
錫育軟件 發佈 2023-12-28T10:01:36.569735+00:00

TED演講者:Gala Jackson / 加拉·傑克遜演講標題:How to quit your job -- without ruining your career / 如何明智地離職而不斷送自己的前程內容概要:Stuck in an unfulfilling or stag

TED演講者:Gala Jackson / 加拉·傑克遜

演講標題:How to quit your job -- without ruining your career / 如何明智地離職而不斷送自己的前程

內容概要:Stuck in an unfulfilling or stagnant job? To achieve a smooth departure without burning bridges, try this three-step exit strategy from career coach Gala Jackson. She'll help you move on to your next position with courage, confidence and clarity.

你被困在沒有成就感、沒有晉升空間的工作中了嗎?想要順利離職而不自斷退路,就來嘗試下職業教練加拉·傑克遜(Gala Jackson)的離職三部曲吧。她將幫你勇敢、自信、目標清晰地投入下一份工作。


【1】When you're fed up with your job, it can be tempting to do something big and dramatic.

當你厭倦了自己的工作, 很可能想去做一番驚天動地的大事業。

【2】To yell, "I quit!" during a meeting and peace out, or post a video on social media calling out your former employer.

你可能在工作會議上大喊一聲 「我不幹了!」然後一走了之。 抑或在社交媒體上發布一個視頻, 點名指責自己的前任僱主。

【3】But quitting well can actually be an opportunity for growth.

但是,以恰當的方式離職 其實會給你帶來成長的機遇。

【4】[The Way We Work] Quitting well is important, clearly, because it impacts many of us at some point in our career and because there are some bridges you just don't want to burn.

[我們的工作之道] 以恰當的方式離職顯然是很重要的, 因為它會在我們職業生涯中的某個時刻 對我們產生影響。 另一個原因是, 我們不想斷了自己的後路。

【5】Every industry is its own small world, and word can travel fast.

每個行業都是一個小圈子, 消息會傳得很快。

【6】Quitting well is also important for you.


【7】It's a time where you can practice caring for yourself and really clarify what you want and need when it comes to your future work life.

在離職期間,你可以學習照顧自己, 同時可以弄清楚自己在未來的工作中 想得到和需要的是什麼。

【8】Here's how to leave your job with courage, confidence, and clarity.

以下的方式可以幫助你 勇敢自信且思路清晰地離職。

【9】First, I want you to find courage in leaving your job.


【10】That requires some reflecting.


【11】The people I work with rarely go through the job search process because they want more money.

我的客戶很少會因為想掙更多錢 去找新工作。

【12】There's almost always a deeper reason why they're moving on.

在換工作的背後, 通常都會有更深層次的原因。

【13】I want you to be able to identify exactly what that is.

我想讓你明確找出 那個深層次的原因到底是什麼。

【14】So what about this job felt out of alignment with your goals and values?

是因為這份工作 和你的目標及價值觀不一致嗎?

【15】What tasks and experiences did you enjoy, and which of your skills and strengths felt underutilized?

在目前的工作中, 你享受的任務和經歷有哪些? 你感到自己的一些技能和優勢 沒有被充分發揮嗎?

【16】What would make for a better fit in a work environment?


【17】By pinning down those deeper issues, you can come back to them any time you feel unsure or scared.

通過確定這些深層次問題的答案, 任何時候當你感到不確定或害怕時, 都可以回頭查看這些問題。

【18】Once you've asked those big questions, make a checklist for what you want in your next role.

在明確了這些重要的問題後, 可以列一張清單,寫明自己 在下一份工作中想要的是什麼。

【19】Now prioritize your list.

然後,給清單上的項目 做優先級排序。

【20】Maybe you feel drawn to work for a mission-driven company but don't care as much about its size.

可能你很想在 以任務為導向的公司里工作, 但是不會太介意公司的規模。

【21】Maybe you'd be cool with a commute for the right opportunity to really grow in a role.

可能你可以接受較長的通勤時間, 只要這個工作能給你提供 真正成長的好機會。

【22】Maybe you value decision-making responsibilities but don't rank creativity as highly.

可能你很注重能夠制定決策的工作, 但是不太看中創造性。

【23】Maybe you're interested in a particular benefit, such as equity, and would be willing to rank salary a little lower.

可能你對公司的某種福利比較感興趣, 例如你看中它的公平, 為此願意把工資水平作為次要考慮因素。

【24】One thing I found to be really helpful is to imagine the strongest, boldest, most courageous version of yourself and ask, 「What would that version of me be doing next if there was nothing in their way?"

我發現有個方法很有幫助, 那就是你可以想像 一個最強大、勇敢和無畏的自己, 然後問自己, 「如果沒有任何阻礙因素的話, 這個強大且勇敢的自己 接下來會做什麼呢?」

【25】The goal with this question isn't to figure out everything for your career for the next 20 years.

問自己這個問題的目的並不是弄清楚 接下來 20 年裡 你職業生涯的方方面面。

【26】It's just too big.


【27】Instead, try to identify that step that will point you in the right direction, the one that will give you courage.

相反,你可以嘗試找出 一個能給你指明正確方向並且 同時能給你勇氣的下一步。

【28】And once you have it in mind, I want you to set some goals, but not outcome-based ones like, find a new job in three months or get a position in a major tech company.

想清楚後, 我建議你制定一些目標。 這些目標不要以結果為導向, 例如 3 個月內找到一份新工作, 抑或在大型科技公司找到一份工作等。

【29】Instead, I want you to set process-based goals as they're much more within your locus of control.

在制定目標時,應該以過程為導向, 因為過程是你更能掌控的。

【30】A great goal could be, "Every week, I want to reach out to someone new in my industry or network"

一個好的目標可以是這樣的,比如, 「每周,我要在自己行業或工作關係網中 結識一些新的朋友」

【31】or 「Every day for the next 90 days, I want to dedicate 45 minutes to my job search."

