
開心的雪兒愛追劇 發佈 2022-08-18T20:09:04.765022+00:00

The Prodigal Son and the SwallowOnce upon a time, there was a coxcomb who inherited a large sum of money from his aunt.

The Prodigal Son and the Swallow

Once upon a time, there was a coxcomb who inherited a large sum of money from his aunt. After he got the money, he started to splash around, and within a year, he had spent all his money, and all that was left was a lot of ious.

He has a beautiful leather coat, which is brand new. He put on his fur coat in a cold winter. When he goes out and sees a swallow, he pawns his fur coat!

"Swallows can only be seen in spring. I saw swallows today. What does that mean? Spring is coming. I am afraid it will be spring now." Why should I wrap myself up in a thick fur coat when it is already spring It's useless to me now, so why should I keep it? Look, the spring has swept away the cold!"

I have to say he is a penny pincher, but before he sneezed, why didn't he think "one swallow does not make a spring"?

And so it is! The cold had not gone as he thought. As you can see, the snow and ice creak under the carriage that has just passed, smoke rises from the bacon of every house, and the Windows are already covered with thick frost.

The prodigal son now stood by the frozen swallow, shuddering all over, with one spout after another. What a sad sight! Stamping his feet, he said fiercely to the swallow, "You wretch, you are finished yourself! I can't believe I fell for you. What bad luck!"

Frugality is a good habit we should develop from childhood, only in this way, when we meet difficulties, we will not be embarrassed.




「只有在春天裡才能看到燕子啊。今天我看到燕子了,這說明什麼呢?春天就要來了,現在恐怕就是春天了吧!」 浪子想道,「既然現在已經是春天了,我為什麼還要裹著厚厚的皮外套呢!對我來說,它現在一點用處都沒有了,我為什麼還要留著它呢!你看啊,春光已經把嚴寒一掃而光了!」




