Don』t Be Afraid To Love 不要懼怕愛

sunnyonline 發佈 2020-04-16T10:17:51+00:00

When we』re young, we』re cautioned. Be smart. Be safe. Be careful. We』re told not to trust people so easily.

When we』re young, we』re cautioned. Be smart. Be safe. Be careful. We』re told not to trust people so easily. We』re told to be wary of strangers.

But I'm here to tell you,love is always worth the try.

See, our purpose on this earth is to love and be loved, to let people in, to engage in conversations and commitments and entanglements and love, most importantly, love. We』re supposed to let our hearts beat wildly. We』re supposed to mold ourselves into other people’s lives, and walk alongside them in their life journey. We』re supposed to have feelings and embrace them in all their craziness.

We』re supposed to fall into each other.

And inevitably, we』re supposed to experience the ups and downs of the rollercoaster of love.

But we』re cautioned so much to be careful and hesitant, to be guarded and fearful. Don』t be. Not anymore. Don』t be afraid of the negative things love can potentially bring you. Choose to only see the positive. Love. Not blindly, but boldly. Fall into people and trust their goodness. Let people in and watch how your soul blossoms 。

Become the person who is open and soft, not harsh and hidden. And watch how the world opens to you in return.

Don』t be afraid to care about people, to have feelings, to express emotion, to speak what’s on your heart, or to let people know what they mean to you.

Don』t be afraid to let go of your fears and step forward into relationships and commitments, even those that don』t promise forever, because as humans, forever is a lot to promise.

Don』t be afraid to allow love to strengthen your heart, over and over, before and during and even after pain.

Don』t be afraid to defy all those rules you were taught when you were younger—how to be, to feel, to act. This is your life and your heart. You can decide who and how and in what way to let someone in.

Don』t be afraid to feel.Don』t be afraid to let your heart be filled.
Learn to love ;Learn to trust,your heart skips a beat; your breathing becomes faster;That is the feeling of love.












