歐盟駐西班牙氣候公約大使Xavier Lara在2023年青島論壇上的致辭

新能源前沿 發佈 2023-11-16T07:37:19.851712+00:00



6月27日至29日,以「『海洋十年』,和合共生」為主題的2023東亞海洋合作平台青島論壇在青島西海岸新區開幕。來自全球30多個國家和地區的海洋專家、經濟學家、企業家等400餘位嘉賓,以「線上+線下」形式,共商海洋合作大計,共謀海洋發展願景。同時,該論壇也是中歐之間的合作、投資、技術、市場合作,以及一些在疫情後擴大的交流;2023年東亞海洋合作平台青島論壇組委會邀請了Xavier Lara先生在論壇上致辭並進行主旨演講(Xavier Lara:倡議將太陽能熱化學制氨用於中國船運)。主辦方表示,這是歐盟與政府領導人之間的公開交流。

尊敬的政府當局和2023年東亞海洋合作平台青島論壇,我是Xavier Lara,歐盟駐西班牙氣候公約大使,世界氨能協會董事會成員,Aelius Energies執行長,我將在論壇現場代表歐洲企業進行發言。














It is our duty, being some of the leaders in the maritime industry, to help to give a better world for our children and the future generations, and this includes helping to tackle the climate change, by developing and deploying better marine technologies, that will improve the economical grow of our Countries, at the same time that are reducing and at the end avoiding, any impact on the oceans and the environment.

This is a huge opportunity to improve the investments of China in Europe, and the investments of Europe in China, so creating partnerships and building further and stronger the friendship that is already present between our countries.

Following the leadership example of China on electrification of the road transport, Europe is banning the selling of internal combustion engines (ICE) cars from 2035, except for the ones that will run on carbon neutral e-fuels. So, we as maritime leaders, should have that in mind, because at some moment the Law makers will pass similar regulations for the maritime industry.

We think that China can reinforce its role as a world leader and example to follow for the rest of the countries, by leading in the same way that China is doing already on the EVs revolution, So to set new standards and to bring to the world a carbon neutral cargo ship fleet and Navy running on zero carbon emissions efuels.

This would be a seminal groundbreaking approach because each country can manufacture its own efuels, ending the dependency on foreign oil and gas, and why this the Chinese and European industries will improve their leadership.

Saying all of that, again I want to share on behalf of all the European companies attending this event, the great opportunity that China and its authorities, as well as the Forum organizers, are giving us to attend this Forum.

Finally, and talking not with my titles, but simply as an European citizen, and on behalf of all the European citizens, we want to say thank you to China to lead the world decarbonization efforts and bringing a green sunny future for all of us; and we would like to invite Chinese’s to visit Europe this summer and all the next ones as well to the Europeans to do the same visiting China. There is nothing better to increase the appreciation and respect between countries, that their citizens visiting the other one, and building friendships between them.

Thanks again and I hope that all of you will enjoy this Forum and build amazing growth business that will help to take care of the Oceans, not only on this U.N. Ocean Decade but also on all the decade ahead from now. Thanks to all of you for this!
