SCI投稿系列之如何寫好Cover Letter!收藏

英輯學術編譯 發佈 2022-04-11T03:15:27.164658+00:00


NO. 1

什麼是Cover Letter

Cover Letter, 即投稿信,是論文投遞時與論文一起發送給編輯的信件,其目的是讓編輯在閱讀你的論文之前,簡單了解你文章的基本情況。文章的標題以及Cover letter都是編輯對論文的第一印象,是作者與期刊編輯的第一次「正式」互動,是展現你科學貢獻重要意義的絕佳時刻,也是初步評判你論文是否可以被期刊接收的重要依據。因此Cover Letter的撰寫是非常重要的。如何用簡明扼要的語言抓住編輯的心是Cover Letter撰寫時最關鍵的一點!

It may seem obvious, but a journal editor's first serious impression of a submitted manuscript lies not only with the article title but also, rather simply, with the cover letter. The cover letter is your first "formal" interaction with a journal. It also provides you with an excellent opportunity to present the significance of your scientific contribution.

NO. 2

Cover Letter基本要求

1. 直奔內容。Cover Letter應寫得簡潔明了,直接上乾貨。介紹一下本領域目前已有的知識,以及作者想要發表該文的動機(研究目的)。緊接著就是概念進展、時間線、創新點、Discussion的主題、關鍵結論。本研究的亮點在哪?它的重要性,以及將會把大家引導到何處(前景)?本研究成果是本刊的大多數讀者都感興趣的嗎?它跟本刊的接收範圍匹配嗎?編輯們要考慮,你的文章能不能給本刊拉高IF。但要寫得簡潔,不要在一封小小的letter上再搞個長篇大論,一般來說,1頁就夠了!

Let's start with content. We look for letters that start by succinctly explaining what was previously known in a given field and then state the authors' motivation for wishing to publish. Following that, the conceptual advance, timeliness, and novelty should be immediately conveyed. What sets apart this scientific contribution? What is the significance of the work, and where does the article lead us? Will this research be of interest to a broad readership?

2. 不要刷摘要。一字不差的複製粘貼摘要到Cover Letter是一個禁忌。最好把關鍵點綜合陳述一下,來個summary,就像周一早上上班在電梯遇見同事,就在乘電梯的這段時間裡把你周末約會的故事跟他一下子炫完,出電梯就別八卦了。不過,對summary還要來一點點探險式的發展,說一句超越明顯結論的話。本成果將如何推動相關領域的進步?它是否能產生深遠的影響?

Do not rehash the abstract of the paper. Copying and pasting the abstract into your cover letter verbatim is a big no-no. Instead, we seek a synthesis of the key points—possibly, and depending on style, the summary might resemble a brief story pitch in an elevator! But importantly, you need to venture beyond the summary: write a sentence that takes you further than the obvious conclusions. How does the content move the field forward? Are the implications far-reaching?

3. 提供一個推薦審稿人名單。推薦審稿人的相關信息(包括他們的研究領域)一併列出來是極好的,因為這可以給編輯省下好多精力。相反,不要列個長長的排除審稿人名單,最多3人。還可以指定主要聯繫人,寫明隸屬關係,幫助節省編輯時間。

Include a wish list of reviewers. Relevant information on potential reviewers (including their field of expertise) can be included and is definitely a plus, as it can be quite helpful to the editor. By contrast, please don't provide a long list of excluded reviewers (three maximum), Also, save the editor some time by specifying which author should be the lead contact, and indicate their affiliation.

4. 檢查一下拼寫、語法、句法和每一個細節。一封好的letter應該彰顯出作者的嚴肅認真,注重細節。避免犯低級錯誤,比如把letter錯投給另一家期刊的編輯,或乾脆連稿子都一起走錯片場。這暗示著,你可能已經把稿子投給別家並被拒;或者本刊只是你的備胎。

Proofread your letter by checking the spelling, grammar, and syntax and check every detail. A well-written letter indicates that you take your submission seriously and that you are an author who pays attention to detail. Avoid mistakes such as directing the cover letter to the editor(s) of a different journal, or to a different journal altogether. This might suggest that you've submitted your article elsewhere, that it might have been poorly received, and perhaps that the journal you're submitting to isn't your first choice. It could also suggest that you don't pay sufficient attention to detail.

NO. 3

Cover Letter的基本內容

完整的Cover Letter一般包含以下內容:

A. 期刊編輯的姓名(建議寫成Dear Prof.或者Dr.+主編的名字)

B. 投稿文章的標題

C. 投稿文章的類型(letter, communications, article, review還是comments)

D. 文章簡介 包括:(1)研究背景;(2)論文的重要發現;(3)論文可以發表在期刊上的原因;引發讀者興趣的地方,與期刊的契合之處等等

E. 稿件出版道德規範的免責說明

F. 作者信息 一般為通信作者姓名,所屬機構,通信地址,聯繫電話,郵箱等

G. 推薦審稿人名單(註:目前很多雜誌社已經將這一部分挪到了投稿網站系統上,Cover Letter中可以不再列出)

NO. 4

Cover Letter的具體寫法示例

A. 論文通訊作者的信息,可以放到前面也可以放到後面,看個人習慣:

(i) 放到最前面時,一般採用如下格式:

底下緊接Dear Pro.或者Dr.+主編名字。

(ii) 放到後面的話,緊接作者署名的後面,可以簡單地用下面的格式:

B. Cover letter第一段:

Dear Prof.或者Dr.+主編名字

On behalf of my co-authors, I submit a manuscript entitled 「論文標題」 for your consideration for publication as a communication in 期刊名(斜體).


Dear editor,

Please find enclosed our manuscript entitled 「論文標題」 which we would like to submit for publication as a communication in 期刊名(斜體).


The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and all the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.

C. Cover letter第二段

第二段開始是整個Cover Letter的核心部分,要告訴editor這篇文章的亮點在哪裡,有何創新之處,為什麼適合於發表在這個期刊上,有哪些點可以吸引到期刊的讀者等等。

I outline briefly below the significant findings reported in this manuscript and reasons why this manuscript deserves serious consideration for publication in 期刊名(斜體).

首先一句話概述文章研究主題及相關背景 The manuscript addresses ……。接著用1-2句話描述目前相關研究現狀,重點突出目前研究有哪些不足哪些gap。最後用一句話概述本研究主要目標和閃光點。The present manuscript explores……


We study …… , use xxx model

Two significant outcomes of the analysis are (a) (b).

Thus our findings consist a substantial and definite addition to the present understanding of ……. 或者The topic we cover is of interest and relevance to

D. Cover letter最後

1) 屏蔽競爭對手成為審稿人

例句:Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Dr. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be considered as reviewers.

2)推薦審稿人:一般找論文參考文獻的作者,也可以推薦你在學術會議上認識的相關領域的朋友等。The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:

1) Name A E-mail: ××××@××××

2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××


Sincerely yours, Best wishes, Best regards, XXX. 在署名前也可以加上一些客套話(不是必須的),如:

We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.

文章最後給大家放一張cover letter模板,供大家學習參考。
