
fans news 發佈 2021-10-27T10:38:24+00:00

王瑋表示,This year marks the 35th anniversary of the signing of a partner city agreement between Hamburg and Shanghai, the launch of the 「Shanghai Express」 has raised the two cities' cooperation to a new level. Hamburg's role as an important node in the 「Belt and Road」 network has been further strengthened.今年是上海和漢堡建立友城關係35周年,「上海號」中歐班列的開通給雙方合作增加了新平台,漢堡作為「一帶一路」重要節點的作用得到進一步加強。

10月26日,首列「上海號」中歐班列(the first "Shanghai Express")抵達德國北部城市漢堡。在目前全球物流鏈遭遇困難(global logistics disruption)的背景下,「上海號」的開行在歐洲和亞洲之間建立了新的鐵路貨運線路。

當日,德國漢堡舉行儀式(welcome ceremony),歡迎首列「上海號」中歐班列順利抵達。中國駐漢堡總領館副總領事王瑋、漢堡市經濟部長米夏埃爾·韋斯特哈格曼等到場迎接。


This year marks the 35th anniversary of the signing of a partner city agreement between Hamburg and Shanghai, the launch of the "Shanghai Express" has raised the two cities' cooperation to a new level. Hamburg's role as an important node in the "Belt and Road" network has been further strengthened.今年是上海和漢堡建立友城關係35周年,「上海號」中歐班列的開通給雙方合作增加了新平台,漢堡作為「一帶一路」重要節點的作用得到進一步加強。

韋斯特哈格曼表示,目前物流供應鏈(the logistics chain)正遭遇海運無法如期交付等困難。在此背景下,漢堡和上海之間直達貨運班列「上海號」的開通顯得尤為重要,是雙方合作一個新的里程碑("Shanghai Express" represents a new milestone in the cooperation between Hamburg and Shanghai)。

9月28日,首發「上海號」列車裝著50個滿載服裝鞋帽、汽車配件、太陽能面板等貨物的貨櫃(carry 50 containers loaded with apparel, auto parts and solar panels),從上海一路向西,經新疆阿拉山口口岸出境,開往漢堡。該班列目前每周開行一次,之後將逐步增加開行頻次並開拓新線路。

自2011年開行以來,中歐班列已鋪畫73條運行線路,通達歐洲23個國家的170多個城市(the China-Europe freight trains traveling along 73 routes have reached more than 170 cities in 23 European countries, since it was launched in 2011)。



China-Europe freight trains


Belt and Road partnership


multilateral free trade system


global supply chain



