你吃的芥末可能是假的! | 酷我新專輯更新!(141-142附文案)

賴世雄 發佈 2022-12-23T16:56:36.179980+00:00

Wasabi is a representative condiment of Japanese cuisine. Although most of us aren't aware of it, the clump of wasabi served alongside sashimi is rarely real wasabi. Since real wasabi has become increasingly rare in the past twenty years, it has been replaced by mixtures of horseradish, mustard, and green food coloring.




141 A Bomb in My Mouth

141 A Bomb in My Mouth_璧栦笘闆勮嫳璇璤鍗曟洸鍦ㄧ嚎璇曞惉_閰鋒垜闊充箰

142 The Flea Market

142 The Flea Market_璧栦笘闆勮嫳璇璤鍗曟洸鍦ㄧ嚎璇曞惉_閰鋒垜闊充箰





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A Bomb in My Mouth wasabi,嚇死你

  Wasabi is a representative condiment of Japanese cuisine. Although most of us aren't aware of it, the clump of wasabi served alongside sashimi is rarely real wasabi. Since real wasabi has become increasingly rare in the past twenty years, it has been replaced by mixtures of horseradish, mustard, and green food coloring.

  Real wasabi comes from the wasabi plant, one of the rarest and most difficult plants to grow. The plant is a perennial that grows up to eighteen inches, with long stems extending upward. As the plant ages, the leaves fall to the stem base and in time, a rhizome forms to become what is used to grate into a green paste.

  Nowadays, wasabi is no longer enjoyed just by the Japanese. Although we usually see it with soy sauce, wasabi is now added to many types of snacks, sauces, and dishes around the world. If you're a newcomer to the condiment, however, take care not to put too much in your mouth at once. The spiciness and pungency can be so intense you'll find yourself crying and flying off your seat. If you do put a large amount in your mouth by accident, inhaling continuously for a few seconds and keeping calm will help. The beauty of wasabi is that it's a short but intense affair.




The Flea Market 跳蚤市場

  A flea market is a perfect place for browsing and shopping without spending a lot. It all got started in Paris, France in the 1860s at a place known as the Marché aux Puces, literally, "flea market." The name alluded to the number of fleas inhabiting the upholstery of used furniture for sale at the outdoor bazaar.

  There is disagreement regarding this story, though. Some claim that flea markets go back in history to before the time of Napoleon III. It is said that Baron George-Eugène Haussmann, the imperial architect who led the rebuilding of Paris, planned to build wide, straight boulevards so that the army could march while making excessive noise to impress the citizens. Upon hearing this, many second-hand goods dealers fled the rows of houses in the city center. The government then allowed the merchants to sell their goods in the north of Paris, at the front gate of Porte de Clignancourt. The first stall was established around 1860. Eventually, more vendors set up their stalls in the same area, which was then named "Marché aux Puces," or "flea market."

  Regardless of which account is the accurate one, bargain-hunters can now find flea markets in just about every town or city around the world.

  跳蚤市場是個不必花大錢就能到處逛和購物的絕佳地點。它始於十九世紀六十年代,法國巴黎一個叫作Marché aux Puces的地方,直譯就是「跳蚤市場。這名字暗指的就是,棲息在戶外市集販賣的二手家具襯墊上那些跳蚤。

  不過對這種說法有不同聲音出現。有人主張跳蚤市場的歷史要溯至拿破崙三世之前。據說負責改造巴黎市的御用工程師,喬治‧歐仁‧奧圖曼男爵計劃建造寬廣筆直的大道,以便軍隊能夠高聲行軍使百姓感受其軍容壯盛。市中心那幾排房屋的許多二手商品小販一聽到這消息,就出走了。後來政府允許商販們在巴黎北邊的克里昂固前門處販賣他們的商品。第一個攤子大約在1860年搭設,到最後,更多攤販紛紛在同一個地點設置攤位,當時就稱為Marché aux Puces或「跳蚤市場」。

