每日外刊 | 0204-著名的海豚與人類的捕魚夥伴關係正面臨消失的危險

viewworld明 發佈 2023-02-05T16:51:27.660933+00:00

Before 1998 no one knew for sure whether humans and the cetaceans were really working together or just appeared to do so—or whether one species was benefiting but not the other. It was then that scientists confirmed that this renowned example of human-wildlife cooperation does aid at least one of the participating parties: the fishers who enjoy larger catches when they join forces with dolphins. Most people believed that the dolphins were reaping rewards, too, but this hypothesis was more difficult to put to the test.




A Famed Dolphin-Human Fishing partnership Is in Danger of Disappearing


People in Laguna proudly refer to their southern Brazilian city as the "national capital of fish-herding dolphins." For at least 140 years, artisanal fishers and bottlenose dolphins have worked together in careful synchrony to catch mullet in a lagoon there. The spectacle of nets flying through the air while dolphins dive into the murky water has become a popular attraction for tourists and is recognized by local authorities as an intangible cultural heritage.


Before 1998 no one knew for sure whether humans and the cetaceans were really working together or just appeared to do so—or whether one species was benefiting but not the other. It was then that scientists confirmed that this renowned example of human-wildlife cooperation does aid at least one of the participating parties: the fishers who enjoy larger catches when they join forces with dolphins. Most people believed that the dolphins were reaping rewards, too, but this hypothesis was more difficult to put to the test.


Now scientists have finally confirmed that the benefits are indeed mutual. An exhaustive new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA on January 30 shows that dolphins who team up with fishers gain more food and have an edge in survival, compared with those that hunt without bipedal partners. The resident population of up to 60 dolphins use their echolocation to find schools of mullet that humans otherwise would not be able to detect beneath the opaque water.



  • famed/feɪmd/ adj. 著名的;
  • fishing/ˈfɪʃɪŋ/ n. 釣魚,捕魚;
  • partnership /ˈpɑːrtnərʃɪp/ n. 夥伴關係;合伙人身份;
  • refer to… 提到;談及;描述;涉及;
  • Brazilian/brəˈzɪliən/ adj. 巴西的;巴西人的;
  • at least 至少;
  • artisanal/ˈɑrtəzənəl/ adj. 手工藝的;
  • bottlenose/bɔtlnəuz/ n. 寬吻海豚;
  • synchrony/ˈsɪŋkrəni/ n. 同步;
  • mullet/ˈmʌlɪt/ n. 胭脂魚;
  • lagoon/ləˈɡuːn/ n. (地理)(水文) 瀉湖;環礁湖;鹹水湖;潟湖;
  • spectacle/ˈspektək(ə)l/ n. 壯觀的景象;
  • dive/daɪv/ vi. 潛水;跳水;
  • murky/ˈmɜːrki/ adj. (液體)渾濁的;
  • attraction/əˈtrækʃ(ə)n/ n. 嚮往的地方;旅遊勝地;有吸引力的事物;
  • be recognized … as 被認定為…;
  • intangible/ɪnˈtændʒəb(ə)l/ adj. (資產,利益)無形的;不可捉摸的,難以確定的;
  • for sure 確實;毫無疑問地;
  • cetacean/sɪˈteɪʃn/ n. 鯨魚;鯨類動物;
  • appear to 表面上;似乎,好像;
  • renowned/rɪˈnaʊnd/ adj. 有名望的,著名的;
  • party/ˈpɑːrti/ n.(契約或爭論的)當事人,一方;
  • join forces with 與…合作;
  • reap/riːp/ vt. 獲得,收穫;
  • hypothesis/haɪˈpɑːθəsɪs/ n. 假說,假設;(憑空的)猜想,猜測;前提;
  • put…to the test 使受考驗;使受檢驗;
  • indeed/ɪnˈdiːd/ adv. 確實,的確;實際上;真正地;
  • mutual/ˈmjuːtʃuəl/ adj. 相互的,彼此的;
  • exhaustive/ɪɡˈzɔːstɪv/ adj. 詳盡的;徹底的;全面的;
  • team up with 合作;與…結成一隊;
  • edge/edʒ/ n.(微弱的)優勢;影響力;(壞事的)邊緣,臨界點;
  • bipedal/ˌbaɪˈpiːdl; ˌbaɪˈpedl/ adj. 兩足動物的;二足的;
  • echolocation/ˌekoʊloʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 回波定位;回聲測距;回聲定位能力(鯨和蝙蝠等所具備得一種機能);
  • school/skuːl/ n. (魚、鯨、海豚等的)群;
  • detect/dɪˈtekt/ vt. 發現;查明;偵察出;
  • opaque/oʊˈpeɪk/ adj. 不透明的;不透光的;渾濁的;


文本選自:The Economist(經濟學人)


原文發布時間:1 Feb. 2023


Life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides you.

