「2022 年度全球各界頂級人物」——中國藝術名家·福曹

書畫名家匯 發佈 2022-07-02T17:58:07.190156+00:00

Personal introduction of 「Fu Cao」:Fu Cao, formerly known as caowenfeng. No.: Fu Cao, Jian Hao. Origin: Baoding, Hebei. Born in Miyun District, Beijing. Born in april1971. Now lives in Miyun District. He studied under Mr. shixiaochun and Mr. cuizimo. Police of Miyun District Public Security Branch of Beijing Municipality.


福曹,原名:曹文鋒。號:福曹,見皓。原籍:河北保定市。生於北京市密雲區。1971年 4 月出生。現住密雲區。師從石曉春先生和崔自默先生。北京市密雲區公安分局民警。

2021 年國際藝術家推薦—曹文鋒。


主要作品有:《善書》《金剛經—法語卷、慧炬卷》長 2500 厘米,寬 45 厘米。《善書》《般若波羅蜜多心經》《善書》《金剛經》小字卷,字體大小五毫米;行楷書《金剛經》小字卷,字體大小五毫米。甲骨文《雙百福》。漢簡體書法作品《笑傲江湖曲》《般若波羅蜜多心經》《沁園春.雪》《念奴嬌.赤壁懷古》《春江花月夜》《臨江仙》。《福字文明史》,共有「福」字的各種不同年代、寫法的福字525 個。《壽字文明史》,共有「壽」字的各種不同年代、寫法的壽字 525 個。

2019 年 10 月 8 日,參加中國文化發展促進會聯合坦博興善苑舉辦的「奧美之光美術作品展」。

2020 年 4月 9 日參加人民日報社襲古創今欄目組舉辦的:致敬崇高,心繫英雄。作品展。

2020 年 4 月 21 日,由人民日報社襲古創今欄目組組織策劃,發表:曹文鋒:精彩紛呈、美美與共。

2020 年 4 月 30 日,由人民日報社襲古創今欄目組組織策劃,發表:曹文鋒:遒勁俊美,方勁古樸。

2020 年 8 月 20 日,由人民日報社襲古創今欄目組組織策劃,發表紀錄片:曹文鋒:挖掘古樸,書寫新貌。

2020 年 12 月 2 日,在人民日報社襲古創今欄目組影視基地舉辦:福曹寫福—曹文鋒書法作品展。

Personal introduction of "Fu Cao":

Fu Cao, formerly known as caowenfeng. No.: Fu Cao, Jian Hao. Origin: Baoding, Hebei. Born in Miyun District, Beijing. Born in april1971. Now lives in Miyun District. He studied under Mr. shixiaochun and Mr. cuizimo. Police of Miyun District Public Security Branch of Beijing Municipality.

International Artist recommendation in 2021 - caowenfeng.Qualification level: National Seniorcalligrapher. Calligrapher. Paleographer.

His main works include: the good book,the Vajra Sutra - French volume, the wisdom torch volume, which is 2500 cm long and 45 cm wide. Small scrolls of Shanshu, Prajna paramita Sutra, Shanshu and Vajra Sutra, with a font size of 5mm; The King Kong Sutra in regular script is a small volume with a font size of 5mm. The oracle bone inscriptions shuangbaifu. His simplified Chinese calligraphy works are Xiaoao Jianghu melody,Prajna paramita Sutra, Qinyuan spring snow,niannujiao Chibi nostalgia, spring river flower moonlight night and Linjiang fairy. There are 525 Fu characters of different ages and writing methods in the history of Fu character civilization. The history of civilization with the word "Shou" has 525 characters of "Shou" in different ages and writing methods.

On october8,2019, he participated in the"aomeizhiguang Art Exhibition" organized by the China Association for the promotion ofcultural development and Tambo Xingshan garden.

On april9,2020, he participated in the people's daily attacking the ancient and creating the present column group: saluting the lofty and caring for the hero. Exhibition of works.

On april21,2020, organized and planned by the attack Gu ChuangJin column group of the people's daily, it was published:caowenfeng: wonderful, beautiful and altogether.

On april30,2020, organized and planned by the attack Gu ChuangJin column group of the people's daily, caowenfeng: powerful and handsome, square and simple.

On August 20, 2020, organized and planned by the people's daily attacking the ancient and creating the present, the documentary caowenfeng: excavating the ancient simplicity and writing a new look was published.

On december2,2020, an exhibition of calligraphic works by Cao Wenfeng was held at the film and television base of the people's Daily's attacking ancient and creating this column group.



《善書》《金剛經》繁體字版。字體大小 5毫米








