholars, for the international committee following this project".

去年12月,修復部門負責人Hélène Dubois?告訴「藝術報」,發現這件傑作的真實性質「對每個人都是一個震驚-對我們,對教會,對所有學者,對跟蹤這個項目的國際委員會」。
