
沃邦國際教育 發佈 2020-01-31T12:02:30+00:00

A.Athletes』 muscular reabsorption of oxygen is not increased when they inhale pure oxygen instead of normal air. B. High blood lactate level

Critical Reasoning

作為GMAT Verbal的一部分,Critical Reasoning (CR)同樣旨在考察考生的語言能力,尤其是邏輯推理和判斷某個推理過程是否有所欠缺的能力。從這個角度而言,CR要求考生不能僅僅只是停留在理解原文篇章字面層次的基礎上,而是必須更進一步分析和推斷才能得出答案,這或許是相當多考生認為CR的題目難度較高的一個原因。但從另一個方面來看,CR和Verbal中另兩類題型一樣全部為五個選項的單選題,而其篇章長度卻比Reading Comprehension (RC)要短得多,通常僅100字左右,一篇篇章又只出現一個問題,所以雖然CR總體題量占整個Verbal部分的三分之一偏低一些,但整體來看CR這一類型題目的『性價比』其實相當高,因而也是所有GMAT考生必須牢牢把握的一個部分。

應對CR並不需要專門的邏輯學術語和知識,事實上,GMAT的Official Guidebook(OG)明確指出基本所有的CR都只要求考生具備以下能力:

· 辨識某個論證過程的步驟和結構,區分通過合理的邏輯步驟得出的結論與不合理的結論,識別某個論證得以成立的內在前提,識別某個論證得以成立所需要的支持性證據,識別結構類似的論證之間存在的對應

· 分析並判斷何種信息能夠支持或削弱某個論證,分析某個論證不成立或某個推理不合理的理由並識別其缺陷

· 分析並評價某個行動計劃是否恰當或是否有效,分析並判斷能增加或減少某個行動計劃成功可能性的因素,分析並識別提出某個行動計劃的內在前提。



CR中的推斷題是 與考生熟悉的RC最為接近的一類題型,從某種程度上而言它們都是基於原文證據(Evidence-Based),建議對於CR的考核內容感到陌生的考生可以先從這類題型開始訓練,培養自己對於CR的應對能力。


· 原文已經給出的既定事實或已知條件

· 基於這些事實或條件『一定能』得出的推論

· 基於這些事實或條件『可能』得出的推論

· 基於這些事實或條件『一定不能』得出的推論



Many athletes inhale pure oxygen after exercise in an attempt to increase muscular reabsorption of oxygen. Measured continuously after exercise, however, the blood lactate levels of athletes who inhale pure oxygen are practically identical, on average, to those of athletes who breathe normal air. The lower the blood lactate level is, the higher the muscular reabsorption of oxygen is.

If the statements above are all true, they most strongly support which of the following conclusions?

A. Athletes』 muscular reabsorption of oxygen is not increased when they inhale pure oxygen instead of normal air.

B. High blood lactate levels cannot be reduced.

C. Blood lactate levels are a poor measure of oxygen reabsorption by muscles.

D. The amount of oxygen reabsorbed by an athlete’s muscles always remains constant.

E. The inhaling of pure oxygen has no legitimate role in athletics.

對於這類題型,考生在閱讀選項時一定要思考該選項描述的結論是否是在原文信息的基礎上「一定能」得出的結論,當選項提到原文中沒有提到過的信息、提到與原文中提到信息矛盾的信息、或者提到基於原文「可能」為真的結論時,該選項通常都為錯誤選項。本題中,B、D和E均為基於原文證據無法得出的結論(原文沒有斷定blood lactate level無法降低、也沒有斷定肌肉吸收氧氣的量不會發生變化、更沒有提到任何與legitimacy有關的信息),C與原文給定信息矛盾(原文最後一句已經表示兩者具有很強相關性),因此本題答案選A。




Chaco Canyon, a settlement of the ancient Anasazi culture in North America, had massive buildings.It must have been a major Anasazi center. Analysis of wood samples shows that some of the timber for the buildings came from the Chuska and San Mateo mountains, 50 miles from Chaco Canyon. Only a major cultural center would have the organizational power to import timber from 50 miles away.

In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

A. The first is a premise used to support the argument’s main conclusion; the second is the argument’s main conclusion.

B. The first is the argument’s main conclusion; the second is a premise used to support that conclusion.

C. The first is one of two premises used to support the argument’s main conclusion; the second is the other of those two premises.

D. The first is a premise used to support the argument’s main conclusion; the second is a premise used to support another conclusion drawn in the argument.

E. The first is inferred from another statement in the argument; the second is inferred from the first.


· 原文中哪些句子提供了背景信息

· 原文中哪些句子提供了整個論證的結論

· 原文中哪些句子提供了得出上述結論的理由





Archaeologist: Researchers excavating a burial site in Cyprus found a feline skeleton lying near a human skeleton. Both skeletons were in the same sediment at the same depth and equally well‐preserved, suggesting that the feline and human were buried together

about 9,500 years ago. This shows that felines were domesticated around the time farming began, when they would have been useful in protecting stores of grain from mice.

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the archaeologist’s argument?

A. Archaeologists have not found any remains of stores of grain in the immediate vicinity of the burial site.

B. The burial site in Cyprus is substantially older than any other known burial site in which a feline skeleton and a human skeleton appear to have been buried together.

C. Paintings found near the burial site seem to show people keeping felines as domestic companions, but do not show felines hunting mice.

D. In Cyprus, there are many burial sites dating from around 9,500 years ago in which the remains of wild animals appear to have been buried alongside human remains.

E. Before felines were domesticated, early farmers had no effective way to protect stores of grain from mice.


· 原文中哪些句子提供了背景信息

· 原文中哪些句子提供了整個論證的結論

· 原文中哪些句子提供了得出上述結論的理由

· 對於原文結論中提出的現象,有無其他、文中沒有提到的理由可以進行解釋




GMAT Verbal習題彙編





