
籃球英文堂 發佈 2020-01-15T11:40:00+00:00

Rose:That’s 12 years [experience]. I played a certain way for the first five, six years. But I was improving every year. The game has change



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儘管羅斯在昨日隨隊前往芝加哥對戰舊主公牛的比賽中遺憾折戟,但他現已連續5場比賽得分20+,自2012年榮膺常規賽MVP以來首次有此表現。賽後,羅斯接受了NBC體育芝加哥頻道記者K.C. Johnson的專訪,專訪內容如下:

Derrick Rose remains focused on the right things.


His renaissanceand return to relevance have connected with enough fans to push him to fourth in voting for Eastern Conference All-Star guards. But with the Pistons mired in a stretch of six losses in eight games, Rose claimed not to know that.


renaissance [rɪˈneɪs(ə)ns]文藝復興; 復興; 再生

「I just want to win,」 Rose said.


Rose wouldn』t confirm that he』ll participate in the Skills Competition at All-Star weekend in Chicago, which multipleoutlets, including NBC Sports Chicago, has reported. There’s a month of basketball to play before then.


multiple [ˈmʌltɪp(ə)l] 多個的; 多部分的; 多成分的

Rose spoke about his season, where he’s at mentally and physically, and more in an interview with NBC Sports Chicago.



Q: You』re averaging 17.8 points and 5.8 assists in just over 25 minutes per game. Do you feel you』re playing efficiently?


Rose: That’s 12 years [experience]. I played a certain way for the first five, six years. But I was improving every year. The game has changed now. You have to be able to knock down your open shots. The last couple years, I』ve made the adjustment. In New York, I was just being stubborn by not shooting. I』m trying to make all the right reads now.


stubborn [ˈstʌbən] 頑固的; 執拗的; 倔強的


Q: Do you feel you』re a smarter player now than earlier in your career when so much of your game was raw athleticism?


Rose: I hope so. You have to be. There’s no way I would』ve got to Year 12 if I didn』t improve or my IQ didn』t go up. There’s no way I』d still be playing now or teams would believe in me.


Q: Anyone who has been around you talks about how much it seems you』re in a good place, on and off the court. Are you?


Rose: I』m just comfortable. That’s all it is. When I first came into the league, I wasn』t used to all the media. I thought you just came in and played. Everybody thought I was just this drab type of character. I was like, 『No, if you were in my shoes, you would be shy to the camera too and you wouldn』t know what to say either.』


character [ˈkɛrəktər] 性格;人物字母; 符號; 特徵

My talent trumped everything. I was a boy then. I』ve learned who I am as a man and what I wanted out of my career and this life that I have now. I』m just more balanced. I have a family. And I know what I want out of life.


Q: Do you feel you』re deserving of 6th Man of the Year award?


Rose: If they give it to me, it’s cool. But my job is to show I can still hoop. I want to win a championship one day. The accolades I get are cool. But individualawards aren』t my goal. Winning is.


individual 【ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒ(u)əl】單個的; 單獨的


Q: But winning 6th Man of the Year after winning most valuable player would say something about your perseverance, your career, wouldn』t it?


perseverance [pəːsɪˈvɪər(ə)ns] 毅力

Rose: Like I said, it’s about making that adjustment. It would show that I adapted to this style of play and the league now.


A person I always looked up tois Kobe [Bryant]. I want to be mentioned with him. I』m trying to play as many years as possible for one.


looked up to 尊敬,仰望

For him to play and adapt to every generation and style of play, it shows his greatness. When people think about me, I want them to think about my career and see that I could play different ways.


Q: All-Star weekend is coming to Chicago. What would mean for you to be in the real game?


Rose: It would be cool. But right now, we』re losing. That’s the only thing that’s been on my mind right now, trying to fix things here with the team. There has been a lot of long nights just trying to think and trying to put together a plan. I can only do so much.


Just trying to control what I can control and be a leader for this team. Whatever this team needs, just try to be there. Being back in Chicago, I know people in Chicago are going to love it. It’s something we』ve been missing for a long time. The excitement, the buzz around it has been great. When is the last time they had it, with Mike [Jordan]?


Q: Do you remember Jordan winning the dunk contest from the foul line?


Rose: Yeah, I was just born then.


Q: When you see yourself fourth in the voting after all you』ve been through, what does that mean to you?


Rose: I didn』t see it. But I keep hearing about it. Like I said, it’s kind of hard really thinking about it when we』re losing games, bro. But all the people that’s out there voting, I appreciate all the support — not only me but my family. We all appreciate it. It shows how loyal my fans are and people are praising me for my play.






