
今濤拍案 發佈 2022-12-03T00:55:00.010637+00:00


日本和韓國是咱們亞洲兩大鄰國,這兩個國家多年來,和中國的關係時好時壞,特別是日本,今年是中日邦交 50 周年,但恰恰在這個時候,日本的新政府上台以後緊抱美國大腿。包括韓國的新政府,都是以美日,美韓安全同盟作為發展雙邊關係的根基,這樣一來,日韓兩國就成了美國在印太地區實施印太戰略的棋子,這導致三國關係既重要又複雜。在美版知乎Quora上,韓國網友提問道:韓國人更加偏愛中國還是日本?這引起各國網友的關注和熱議,我們看看他麼的觀點。

We have quite complicated views on the two neighboring countries closest to South Korea.


The written history of North Korea began 1000 years ago, describing the splendid civilization established by the ancient nations on this land. Due to proximity, interaction with China and Japan is inevitably frequent.


Since many people have explained their relations with China or Japan, I just want to focus on answering your questions.



In the traditional etiquette norms of the Korean Dynasty, China was the suzerain of Korea. If you look at the history of wars between the dynasties established in China and the countries established on the Korean Peninsula, the context of relations between the two countries will be clearer. In addition to the invasion of Gaogouli by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty in 645 AD, the invasion of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty during the Gaoli Dynasty in 1231-1259 AD, and the Manchu Qing Dynasty's invasion of Korea in 1636 AD. For thousands of years, the interaction between the dynasties in the territory of North Korea and China is basically peaceful.


However, in the 40 years after the Korean War, China has been relatively estranged from South Korea. Because of our long-standing opposition to North Korea, China has become a forbidden area for South Koreans. In the last century, due to the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, China has been demonized by the European, American and Korean governments for a long time. I was educated in school and was indoctrinated that all Chinese are evil, which is absurd.


When China and South Korea established formal diplomatic relations in 1992, South Korea was developing, while China was just beginning to become the world factory. From the late 1990s to around 2010, South Korea benefited a lot from having the largest population market in the world. During that period, China, as a neighboring country, had close economic and trade exchanges with China. Our economy grew significantly and our relations progressed smoothly. For many Korean companies, China is a huge market - cosmetics, electronic products, food, fashion, K-Drama, K-Movie, K-entertainment. In all aspects, China has provided us with cheaper labor and purchased a large number of Korean products. However, before and after the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the situation has changed.


China has emerged as the engine of the world economy and demonstrated its economic success to the world through the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. From the 1990s to the 2010s, everything they learned as a world factory made them operate independently. Relations between South Korea and China have also stalled. Especially because of the poor political management of President Park Geun hye, South Korea failed to mediate the complex relationship between the United States and China, and China closed their market in response to our allowing the United States to deploy Thad in South Korea.


Therefore, like many aspects of South Korea, although the relationship between South Korea and China has been quite active in the past 30 years, there have been many contradictions in the relationship between its people.


In the early 2000s, when I was studying at school, almost all Korean universities and colleges were busy learning Chinese and training Chinese experts among Korean students. I learned Chinese and its modern history with extremely difficult materials. In 2002, when I first came to China, I bought a large number of Chinese classical books from Chinese bookstores.


But in the 2010s, after Thad, everything stopped and all efforts to learn China and Chinese became outdated. Koreans are bored. With the development of the Chinese media, the Chinese people also began to burst out of emotion towards South Korea and the Korean people.


China is not the China we knew ten years ago. They became richer and began to travel around the world. They began to acquire global enterprises. They have invested in or acquired world famous football clubs, such as AC Milan, Inter Milan, Atletico Madrid and Arsnar.


In the eyes of the Chinese, South Korea has returned to its original position - power's younger brother. But this little brother is standing next to another big brother he is competing for - America.


This is the current situation. Korea was, is and is a small country, geographically located among the largest powers in the world in history. Sometimes, those who have a little knowledge of our history will want to know how we survived in the long years, maintaining our own culture, language and history.


Many Koreans who know China look at China with concern, just as many Chinese who know South Korea look at South Korea with concern, and hope that we will take wise actions between the United States and China.


In the long history of South Korea, if we cannot grasp the balance between China and the United States, we will always face difficult times.


