
甘河一老漢 發佈 2020-02-03T04:12:58+00:00

#大學英語聽力# Companies can』t defend themselves against every single thing that can go wrong, because bad actors will continue to invent new ways


Companies can』t defend themselves against every single thing that can go wrong, because bad actors will continue to invent new ways to get inside the network.


We also know that no matter how large a budget you allocate to enhancing your cybersecurity in 2020, you will continue to suffer from the cybersecurity talent shortage.


According to an International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC2) study from 2018, the Asia-Pacific region is experiencing the greatest talent shortage at 2.14 million, which is partially attributable to its growing economies and new cybersecurity and data privacy regulations throughout the region.


Sixty three percent of respondents said their organisations have a shortage of IT staff dedicated to cybersecurity, and nearly 60 percent say their companies are at moderate or extreme risk of cybersecurity attacks due to this shortage.


To reduce the risks associated with this shortage in IT talent, enterprises in the Asia Pacific region will need to rigorously consider the weakest points in their systems and build a comprehensive security programme that includes network segmentation, network visibility and multifactor authentication.


Organisations will also need to assess and catalogue the data they hold and where, then decide on the controls they want to put on it.


This 「defence in depth」 or 「security in layers」 approach will continue to be the best for security.


Along with creating a strong security programme, we anticipate that four areas will dominate the cybersecurity agenda for enterprises in 2020.


Bad actors have breached many organisations of all sizes, exposing passwords that provide a good statistical model to facilitate further attacks on companies or individuals.


This will be a big cybersecurity threat for Asia Pacific companies in 2020 seeking to protect the integrity of their data without multi-factor authentication.


Multi-factor authentication continues to be one of the most important things enterprises should pay attention to, due to compliance regulations and the additional layer of protection it provides beyond passwords.


Some of the large cloud service providers are taking the protection a step further with a hardware token.


This level of protection is recommended for high value accounts in your organisation.


2019 has seen too many cases of enterprises that have moved their data to the cloud, failed to adopt standardised controls and have accidentally left the gate open to malign intruders.


According to a study by Cisco, many security teams in the Asia Pacific region are also unaware of the number of vendors or products that exist in their environment.


The Philippines and Malaysia lead the region with the highest percentages of organisations that do not know how many products they use, while Vietnam has the highest percentage that do not know how many vendors they use.


Cloud storage providers, such as Amazon, are improving how they interact with customers - by helping them identify any weaknesses in the configuration of S3 buckets, for example.

