
fans news 發佈 2022-01-27T02:37:46+00:00

N-UNCOUNT Conflict is serious disagreement and argument about something important. If two people or groups are in conflict, they have had a serious disagreement or argument and have not yet reached agreement. 爭執;轉發《有道詞典》,如有侵權請通知。

conflict of interest 利益衝突 ; 利益的衝突

conflict英 [ˈkɒnflɪkt] 美 [ˈkɑːnflɪkt]

n. 爭執,爭論,分歧;戰鬥,戰爭;牴觸,矛盾

v. 衝突,牴觸

[ 複數 Conflicts 第三人稱單數 conflicts 現在分詞 conflicting 過去式 conflicted 過去分詞 conflicted ]


Class conflict 階級衝突 ; 階級矛盾

armed conflict 武力衝突 ; 武裝牴觸

World in Conflict 衝突世界 ; 世界衝突 ; 衝突中的世界 ; 牴觸世界

role conflict [社科] 角色衝突 ; 任務衝突

Conflict theory 衝突理論 ; 衝突論 ; 衝突學派

conflict of laws 國際私法 ; 法律衝突 ; 衝突法 ; 法律衝突法

BROTHERS CONFLICT 兄弟戰爭 ; 兄弟鬥爭 ; 朝日奈風斗 ; 又名兄弟戰爭

Conflict Management 矛盾處理 ; 衝突管理量表 ; 學會在一起工作


conflict CET4 TEM4 ( conflicting, conflicted, conflicts )


1. N-UNCOUNT Conflict is serious disagreement and argument about something important. If two people or groups are in conflict, they have had a serious disagreement or argument and have not yet reached agreement. 爭執; 分歧 [oft 'in/into' N]

例:Try to keep any conflict between you and your ex-partner to a minimum.


2. N-UNCOUNT Conflict is a state of mind in which you find it impossible to make a decision. 矛盾心態

例:...the anguish of his own inner conflict.


3. N-VAR Conflict is fighting between countries or groups of people. (國家或團體之間的) 衝突 [書面]

例:...talks aimed at ending four decades of conflict.


4. N-VAR A conflict is a serious difference between two or more beliefs, ideas, or interests. If two beliefs, ideas, or interests are in conflict, they are very different. (信念、觀點、利益之間的) 衝突

例:There is a conflict between what they are doing and what you want.


5. V-RECIP If ideas, beliefs, or accounts conflict, they are very different from each other and it seems impossible for them to exist together or to each be true. (觀點、信念、陳述等) 相衝突

例:Personal ethics and professional ethics sometimes conflict.


例:He held firm opinions which usually conflicted with mine.



in conflict with 和…衝突

conflict with 衝突;與…牴觸

in conflict with 和…衝突

conflict with 衝突;與…牴觸

in conflict 有矛盾;不一致

conflict resolution 衝突解決;衝突消除

cultural conflict 文化衝突

conflict management 衝突管理;矛盾處理

armed conflict 武裝衝突

conflict of laws 法律之間矛盾,法律衝突

culture conflict 文化衝突

role conflict 角色衝突

conflict rules 衝突法規

conflict theory 衝突理論;衝突論

conflict detection 衝突檢測;衝突偵測

conflict zone 紛爭地帶;衝突地帶;戰爭啟示錄

class conflict 階級衝突;階級鬥爭

racial conflict 種族衝突

mental conflict 精神矛盾;心理衝突

goal conflict 目標衝突;目標之間的矛盾

open conflict 外部衝突;公開衝突


She was unafraid of conflict.


The conflict is still being fought out.


Her diary was a record of her inner conflict.


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