崑山廟涇河 - 詩意的共享生態水廊 / PLAT景觀與都市設計

設計匯designhub 發佈 2022-12-17T09:59:36.345728+00:00

PLAT團隊:Fred Liao, Shih-Lin Lan, Kit Wang, Maggie Kao, Tiger Sui, Pao Sophanut, Angela Tang, Looknum Waiyasith, Xiaoqing Qin, Daniel Wang, Yinuo Sun, Xiangyu Li, Iris Soh, Katrina Ortiz, Ellen Orchard, Can Liu, Camille Gwise, Roulin Liu, Vera Yang, Pan Wei, Qianhu Miao, Daniel Prostak。


[ 廟涇河中央水廊西段向東鳥瞰,畫面中央雙橋處為廟涇河,兩側水道為過去作為輸水渠道所需建的南北護堤河。]

[ Miaojing River Water Corridor Bird’s Eye West Section Toward East. The central river with twin bridges is the Miaojing River. The protection canals at both sides were built for the aqueduct purpose in the past. ]


Kunshan & Miaojing River


20 km northwest of Shanghai lies Kunshan City. With a rich history as a watertown, Kunshan is woven together by its waterways resulting in 8,000 hectares of Kunshan being covered by water. This extensive infrastructure of canals has driven the development of the city from years of irrigated farming to an economy now that produces 70% of its GDP from innovative industries.

Kunshan West has been a growing region between the natural preserved area of Kuilei Lake and the old town city center. An existing North-South core axis links major public open space amenities that include a large retail center at Central Lake, Forest Park, as well as sports and commerce centers to the south. Yangcheng Lake East Ecological Corridor runs West to East at the north of Forest Park, connecting Kueilai Lake Reservoir to the central old town. Part of the large ecological connection, Miaojing River Central Water Corridor worked as the aqueduct, serving the municipal water to the majority of the population in Kunshan. Two water channels were formed at both sides of the Miaojing River to protect it from the adjacent runoffs and trees were densely planted as the buffer, resulting in this unique and large green area in the heart of the already developed urban setting.


[ 崑山城西整體城市框架 ]

[ Overall Urban Framework of Kunshan West ]


[ 廟涇河改造前鳥瞰,遠處為崑山中心城區的地標亭林園,攝於2017。]

[ Bird’s Eye of Miaojing River before the construction toward East, with Tinglin Park and Central Old Town in the background, 2017. ]



在輸水渠道地下管線化之後,廟涇河迎來了重新定位並且開放給公眾的機遇。2017年規劃設計任務啟動初期,深入現場的設計與甲方團隊都驚艷於城市中自然所帶來的空間上與感受上的震撼。但儘管場地當中的綠意豐富,密植的防護林帶、單一的林相、以及濱水植物層次的缺乏,都顯示了生態重建的需要性。鑑於此,項目不在突出吸睛的設計手法,而在於最大地尊重與保留現有場地的自然、幽靜、詩意等特質的同時,合宜地加入服務人群的場所,將其打造為崑山城西具有公共性的生態脊柱,對城市發揮其最大的生態系統服務性 (Ecosystem Services)。

Miaojing River encountered the opportunity to become an open space for the public after the city implemented the piping system to replace the function of aqueduct. However, the isolation of this corridor had produced a variety of issues. Highly dense forests with linear belts of single species of trees compete for resources resulting in low diversity and a lack of accessibility into the understory. An unhealthy riparian habitat can additionally be observed as a result of steep slopes on the banks of each channel.The overall design objective focuses on turning this hidden treasure into a public ecological 「spine」 of the Kunshan West District, while preserving its existing natural, untouched, and poetic character.


[ 廟涇河中央水廊項目往西鳥瞰,連接西部魁儡湖 、森林公園(畫面左下)、以及南北地塊。]

[ Miaojing River Central Corridor Bird's Eye Toward West. It connects Kuilei Lake, Forest Park (Lower Left), and the north, south neighborhoods. ]


Entries with parking, bike rental, cafe kiosks, and resting areas are introduced at key intersections to connect north, and south neighborhoods. The continuous trail system connects Kuilei Lake Area to Forest Park, while keeping its distance to the central waterway, to minimize the impact to the existing vegetation. Bridges are designed as part of the trail system. Tunnels and Underpath are placed for areas being cut-off by the city's street grid. All the surfaces are designed to be permeable, and elevated at the possible areas.


