
輝說世界 發佈 2019-12-16T03:10:58+00:00




Section 1



主題:為妻子舉辦suprise party



1. total number of guestsinvited:80

2. type of room preferred:king room

3. type of music:jazz

4. date of the party:26 September

5. meal form: table

6. on the cake:congratulations

7. cake flavor:lemon

8. credit card number:54412008887

9. contact name:Sebastian

10. Pay Extra fee :service



Section 2






11-12) Multiple Choice

11. Joan normally gets up at

A. 5.30am

B. 6.30 am

C. 7.30am

12. Joan’s first task when she gets up:

A. clean the horses

B. cook food for her son

C. do farm work

13-14) Completion

Joan’s official title in the Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) is chairperson,in her distribution area, there are at present twenty-two disabled riders and 13. 40 helpers in the volunteer list, out of whom 14. 25 are regularly present.

15-18) Matching

What is Joan’s attitude toward the following activities?

Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 15-18.

A. She really likes it.

B. She doesn』t mind it.

C. She hates it.

15. correspondence B

16. fund-raising C

17. calling riders A

18. organizing accounts C

19-20) Multiple Choice

Program RDA could be improved if they

A. collect more donation

B. make fund-raising more efficiently

C. provide more training to helpers

D. 暫缺

E. recognise the difficulties of the disabled


可參考真題:C11 Test1 Section2; C11 Test2 Section2;

Section 3






21-24) multiple choices 多選題5選2

21-22 which TWO topics were the aims of the geography lesson related to?

A. international reliance

E. development of writing tools

23-24 which TWO problems do the students agreed to identify in their lesson?

A. materials

B. student grouping

C. ***

E. timing

25-30) procedure diagram fillings 流程圖填空

25. mark the top procedures on the world map

26. advantages and disadvantages of kinds of transport

27. …history of pencil making

28. complete the worksheet of pencil coat

29. predict the future of pencil

30. give a talk at the end


可參考真題:C11Test1Section3,C11Test4Section3,C12Test6Section3, C13Test1Section3, C13Test2Section3

Section 4








31. Found in the cargo of a sunken ship

32. An object thought to be a block of rock was sort of mechanism

33. can take photographs with a light from various angles

34. has made the inscriptions on the mechanism clearer

35. was initially made to check engines for cracks

36. the mechanism was set in a wood frame

37.t he device can operate a handle to control the gear wheels

38. an eclipse can be predicted by the mechanism

39. functioned as an events calendar

40. many clocks were made to provide astronomical information and tell the time


Section1: snack, buffet,barbecue, salad, nuts, cheese, dessert, seafood, sandwich, refreshment, coffee

Section2: task, organise, riders,volunteer, regularly, correspondence, fund-raising, account, improve,efficiently, recognise, difficulties

Section3: geography, reliance, tools, identify, timing,procedures, transport, worksheet, talk, predict

Section4: innovation, software, development, mechanism, screen, microphone,storage, save, store


date, Friday, size, taste, cake, background, music, Mastercard, digital,middle name, extra, fee, totally, helpers, volunteers, top, map, advantages,disadvantages, pencil, coat, predict, end


get up, first, organize, improve, mind, like, hate, shy, topics, aims, relate,problems, greed, identify


Passage 1






可參考真題:劍橋11——TEST1 Passage3 Reducing the Effects of Climate Change

Passage 2






可參考真題:劍橋13——TEST1 Passage1 Case Study: Tourism New Zealand website

Passage 3






可參考真題:劍橋13——TEST1 Passage3 Artificial Artists



1. vulnerability assessment 脆弱性評估

2. carbon emissions 碳排放

3. measurable 可測量的

4. reportable 可報告的

5. verifiable 可核實的

6. heat-trapping gases 吸熱氣體

7. decarbonize the economy 經濟去碳化

8. carbon-free energy 無碳能源

9. cumulative 累積的

10. global warming 全球變暖


1. induce-cause-lead to 引起,引誘

2. stable-constant-unchanged 穩定的

3. integrate-combine-whole 使…成為整體

4. equal-fair-even 平等的

5. grant-offer 授予

6. agreeable-pleasant 令人愉快的

7. allergic-irritate 過敏的,討厭的

8. altitude-height 高度,海拔

9. application-utilization 應用

10. array-order 排列


Task 1



Task 2


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Nowadays people are living in a 'thrown-away' society where they use things for a short time and then throwaway. What cause this and what problem it may lead to?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


話題:環境污染 城市



1. 工業發達-大規模生產-價格下降-生活質量提升-用新品

2. 對消費的鼓勵

3. 對節約的宣傳,限制,教育不足


1. 環境污染

2. 經濟負擔(分類,回收)

3. 助長盲目消費


The life span of items has been shortened ever since the great expansion of social economies, which results in their clear-cut destiny of being thrown away over a limited period after production. The major reasons of this lies in the development of manufacture industry and the consequent and indulged consuming habits of users, thus leading to some issues on environment, economy and citizens.

