
fans news 發佈 2022-01-11T00:53:18+00:00

Bring the analytical solutions of the parameters into the expressions of the original first-order conditions and state variables, and obtain the optimal coping strategies of different players in this game and the trajectory expressions of the state variables.







01 動態微分博弈







1. 做好假設:明確誰為博弈主導者,誰為跟隨者,寫出各個博弈方的控制變量和狀態變量的表達式;

2. 設立目標:用函數的形式寫出不同時刻,關於控制變量的目標函數(通常為博弈方利潤最大)的變化;

3. 數值分析:對目標函數進行取得最優值的一階條件分析,求出令目標函數取得最優解時的各參數的解析解;

4. 將參數的解析解帶入原一階條件和狀態變量的表達式,求出不同博弈者在此博弈中的最佳應對策略以及狀態變量的軌跡表達式。










Yesterday, I received a notification from the counselor that the graduation requirements of our college have been changed this year. Probably the thesis will be sent to the core of Peking University. My friends and I, who are still reviewing at the end of the term, left tears of ignorance. The days of scientific research are expected to be difficult. It's a long road, but keep going!

The relevant knowledge of mathematica learned before is a foreshadowing for solving related models of game theory. Today was an appetizer, and after seeking advice from a mentor, I set out to learn dynamic differential game models, today's topic. The method of learning is to find a relevant high-level paper. The first step is to sort out the overall framework of the article, extract the model steps, and then combine the knowledge you have learned to think about which mathematica functions you need to use; the second step : Read through the whole text, understand the terms, concepts, algorithms, etc. that you don’t understand, and understand the theoretical basis of the research model; Step 3: Specialize in the modeling and analysis part of the paper, and use software to reproduce; Step 4 : Reproduce the calculation example in the paper.

01 Dynamic Differential Game

Judging from the noun, it is not difficult to see the nature of this game. Through Baidu search and related papers, the following information can be summarized: Dynamic differential game is a combination of advanced macroeconomics and dynamic optimization in operations research.

We break down this name into dynamic optimization (planning), differentiation (equations), and game theory. Dynamic optimization (planning) is a branch of operations research. It is mainly used to solve optimization problems of dynamic processes divided by time. However, some time-independent static programming (such as linear programming and nonlinear programming), as long as artificial Introducing the time factor and treating it as a multi-stage decision-making process, it can also be easily solved by dynamic programming [1]. The idea of dynamic programming is to decompose an optimization problem into multiple stages. In each stage, there are different states. The decision maker changes the state of the next stage by changing the decision variables. (The equation of state is used mathematically to represent this connection). In a dynamic differential game, each participant in the game is performing dynamic planning, and they make their own strategic choices according to the strategies of others. For example, the manufacturer's effort level changes with time, and the manufacturer's effort level will affect The quality of the product, thus influencing the decision of the retailer's next stage of effort level. This is just a simple example, the actual situation may be more complex because more subjects are involved.

And why it is called a differential game, my personal understanding is that in the process of solving the equilibrium solution of this game, it involves solving the required function expression from the differential equation. That is, if the evolution of the decision-making process (controlled by the participants over time) occurs in continuous time, usually involving a differential equation, such a dynamic game is called a differential game; if it occurs in discrete time horizons, then the dynamic Games are sometimes called discrete-time games [2].

02 Solving steps of dynamic differential game

1. Make assumptions: clarify who is the game leader and who is the follower, and write the expressions of the control variables and state variables of each game party;

2. Setting up goals: write the changes in the objective function of the control variables at different times in the form of a function (usually the player with the greatest profit);

3. Numerical analysis: carry out the first-order condition analysis to obtain the optimal value of the objective function, and obtain the analytical solution of each parameter when the objective function obtains the optimal solution;

4. Bring the analytical solutions of the parameters into the expressions of the original first-order conditions and state variables, and obtain the optimal coping strategies of different players in this game and the trajectory expressions of the state variables.

03 Functions that may be needed

In step 1, you need to use the command f[x_] to create a function; you need to set several expressions at the same time;

In the second step, you need to find the definite integral -Integrate[f,{x,xmin,xmax}] and the commonly used function NMaximize[f,x];

figure 1

figure 2

In step 3, you need to use the partial derivative command -D[f,x];

In step 4, you need to use the command "/." to substitute the expression of the parameter into the original expression;

Many symbols and variables are designed in the whole process, which requires a lot of use of the simplification commands Fullsimplify and Simplify.






[2]張紀峰.美國工程院院士深度解析:博弈論與控制面臨哪些挑戰和機遇?[EB/OL]. [2022-01-11]. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/8ac66DPKuKkZndmbtdisbw.