[ 全區示意圖 ]

[ Overall Design Diagram ]


[ 通達性策略 ]

[ Accessibility Strategy ]


[ 雙橋:前景為項目所建的慢行新橋,背景為水利農耕時期使用、而後在輸水道時期停用的舊橋。]

[ Twin Bridges: New Bridge was built by this Project for connecting bike trails. The old bridge in the back was used when Miaojing River was an irrigation canal for farming. It was then abandoned during the aqueduct stage. ]


[ 森林棧道概念設計效果圖 ]

[ Forest Boardwalk Concept Rendering ]


[ 森林棧道 ]

[ Forest Boardwalk ]


[ 慢行系統下穿市政道路 ]

[ The under-path connecting the trails through vehicular streets. ]


Diverse ecological zones are created in this almost mono-cultured forest. To create healthier forest ecology, multi-layered vegetation is introduced along the trails, and in areas where the existing densely planted trees are thinned out. Variety of grasses are seeded at the open fields to create wet prairie. Selected water edges are re-graded for a gentler slope for additional wetland planting. Bioswales are implemented along both sides of the trails as part of the overall low-impact stormwater management strategy. The overall elevated ecological services improve the resilience of the city and mitigates the urbanization of this region.


[ 林地生態再造策略 ]

[ Reforestation Ecological Strategy ]


[ 水杉林與林下植物層的重新引入 ]

[ Metasequoia Forest and the re-established under-canopy vegetation. ]


[ 林間開闊區域的濕草甸引入了多樣的草本與地被植物 ]

[ Various of herbaceous groundcover was introduced to the open field between the forests. ]


[ 單一的林相被改造成為多樣、復層的林地群落結構 ]

[ The mono-cultured forest was recreated for a diverse, and multi-layered forest biocoenosis. ]


[ 森林教育平台區被打造成完整的濕草甸、疏林、到濱水密林的群落系統。]

[ Forest Education Platform was designed as a full spectrum of the habitat from wet-prairie, and transition to riparian. ]


[ 濕地觀鳥平台 ]

[ Wetland Bird-Watching Platform ]


[ 濱水密林、疏林草地、與濕地區域的生態層次 ]

[ The transition between dense riparian, grassland, and wetland ecological areas. ]


Miaojing River Corridor is designed not only for improving ecological health, but also envisions a culturally and socially vibrant public space. Program areas are placed according to the adjacent land uses. Play Areas, Picnic Lawns, Ecological Education Center are designed for nearby residential neighborhoods. They are accompanied with supportive amenities like restrooms and bike racks. Forest Amphitheater and Park Cafe along with elevated, hidden viewing platforms provide gathering and strolling opportunities for the education and research institutions nearby.


[ 濱水森林劇場 ]

[ Waterfront forest amphitheater ]


[ 社區活動草坪與濕地休憩平台 ]

[ Community Lawn and the Wetland Resting Platform. ]


[ 多樣尺度的場所與配套設施服務多樣人群的使用 ]

[ Places with various scales with amenities serve all uses for everyone ]


[ 抬高的金屬格柵平台、金屬網護欄、與扶手整合的標示,都是低限介入的設計策略部分。]

[ Elevated metal grate platform, metal mesh railing, with integrated environmental education signages are part of the 「minimum intervention strategy」. ]


After its completion and opened to the public in early 2022, it has become a popular, and well-utilized public space in Kunshan. Community concerts, events, daily strolling, jogging and biking are taking place both weekdays and weekends. This hidden treasure is now being embraced and shared with the public, serving the community ecologically, and culturally.


[ 廟涇河晨間跑步 ]

[ Running at Miaojing River in the mornings ]


[ 在生態當中的社區體健 ]

[ Community fitness in the ecology ]


Project team

業主: 崑山城市建設投資發展有限公司

Client: Kunshan City Construction Investment Development Company

合作方: 上海經緯建築規劃設計研究院 (施工圖) / Great Ecology (生態顧問)

Collaborators: LDG (construction drawings) / Great Ecology (Ecologist)

攝影: 直譯建築攝影 / 崑山城投 / PLAT

photography: ZHIYI, KCID, PLAT


Fred Liao, Shih-Lin Lan, Kit Wang, Maggie Kao, Tiger Sui, Pao Sophanut, Angela Tang, Looknum Waiyasith, Xiaoqing Qin, Daniel Wang, Yinuo Sun, Xiangyu Li, Iris Soh, Katrina Ortiz, Ellen Orchard, Can Liu, Camille Gwise, Roulin Liu, Vera Yang, Pan Wei, Qianhu Miao, Daniel Prostak

