《讀者文摘》100周年 | 經濟學人全球早報精選

王不留寫字的地方 發佈 2022-02-07T09:30:34+00:00

In February 1922 a new kind of magazine was launched. The brainchild of DeWitt Wallace, Reader’s Digest promised articles 「of enduring value and interest, in condensed and compact form」. Started from Wallace’s basement in Greenwich Village, New York City, with help from his wife and occasionally the patrons of the speakeasy upstairs, the pocket-sized publication would eventually be published in 22 languages and sold in 40 countries.

文 / 王不留(微信公眾號:考研英語筆記)

Reader’s Digest digest

In February 1922 a new kind of magazine was launched. The brainchild of DeWitt Wallace, Reader’s Digest promised articles 「of enduring value and interest, in condensed and compact form」. Started from Wallace’s basement in Greenwich Village, New York City, with help from his wife and occasionally the patrons of the speakeasy upstairs, the pocket-sized publication would eventually be published in 22 languages and sold in 40 countries.

It is often dismissed as a staple of dentists』 waiting rooms, replete with self-improvement tips and mailshots for prize draws. But that reputation belies a history of advocacy. Reader’s Digest campaigned for organ donation, warned of the perils of tobacco and decried the savagery of the Khmer Rouge. It allowed Betty Ford, wife of President Gerald Ford, to discuss her addiction and supported Alex Haley’s research for his novel 「Roots」, which transformed American perceptions of slavery. A century on, few content-aggregator sites in the Reader’s Digest mould can boast of promoting such worthy causes.

Reader’s Digest digest



《讀者文摘》(Reader's Digest),美國雜誌,在全球多個國家和地區都有發行。1922年創刊,月刊。是一本能引起大眾廣泛興趣的內容豐富的家庭雜誌。它所涉及的故事文章涵蓋了健康、生態、政府、國際事務、體育、旅遊、科學、商業、教育以及幽默笑話等多個領域。

In February 1922 a new kind of magazine was launched. The brainchild of DeWitt Wallace, Reader’s Digest promised articles 「of enduring value and interest, in condensed and compact form」. Started from Wallace’s basement in Greenwich Village, New York City, with help from his wife and occasionally the patrons of the speakeasy upstairs, the pocket-sized publication would eventually be published in 22 languages and sold in 40 countries.

1922年2月,一種新型雜誌發行。《讀者文摘》來自德威特·華萊士(DeWitt Wallace)的主意,它承諾發表「簡潔雋永,歷久彌新」的文章。《讀者文摘》誕生在紐約市格林威治村華萊士的地下室,在他妻子的幫助下,偶爾也有樓上酒店顧客的贊助,這本袖珍出版物最終將以22種語言發行,並在40個國家銷售。

kind of 有點 ; 稍微 ; 有幾分

launched 開始從事,發起,發動 ; 上市,發行 ; 使下水 ; launch的過去分詞和過去式

brainchild 主意,發明

Digest 消化 ; 領會 ; 領悟 ; 理解 ; 摘要 ; 概要 ; 文摘 ; 彙編

promised 許諾 ; 承諾 ; 答應 ; 保證 ; 使很可能 ; 預示 ; promise的過去分詞和過去式

enduring 持久的 ; 耐久的 ; 忍耐 ; 忍受 ; 持續 ; 持久 ; endure的現在分詞

condensed 壓縮的,精簡的 ; 濃縮的 ; 冷凝 ; 凝結 ; 濃縮,變濃,變稠 ; 簡縮,壓縮 ; condense的過去分詞和過去式

basement 地下室

Greenwich Village 格林尼治村

New York City 紐約市

occasionally 偶爾地 ; 偶爾 ; 偶然 ; 有時候

patrons 贊助人,資助者 ; 名義贊助人 ; 老主顧 ; 顧客 ; 常客 ; patron的複數

speakeasy (美國20世紀20、30年代禁酒時期)非法經營的酒店

upstairs 樓上的 ; 樓上 ; 二樓 ; 二樓以上各層 ; 在樓上 ; 在上一層

pocket-sized 袖珍的 ; 便攜的

It is often dismissed as a staple of dentists』 waiting rooms, replete with self-improvement tips and mailshots for prize draws. But that reputation belies a history of advocacy. Reader’s Digest campaigned for organ donation, warned of the perils of tobacco and decried the savagery of the Khmer Rouge. It allowed Betty Ford, wife of President Gerald Ford, to discuss her addiction and supported Alex Haley’s research for his novel 「Roots」, which transformed American perceptions of slavery. A century on, few content-aggregator sites in the Reader’s Digest mould can boast of promoting such worthy causes.

它常被作為牙醫候診室的主要消遣書籍而不值一提,裡面充斥著自我提升的建議和抽獎的郵件。但這一名聲掩飾了其值得倡導的歷史。《讀者文摘》發起器官捐贈活動,警告菸草危害,譴責紅色高棉(此名詞的解釋請自行百度)的野蠻行徑。它允許傑拉爾德·福特(Gerald Ford)總統的妻子貝蒂·福特(Betty Ford)討論自己毒癮問題,並支持亞歷克斯·哈里( Alex Haley)對其小說《根》的研究。這部小說改變了美國人對奴隸制的看法。一個世紀過去了,在《讀者文摘》模式中,很少有內容聚合網站能夠吹噓推廣這樣有價值的事業。

Dismiss sth as 把某事作為……而不予理會

staple 主要的;主要成分

waiting rooms 等候室 ; 候車室 ; 候診室 ; waiting room的複數

replete 充滿 ; 充足 ; 很飽 ; 飽食 ; 貯蜜蟻

self-improvement 自我完善 ; 自我改進,自我提高

belies 掩飾 ; 遮掩 ; 使…給人以假象 ; 顯示不正確 ; 證明錯誤 ; belie的第三人稱單數

advocacy 提倡 ; 擁護 ; 支持 ; 出庭辯護 ; 律師的工作

perils 嚴重危險 ; 禍害 ; 險情 ; peril的第三人稱單數和複數

decried 譴責 ; 批評 ; decry的過去分詞和過去式

savagery 殘暴行為

perceptions 知覺 ; 感知 ; 洞察力 ; 悟性 ; 看法 ; 見解 ; perception的複數

slavery 奴隸身份 ; 奴隸制 ; 蓄奴

mould 模具 ; 鑄模 ; 類型,個性,風格 ; 霉 ; 黴菌 ; 澆鑄,塑造 ; 對…影響重大 ; 將…塑造成 ; 緊貼於,吻合

boast of 誇耀,吹噓





