
甘河一老漢 發佈 2020-03-01T12:06:31+00:00

但是,如果你看了正確的東西,即使是晚上玩沙發土豆也能帶來閃電般的靈感。Spenda little time recharging your batteries and get reinvigorated with these seven insightful movies on


Like anyone else, entrepreneurs need a night off now and again.


And what better way to veg out than a night of binge-watching Netflix? But even an evening of playing couch potato can lead to a lightning bolt of inspiration if you watch the right things.


Spend a little time recharging your batteries and get reinvigorated with these seven insightful movies on Netflix.


  1. Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened
  2. 1.Fyre:從未發生過的最偉大的派對
  3. This Netflix-produced documentary is about the infamous failed attempt to hold a music festival in 2017 in the Bahamas.
  4. 這部Netflix製作的紀錄片講述的是2017年在巴哈馬舉行音樂節的一次臭名昭著的失敗嘗試。
  5. It focuses on the disastrous build-up to the event, which was supposed to be a glittering three-day luxury festival, but in reality was a hellish and ghastly experience for the people who paid thousands to attend.
  6. 它聚焦於這次盛會的災難性籌劃,它本應是一個光彩奪目的為期三天的奢侈節,但實際上,對於那些支付數千英鎊參加的人來說,這是一次地獄般的可怕經歷。
  7. Slick videos featuring influencers were key to helping Fyre Fest sell 5,000 tickets, but as the movie shows, there was absolutely no plan to follow through on the experiences the videos were promoting.
  8. 以有影響力的人為主角的流暢視頻是幫助Fyre Fest賣出5000張票的關鍵,但正如電影所顯示的那樣,「那裡」絕對沒有計劃貫徹這些視頻宣傳的體驗。
  9. Related: 13 Must-Watch Movies for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
  10. 相關:為有抱負的企業家準備的13部必看電影
  11. The film offers some important lessons for entrepreneurs, in particular anyone interested in using influencer marketing as a way to quickly grow your company.
  12. 這部電影為企業家提供了一些重要的經驗教訓,特別是任何有興趣利用影響者營銷作為快速發展公司的方式的人。
  13. You can hire the most popular celebrities and influencers to promote your brand, but that’s not what will make your company a success.
  14. 你可以僱傭最受歡迎的名人和有影響力的人來推廣你的品牌,但這並不能讓你的公司成功。
  15. Make sure you set expectations you can actually attain and, most of all, provide customers with a satisfactory experience.
    1. The Pursuit of Happyness
    2. 2.追求幸福
    3. Based on Chris Gardner『s heart-wrenching 「rags to riches」 memoir, The Pursuit of Happyness is about winning the fight against all odds while staying true to your inner compass.
    4. 根據克里斯·加德納令人心痛的「從破爛到財富」的回憶錄,追求幸福就是在戰勝一切困難的同時忠於你的內心指南針。
    5. The story details Gardner’s nearly one-year struggle with homelessness while raising his young son and pursuing an unpaid internship as a stockbroker.
    6. 故事詳述了加德納在撫養年幼的兒子並作為股票經紀人從事無薪實習的同時,與無家可歸者進行了近一年的鬥爭。
    7. At times, he had to resort to sleeping in a subway bathroom, while struggling to sell medical bone-density scanners for income.
    8. 有時,他不得不求助於睡在地鐵浴室里,同時努力賣出醫用骨密度掃描儀來賺取收入。
    9. It has been decades since this film was released, and yet the subject is still relevant today.
    10. 這部電影上映已經有幾十年了,然而這個主題至今仍然是相關的。
    11. What should we learn from this movie? We all face moments of desperation (although most of us are lucky enough to never face the extreme hardships Gardner had to overcome).
    12. 我們應該從這部電影中學到什麼?我們都面臨絕望的時刻(儘管我們大多數人都很幸運,從來沒有面臨加德納不得不克服的極端困難)。
    13. But no matter how bad things get, you have to keep moving forward and believing in your dream.
      1. Yes Man
      2. 3.是的,男人
      3. The basic premise of Yes Man is simple: Say yes to everything in life.
      4. 「是的人」的基本前提很簡單:對生活中的一切說「是」。
      5. That’s because life, with all of its chaos, danger and fun, is meant to be fully embraced.
      6. 那是因為生活,伴隨著它所有的混亂,危險和樂趣,意味著被完全擁抱。
      7. In the film, Carl Allen is a man who basically lives to say no to everything.
      8. 在這部電影中,卡爾·艾倫是一個基本上活著對一切說不的人。
      9. Completely stuck in a negative mindset, Carl attends a self-help conference based on the concept of saying yes to any question thrown his way.
      10. 卡爾完全陷入了一種消極的心態,他參加了一個自助會議,這個概念的基礎是對他提出的任何問題說「是」。
      11. What happens next is the result of Carl saying yes to every opportunity — which of course is insane and a lot of fun.
      12. 接下來發生的事情是卡爾對每一個機會都說「是」的結果-這當然是瘋狂的,也是非常有趣的。
      13. In the end, Carl realizes he’s taken the 「yes」 exercise a little too far, but he’s changed for the better.
      14. 最後,Carl意識到他的「是」練習有點過頭了,但他已經變得更好了。
      15. Related: 15 Gangster Movies Every Entrepreneur Should See and the Lessons They Teach
      16. 相關:每個企業家都應該看的15部黑幫電影,以及他們教給我們的教訓

    14. 但無論事情變得多麼糟糕,你都必須繼續前進,相信你的夢想。
  16. 確保你設定了實際可以達到的期望,最重要的是,為客戶提供令人滿意的體驗。