
甘河一老漢 發佈 2020-01-28T23:05:57+00:00

#大學英語聽力#As a writer, landing a book deal has always been a huge goal of mine.作為一名作家,達成一份圖書交易一直是我的一個巨大目標。


As a writer, landing a book deal has always been a huge goal of mine.


But in early conversations with literary agents, much of the feedback was the same: 「Your book idea is great,」 they'd say.


「But you need to grow your following significantly in order for us to sell this to a publisher.」


When I started those meetings, I had just under 5K Instagram followers, and I realized I needed to get real about growing an audience before I could try again.


But I also recognized that it’s not enough to simply have a large following.


Your audience needs to be engaged and invested in the content you』re creating.


Vanity metrics won』t work for this one: If your followers don』t actually know who you are or what you do, they』re far less likely to buy your book—or product, or music—when it comes out.


Since those first meetings, I』ve more than tripled my following to 20.3K. And I』ve done it intentionally, with the long game in mind.


By that, I mean I've determined what kind of content aligns with my long term goals, and by building engagement with other members of communities I hope to become an integral part of.


It can seem intimidating at first, but if you use a growth strategy that fits with your gifts and passions, amassing a following can be done quickly and effectively.


Here are three ways I』ve grown an authentic, engaged audience.


  1. Follow the yellow brick hashtags.
  2. 1.遵循黃色磚標籤。
  3. Through the wildernesss of the audience-building process, let hashtags light your path! Hashtags are the best way to discover accounts similar to yours, or who care about the same things you do.
  4. 通過觀眾建立過程的「Wildernesss」,「讓標籤照亮你的道路!」標籤是發現與你相似的帳戶或關心你所做事情的人的最佳方式。「
  5. So work backwards. If your career goal is to be a sustainability expert, which hashtags would sustainability advocates follow? Plus, Instagram has a helpful feature that shows you smaller related hashtags for each major hashtag.
  6. 如果你的職業目標是成為一名可持續發展專家,那麼可持續發展倡導者會遵循哪些標籤呢?此外,Instagram還有一個有用的功能,可以為每個主要的標籤顯示更小的相關標籤。
  7. When you find accounts of people who meet your 「customer alias」 (in other words, someone who would be the perfect reader, customer, or follower for your content or business), engage with them.
  8. 當您找到滿足您的「客戶別名」(換句話說,是您的內容或業務的完美讀者、客戶或追隨者)的人的帳戶時,與他們接觸。
  9. Comment on their photo thoughtfully or send them a message.
  10. 深思熟慮地評論他們的照片或給他們發信息。
  11. These small efforts over time yield big results, because if you』re sharing content they feel a strong connection with, they』re likely to share your posts on their stories or recommend your page to others who share their interests and passions.
  12. 隨著時間的推移,這些小小的努力會產生很大的效果,因為如果你正在分享他們覺得有強烈聯繫的內容,他們可能會在他們的故事中分享你的帖子,或者將你的頁面推薦給分享他們興趣和激情的其他人。
  13. Related: How I Got 13,000 Instagram Followers in One Month
    1. Use your profile as your stage.
    2. 2.使用你的個人資料作為你的舞台。
    3. Secondly, it’s not enough to just go after the ideal follower without changing your Instagram strategy.
    4. 其次,僅僅追求理想的追隨者而不改變你的Instagram策略是不夠的。
    5. I made a clear and intentional shift from posting strictly about my personal life to posting more content that demonstrates what I stand for, and what my eventual book will preach: Empowerment and finding confidence to go after a bigger life. I』m also not shy about sharing my talents.
    6. 我做了一個明確而有意的轉變,從發布嚴格關於我個人生活的帖子,到發布更多的內容,展示我的立場,以及我最終的書將宣揚的內容:在過上更大的生活之後,賦權和尋找信心。我也不羞於分享我的才華。
    7. Since I』m a writer, I make that known with long captions that show off my writing style.
    8. 因為我是一個作家,所以我會用長長的字幕來展示我的寫作風格。
    9. It helps my followers get to know me and my voice.
    10. 它幫助我的追隨者了解我和我的聲音。

  14. 相關:^我是如何在一個月內獲得13000·Instagram·^關注者的