
文都教育 發佈 2022-06-17T00:52:57.152417+00:00




Social psychologists have amassed oceans of research into what they call the 「above average effcect」, or 「illusory superiority,」 and shown that, for example, 70% of us rate ourselves as above average in leadership, 93% in driving and 85% at getting on well with others ------ all abviously statistically impossibility.



這句話整體上是簡單句謂語並列,大句子主語是「Social psychologists」,謂語是「have amassed」和「shown that」並列。

「have amassed」的賓語是「oceans of research」,之後是介詞短語「into +what...superiority』 」作定語修飾「research」,其中what 引導的從句是介詞into 的賓語從句,賓語從句中they 作主語,call 作謂語,後面的the 「above average effcect」, or 「illusory superiority,」是賓語,兩個短語是並列關係,因為是引用,可以翻譯為「高於平均效應」或「虛幻的優越感」。

後半句話中謂語動詞shown後面接的是賓語從句,賓語從句中是多個簡單句並列,其中後面兩個個簡單句有省略。賓語從句中第一個簡單句70% of us rate ourselves as above average in leadership, 主語是70% of us,謂語是rate ... as..., 賓語是ourselves, as的賓語是above average,後面加了介詞短語in leadership, 後面的93% in driving and 85% at getting on well with others 都存在省略,「93% in driving」的完整句子是93% of us rate ourselves as above average in driving, 85% at getting on well with others的完整句子是85% of us rate ourselves as above average at getting on well with others,最後是破折號引出對原句內容的補充說明all abviously statistically impossibility.


Such actions to seek knowledge and to understand what information we already knew were captured by the Latin phrase'sapere aude'or 'dare to know'.

這些探索知識並且理解已知信息的行為可以用拉丁文「Sapere aude」或英文「dare to know(勇於求知)」描述。


句子主幹:Such actions were captured by the Latin phrase'sapere aude'or 'dare to know'. (主+謂+賓,被動語態)

修飾成分:to seek knowledge and to understand what information we already knew是and並列的兩個to do 短語作後置定語,修飾actions,其中what information we already knew是動詞後面的賓語從句。


With (the gap between) the church's teachings and ways of thinking being eclipsed by the Renaissance, the gap between the medieval and modern periods had been bridged, leading to new and unexplored intellectual territorie.



句子主幹:the gap between the medieval and modern periods had been bridged。(主語+謂語,被動語態)

修飾成分:with短語作伴隨狀語:with (the gap between) the church's teachings and ways of thinking being eclipsed by the Renaissance(文藝復興);leading to new and unexplored intellectual territories是現在分詞短語作結果狀語。


The same curiosity to find what lies beyond the horizon that first brought early Polynesians to Hawaii’s shores inspires astronomers today to explore the heavens. (2017 年 Text2)



長難句優先抓主幹,本句主幹為:The same curiosity inspires astronomers to explore the heavens.名詞curiosity後的to do 不定式為後置定語,修飾curiosity;動詞find後面what引導的從句為賓語從句。That從句也為定語從句,that充當主語成分,根據句意,是修飾前面的名詞curiosity。
