
英音地帶 發佈 2022-10-05T14:25:38.151126+00:00



Researchers estimate there are 2.5m ants for every human across the planet


The world’s human population is forecast to surpass 8bn in the coming months. Compared with ants, that is a mediocre milestone.


Researchers have made the most thorough assessment to date of the global population of ants and the estimated total is a mind-blowing 20 quadrillion of them, or approximately 2.5 million for every human.


It should come as little surprise considering how ubiquitous these busy and social insects are and the fact that they have thrived since the age of dinosaurs, with the oldest-known ant fossil dating back about 100m years to the Cretaceous period.



1. mediocre: not very good; of only average standard 平庸的,普通的

  • a mediocre musician/talent/performance

2. thorough: done completely; with great attention to detail 徹底的,完全的

  • a thorough search

3. quadrillion: the number 1,000,000,000,000,000 1000萬億

  • It would be worth quadrillions of dollars today.

4. ubiquitous: seeming to be everywhere or in several places at the same time; very common 無所不在的

  • The Swedes are not alone in finding their language under pressure from the ubiquitous spread of English.

5. Cretaceous: of, denoting, or formed in the last period of the Mesozoic era, between the Jurassic and Tertiary periods, lasting 80 million years during which chalk deposits were formed and flowering plants first appeared 白堊紀的

  • It thrived in the late Cretaceous period only a few million years before all the dinosaurs on Earth became extinct.


「They are very important for nutrient cycling, decomposition processes, plant seed dispersal and the perturbation of soil. Ants are also an extremely diverse group of insects, with the different species fulfilling a wide range of functions. But most of all, it is their high abundance that makes them key ecological players,」 co-lead author of the study Patrick said.


There are more than 12,000 known species of ants, which generally are black, brown or red in colour and possess bodies segmented into three parts. Ranging in size from about four-hundredths of an inch (1mm) to about 1.2 inches (3cm) long, ants typically inhabit soil, leaf litter or decaying plants – and occasionally human kitchens.


Ants, whose closest relatives are bees and wasps, are native to nearly everywhere on Earth, as any picnicker knows, except Antarctica, Greenland, Iceland and some island nations.


Ants generally live in colonies, sometimes consisting of millions of them divided into groups with different roles such as workers, soldiers, and queens. The workers, all females, care for the bigger queen and her offspring, maintain the nest, and forage for food. Males mate with queens, then die.

