
雲德律師事務所 發佈 2020-02-13T11:35:21+00:00

This is because it takes a long time to accumulate, cultivate one's heart, cultivate one's mind, be virtuous and carry things, and be tolera





Lawyer Xiaochuan Zhao, a member of the Communist Party of China, male, Han nationality, graduated from Hunan Agricultural University with a bachelor's degree in law and is the chief lawyer of the Asset Management Legal Affairs Department of Shaanxi Yunde Law Firm. The law master's degree student's off-campus practice tutor of Northwestern University's Law School and the law professional practice tutor of Xi'an Peihua University's School of Humanities and International Education. Vice President and Legal Adviser of Shaanxi Hebei Chamber of Commerce and Shaanxi Hebei Hometown Association. Member of All China Lawyers Association and Member of Shaanxi Bar Association.

Areas of expertise: perennial legal advisory services for various enterprises, real estate, disputes over construction contracts of construction projects, disputes over economic contracts, bankruptcy and reorganization of corporate enterprises, disposal of non-performing assets, equity disputes, collection of creditor's rights and debts and other civil and commercial fields.


If you want to be an elite lawyer, you should be firm in your heart in the lawyer's career, learn to recognize your courage to take on responsibilities, and be grateful.


1. If you want to be an elite lawyer, you should be firm in your heart when dealing with the lawyer career.


Feng Lun has a book saying, "Greatness is the result of hard work".

什麼是偉大?偉大是堅持,偉大是堅忍不拔,偉大是管理自己不是管理別人,偉大是成功的終極目的。什麼是熬?What is greatness? Greatness is persistence, greatness is perseverance, greatness is managing oneself, not others, greatness is the ultimate goal of success. What is endure?


為什麼偉大需要熬出來?因為成就偉大的事業需要長時間的點滴積累,修煉內心,修煉胸懷,厚德載物,有容乃大。需要我們不爭小利爭前途,不爭現在爭未來。Endure is a spirit of facing problems directly and not evading them. Endure is a process and a spirit. Why does greatness need to be survived? This is because it takes a long time to accumulate, cultivate one's heart, cultivate one's mind, be virtuous and carry things, and be tolerant. We need not to fight for small profits for the future, not for the present for the future.


Because you have to bear the grievances that ordinary people cannot bear, ordinary people need comfort and encouragement from others, but you don't; Ordinary people vent their emotions with negative accusations, but you must see love and light and learn to laugh at yourself in anything. Ordinary people need a shoulder to lean on when they are fragile, and you are the shoulder on which others rely.


We are still young. Although we have ideals and directions, we still feel confused. Because ideals are plump and reality is bony, we should know how to stick to our ideals. Even if we experience setbacks and blows, we should not stop working hard. If we fall down, we should climb up. Only by sticking to the end can we gain something. The sufferings we have suffered will one day illuminate our future and finally use time to refine our great glory.


2. To become an elite lawyer, we should learn to recognize our courage to take on responsibilities.


From childhood to adulthood, we have been instilled with such a truth that the most important thing in life is to avoid arrogance. The vast majority of people are also deeply humble, but sometimes they overcompensate and unconsciously go to the other extreme-belittling themselves. Sometimes it is easier to destroy a person by belittling oneself than by being arrogant. Arrogant people have at least one kind of indomitable momentum and courage. Although they may hit their heads to death, they can also learn to examine themselves and keep their feet on the ground. However, people who belittle themselves will step by step go to silence, hesitate or retreat hastily in a self-suggestion of "I can't".


Life is a trek without knowing the end point. There are smooth roads and rugged roads. On the smooth roads, anyone will be high-spirited. However, the attitude in the face of difficulties and troughs is the final criterion for testing advantages and disadvantages. Because it is not the predicament itself that makes us despair, but the predicament that makes us lose our basic self-awareness, enlarge our disadvantages infinitely, and have already lost our armor and fled without fighting before we started.


Therefore, it is important to know yourself clearly and remember that you are far better than you think. In your work, when you encounter difficulties, you should come forward bravely and not be afraid. You should believe that there is a way to get to the front of the mountain by car and the bridge by boat will be straight. This is to learn to be brave in taking on responsibilities.


3. If you want to be an elite lawyer, you should learn to be grateful.


As that so-called people who do not forget to dig well when drinking water, we should always remember that in our life, no one should take care of us and be good to us. On our way to greatness, our leaders will lead us. Our predecessors will impart our knowledge and experience. Friends around us will hand us a piece of paper, a pen and a cup of hot water, which are all indispensable. In dealing with all this, we should learn to be grateful. A person who learns to be grateful will not be mean and unkind. A person who learns to be grateful will choose to forgive others' mistakes. A person who learns to be grateful will have a tolerant heart and will not complain about others. A person who learns to be grateful will have an optimistic attitude and live a positive life.