The formation of fast consuming culture depends on three main factors. The prime and fundamental one to blame is the great progress of technologies on goods production, which hence bring massive amounts of goods with more affordable prices. Moreover, the commodity producers have accustomed to minimize the life cycle of products and sell more by making improvements and generating new versions way more attractive to buyers. Lastly,no one including the government at first has encouraged or promoted thrift f or the public or at school, and all parties were enjoying the boost of economy instead.

The problems are obvious according to present global context. Environmental pollution, as the most apparent one, is now taking its toll by using land fill garbage to poison water sources, utilizing remains of fertilizers to contaminate the soil and feeding plastic waste to kill wild animals. As well as that, it cost a fortune to deal better with the disposals and the young who have adopted consumerism are suffering from peer comparisons and heavy debt.

To sum up, it seems to be infeasible to embrace people's previous consuming habits for the sake of life standard and economy. It is reasonable to fear a worse situation in the near future.



Part 2

Describe a school you went to in your childhood

You should say

Where it was

What it was like

What you learned there

And how you felt about it.

思路解析:在此題中描述學校是重點之一,但不是答案的全部,如果單純的描述學校的話(組織/外觀/功能等),答案會比較難組織。在描述地點的題目中,我們一定要加入personalexperience, 使得整個答案很具體。而此題目已經為我們指定了 personal experience –childhood. (注意提示中 what you learned there,也是學校生活的一部分)所以我們就可以在描述中加入自己童年的學校生活,結合對學校的描述一起表達出來,這樣的話這道題答得輕鬆自然了。


Ok, I would like to talk about my elementary school. It’s a typical community school from that time, I remember that it wasa 10-minute walk from our old apartment to that school. There were two teach buildings, each with 6 floors I think. The facilities were kind a old. we had blackboards and chalks, but no projectors, TVs or computers in the room. So the teachers would had to write down everything on board and we would copy them on our notebooks. The teachers were very strict on us back then, we were not allowed to talk, to eat, to drink or to not to pay attention in the class. Those are actually school regulations that I would have to learn by heart cause they did test me on that. The playground had always been a nightmare for me cause that’s where all the bullies hang out. They would pick up students from junior grades and take away their lunch money and most kids didn』t really have the guts to tell their teachers and parents. You know bullying is just part of the school experience that you have to go through, it’s the same everywhere. Ok, back on the classes, we learned the basics, like Chinese, math, music and PE. Almost all the classes were lectures, which was really boring, you know, for kids. But I don』t really blame the them cause the teachers didn』t really have a lot to work with back then. I go back to visit that places every few years, it’s like an entirely different school now cause everything is brand-new. But still, every time I visit it brings this nostalgic, and a little bit sad, feeling as the memories flash through your head. It’s my childhood. So yeah…



elementary school 小學

community 社區

facilities 設施

projector 投影儀

strict on somebody 對某人嚴格

nightmare 噩夢

bully 惡霸,欺凌

have the guts to do something 敢於做某事

nostalgic 懷舊的


1. What’s the difference between teachers nowadays and those in the past?


Well, teachers, or teaching for that matter, has gone through significant changes in the past 2 or 3 decades. Modern teachers are more versatile those days: apart from their own field, they have to learn about other subjects as well. For example, a physics teacher has to know a bit about computer science cause teachers use PPT all the time. He or she also has to learn about psychology or teaching philosophy in order to come up with better lesson plans. Also, with the rapid development of internet and easy access to online textbooks and courses, the role of modern teachers has shift from being the source of knowledge to a facilitator of learning. Students nowadays rely on teachers to clarify their confusions in learning more than passing down the knowledge.

2. What’s the difference between being taught by teachers and by AI?

此題目可以看作是是human VS robot 的變種。我們需要記住human 的優勢就是 human interactions. 而robot (computer / internet )的優勢就是速度快,方便。從此方面去舉例分析teaching的不同就可以了。

It’s the same difference between learning in the classroom and learning online. The advantages of learning in real class is that you get to interact with the instructor and get immediate feedbacks on learning, which is sometimes a better style for some people. However, it’s not as convenient as learning online, cause you do have to commute the class from time to time. That being said, our AI technology is getting smarter by the day, so maybe there won』t a difference in the future, who knows right?

3. What’s the difference between private schools and public schools?

此題是典型的 Public vs Private.

我們需要記住public 的優劣: cheap / crowded / old / less personals pace or freedom

以及private的優劣: expensive / more personal space or freedom/ fast / convenient


Oh there are plenty. Unlike the US, however, the Chinese public schools are usually much better than private ones in terms of teaching quality. The private ones do have better facilities though. Public schools are usually overly crowded while private ones are much less so. What’s more, private schools usually provide students with more time and choices of extra-curriculum activities, while public ones are more focused on drilling and test-taking. There are exceptions of course, but that’s usually the case for most Chinese schools.


Versatile 多才多藝的

Psychology 心理學

Philosophy 哲學

Rapid 快速的

Access 使用權

commute 通勤

extra-curriculum 課外的

drilling 反覆練習