American businessman Ray Dalio recently published his new book, Changing the World Order. He pointed out that this is a critical moment for all mankind, because the rise of China is inevitable. Just as the Dutch Empire handed over power to the British Empire, the British Empire handed over power to the United States. Now, the world order is changing.


Now, South Korea is vulnerable to the typhoon. We could be swept away at any time. As a whole, there are many Chinese who are smart and considerate, but there are also arrogant and reckless people. The problem is that if 1% of a country is arrogant and reckless, with the same proportion, China will have 15 million, while South Korea will only have 500000.


I love Chinese culture and its achievements in human history, but I'm worried now.



Japan formally occupied the Korean Peninsula for 36 years. They have done many cruel things to South Korea and other Asian neighbors. But they never formally apologized. Even though Fuji Murayama and other prime ministers formally apologized, many were overthrown with the change of those in power.


Since the beginning of the new millennium, Japan has made many unreasonable and bad choices. Since the end of the 19th century, Japan has surpassed South Korea for 100 years. But with a series of bad choices made in the IT revolution of the new millennium, the Japanese economy began to stagnate. Because of this, South Korea has replaced Japan in many aspects and become a technological power. But Japan is still strong. Although Korea has become one of the top IT products and service providers in the world, Japan has occupied a large part of the B2B market in these IT fields, and Samsung also relies on Japanese machines and materials.


For my generation, different from the previous generation (born in 1978) above my age, we have no feelings about Japan except that we hate them for never apologizing for their past mistakes and trying to erase the memory of aggression from the minds of their younger generation. Our younger generation has no interest in Japan. For those born in Korea before the 1980s, we have experienced a decade dominated by Japanese products - the 1990s. All the good things come from Japan. All progress is Japanese. But since 2000, Koreans have used Korean products. South Koreans play computer games in the United States and South Korea. The Japanese are only more successful in comics, costumes, characters and anime.


Therefore, our young generation do not understand why Japan's performance is superior to that of South Korea, although South Korea does not believe that South Korea is superior to Japan. Japan is a big country with a strong economic background and assets. Japan has many good things, and its people are also very friendly. We like to travel in Japan.


Until the summer of 2019, the Japanese Prime Minister announced that he would stop exporting three important materials made in Japan to South Korea, which is crucial for Samsung and SK Hynix to produce semiconductor semiconductors. Everyone in South Korea is wondering what the reason is? How do exporters stop exporting? Are they idiots. Of course, it has produced some negative effects, but not too much. Samsung and SK Hynix are further expanding their business and have successfully replaced the products that Japan has stopped exporting with domestically produced materials. Japan has given Korean SMEs the opportunity to supply Samsung and Hynix.


Therefore, since then, Koreans have never been to Uniqlo, and more than half of its stores have closed. I also liked Uniqlo before, but I never went there again. I went to a Korean store similar to Uniqlo.


In the summer of 2019, we plan to take the first overseas family trip. Our preferred destination is Japan. But after the export ban, we turned to Beijing, China. This is even more inconvenient because we need a Chinese visa instead of a Japanese visa. But we had a good time. Although my 16-year-old nephew said to me frankly, "Although I want to go to Japan, I can't go!"


As far as I know, many people in South Korea will think as I described above. It is not a matter of one person liking one country but not another. I love Japan, but I hate what they do (politicians and some people). I just participated in the national campaign against Japan in my own name.


I'm sorry to have told such a long story on this simple question. Maybe I like Yin Yang philosophy too much: everything has a bright side and a dark side.


So I love China and Japan as well. I hope we can always have peace and travel freely without any trouble, just like the peace between the United States and Canada for 150 years. But to achieve this, there are many things to be solved. Now we are in a dilemma, and no one knows when it will end.



The world is changing at unprecedented speed and the situation between South Korea, the US, China and Japan is also changing so fast from the time I wrote above article.


I hope the US and China work together to make this world better, not to destroy peace and increase tension around the world.


Candid, truthful exposition! Kudos to you!


What do you feel about the continued presence of US military and US interference in SK’s future? I read what you wrote about being stuck between 2 great powers, but one of the great power does not have its military in your land and are dictating your futures.

