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原文標題:University rankingsColumbia opts outThe Ivy League departure could signal a turning-point in college rankings大學排名哥倫比亞大學決定退出常春藤聯盟的離開可能預示

University rankings
Columbia opts out
The Ivy League departure could signal a turning-point in college rankings



Columbia University ditches the college-ranking system

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ON JUNE 6TH Columbia University announced that it will no longer co-operate with US News & World Report’s undergraduate rankings.


It is the first top-notch institution to do so. Might its departure be the start of a mass exodus?


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Columbia’s decision follows a rankings scandal last year. In February 2022 one of Columbia’s own maths professors, Michael Thaddeus, accused the college of fudging its data in several areas.

The university later admitted to having used 「outdated and/or incorrect methodologies」.

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US News began ranking America’s top universities in 1983, and has released its findings annually since 1988.
US News 於 1983 年開始對美國頂尖大學進行排名,自1988年起每年發布其調查結果。

In the 1980s prospective students started to expand their college search beyond their local area, and it was hard to learn about universities and compare them, says Michael Sauder, a professor of sociology at the University of Iowa. 「US News filled an information gap at that time,」 he adds.

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Colleges have gone to great lengths to move up in the ratings.

Richard Freeland, Northeastern University’s former president, capped class sizes and hired faculty to improve its spot; it moved from 127th in 2003 to 44th this year.

dean at Temple University’s business school was sentenced to prison and was ordered to pay a $250,000 fine after being convicted of fraud in relation to artificially inflating his programme’s rankings.

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The ranking system used to seem unstoppable. Universities have tried to ditch it before, only to find that doing so can backfire badly.

US News still ranks non-participating universities, using publicly available information, and the data often do not go in their favour.
US News 仍然使用公開信息對未參與的大學進行排名,而這些數據往往對大學不利。

Reed College, a liberal-arts college, stopped taking part in 1995. It tumbled from the top quartile to the bottom.

Columbia did not submit data for this year’s analysis, citing concerns about Dr Thaddeus’s claims, and its ranking fell from second in 2021-22 (tied with Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology) to 18th in 2022-23 (tied with the University of Notre Dame).

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Recently the mood has begun to change, however, especially among graduate schools.

In 2022, 17 medical schools and 62 law schools did not submit data to US News. Yale and Harvard were the first leading law schools to leave, in November.
2022年,17所醫學院和62所法學院未向US News提交數據。耶魯大學和哈佛大學是第一批在 11 月放棄排名的頂尖法學院。

By the release of the rankings, of the 15 highest-ranked law schools, only the University of Chicago submitted data.

Some undergraduate schools have already opted out this year (Rhode Island School of Design, Colorado College, Stillman College), but none are as prestigious as Columbia.

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Its departure could give others cover for the decision to leave. Meanwhile another pillar of undergraduate education is under threat: standardised testing.

Many universities made the SAT and ACT optional because of covid-19, then extended the policy beyond the pandemic’s end.
由於疫情,許多大學將 SAT 和 ACT 設為可選考試,後來將這一政策延伸到疫情結束之後。

In March Columbia became the first Ivy League university to no longer require such tests at all.

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In May US News announced changes to its rankings methodology. It is moving away from metrics that rely on reputation (such as alumni giving scores) and towards student outcomes (such as graduating people from different backgrounds).
5 月,US News 宣布更改其排名方法。它正在從依賴聲譽的度量指標(例如校友評分),轉向依賴學生成果的度量指標(例如畢業人數,特別是來自不同背景的畢業人數)。

One way or another, the rankings—and universities more broadly—are in flux.

原文出自:2023年6月10日《The Economist》United States版塊


本文翻譯整理: Irene

本文編輯校對: Irene

《美國新聞與世界報導》US News & World Report是一家美國的新聞雜誌,每年都會發布一份針對美國本科大學的排名,被稱為「US News & World Report’s undergraduate rankings」,包括了全美國的近4000所大學和學院,這份排名被認為是美國本科教育領域最具權威性和影響力的排名之一。這份排名主要考慮了各個學校的學術聲譽、教育質量、畢業生就業情況、學生入學成績、師生比例、財務狀況等多個因素,同時也考慮了學校的地理位置、校園生活、學生文化等因素。根據以上因素的綜合評估,US News & World Report會將排名分為全美前100、前200、前300等不同等級,同時也會對各個學科領域進行排名。雖然這份排名並沒有被所有人認可,但在美國本科大學排名中,該排名是備受關注的,許多學校都會在招生宣傳中提及自己的排名情況。

US News began ranking America’s top universities in 1983, and has released its findings annually since 1988.
US News 於 1983 年開始對美國頂尖大學進行排名,自1988年起每年發布其調查結果。

Colleges have gone to great lengths to move up in the ratings.

The ranking system used to seem unstoppable. Universities have tried to ditch it before, only to find that doing so can backfire badly.