或者「接下來 90 天中, 每天我都花 45 分鐘 時間在找工作上。」

【32】You want to create great habits while you pursue your goals.

在實現這些目標的過程中, 最好能養成一些好習慣。

【33】You'll be more likely to achieve the outcomes you want.


【34】Second, I want you to have confidence in leaving your job.


【35】That means digging into the details.


【36】If you're leaving before having another job lined up, start by doing a financial checkup so you know how much it costs you to live each month.

如果你在離職時還沒有找到下一份工作, 請先檢查下自己的財務狀況, 你需要知道一個月的生活成本是多少。

【37】Total up all your non-negotiable expenses to get that baseline figure and try to have three to six months in savings so you have a safety net and can handle emergencies.

把所有固定支出加起來, 算出最基本的生活費用。 儘量攢夠能維持 3 到 6 個月生活的積蓄, 這樣你就有了保障措施, 有能力去處理一些緊急情況。

【38】If you're in a country like the United States, where health insurance is often tied to your job, look into all of your options and get clear on what kind of plan will be best for you.

如果你在像美國這樣的國家, 你的醫療保險通常會和工作掛鈎, 那麼請仔細研究所有可以選擇的計劃, 明確哪個計劃會對你最有利。

【39】And while you're at it, comb through the nitty gritty of your package and know what vacation time and bonuses you'll be owed and how long you'll have to cash in any stock options.

在你離職之前, 請梳理下工作薪酬、 福利的細節問題, 了解清楚公司還欠你 哪些休假時間和獎金未兌現, 同時還要了解你持有的公司期權 需要多久才能變現。

【40】Essentially, this step is all about getting a holistic view of what your new financial reality will be, so there are no surprises.

這一步的目的其實 就是要從全局來了解 離職後你將面臨怎樣的財務現狀, 從而防止出現意想不到的情況。

【41】Once you've reflected on what's next, gotten ready on the financial end, that should bring you to the place where you can leave your job with clarity.

當你已經考慮清楚接下來的方向, 在財務方面也做好了準備後, 那麼你就可以 與你的工作「一刀兩斷」了。

【42】When you give notice, make sure to give the right amount of time.

當你提交辭職報告時, 一定要給僱主留足夠的時間。

【43】Two weeks is customary in most places, but it may depend on your role and any new projects.

在大多數公司,慣例是需要 提前兩周提出離職申請, 但是具體時間取決於你的職位及 是否在負責一些新的項目。

【44】Talk to your manager about how you can close things out on a good note and consider putting together a transition memo with the details on all of your responsibilities so others can step in and take them over.

和經理談一談如何 有頭有尾地把工作收尾, 同時考慮寫一份交接備忘錄, 詳細說明你所有的工作職責, 以幫助其他人順利地 介入和接替你的工作。

【45】As you're getting ready to leave, think about strengthening relationships.

當你要離職時, 考慮下如何強化和同事的關係。

【46】Invite those people you're close to for lunch or coffee and tell them your plans.

你可以邀請和你關係好的同事 一起吃午飯或喝咖啡, 告訴他們你接下來的計劃。

【47】Get their personal contact information, and lay the groundwork to stay in touch and really do it.

詢問他們的私人聯繫方式, 從而有機會和他們保持聯繫, 並且真的要做到常聯繫。

【48】So many people don't.


【49】And while you're at it, reach out to those senior leaders you've always wanted to connect with but never have.

當你還在公司時, 去聯繫一下那些你總是想接觸,但是一直沒能聯繫上的高層領導。

【50】Ask them if they have a few minutes to chat.

問下他們是否有幾分鐘的時間 可以聊一聊。

【51】If you feel nervous about it, just be authentic and let curiosity be your guide.

如果你感到和領導聊天非常緊張, 做真實的自己就好,讓好奇心來引導你。

【52】Why do you want to know this person?


【53】What do you hope to learn from them?


【54】Share that and there will likely be an open door, which is great because these relationships and connections can be so powerful to carry forward.

和領導聊聊這些話題, 你就可能為自己打開一扇門。 這是非常棒的一件事, 因為建立這些關係並維持下去, 將會對你今後產生巨大影響。

【55】If you have the resources, I also invite you to consider taking a career break, whether it's a couple of weeks or a couple of months.

如果你有足夠積蓄, 那麼我建議你考慮在職業生涯中 休整一段時間, 無論是幾周,還是幾個月。

【56】I've seen a lot of clients do this, and it can be so powerful.

我的很多客戶都這麼做, 休整給他們帶來了很大的幫助。

【57】It puts you in an active position, sure of what you want and willing to wait for it rather than limiting your options to what's available right now.

你可以藉此處於主動地位, 明確自己想要什麼, 並願意等待想要的機會, 而不僅僅局限於目前已有的工作選擇。

【58】So instead of jumping right into looking for a job, take that time to debrief.

因此,離職後,不要匆忙去找工作, 而應該花些時間總結經驗。

【59】Start sharing what you're looking for with your network.

告訴你圈子裡認識的人, 你正在找哪方面的工作。

【60】It's much more likely that your next step will come through your network than through applications.

很可能你下一份工作 就是通過你的人脈獲得的, 而不是自己投簡歷獲得的。

【61】Don't worry about specific titles or specific companies.


【62】Just give them the vision of what you're looking to do and what your priorities are.

你只需要告訴他們 自己找工作的大體方向, 以及你最看重的地方就可以。

【63】This will help them get creative in thinking about where you could be a good fit.

這有助於他們發揮創意, 幫忙想你更適合哪個職位或公司。

【64】And get them to think of you when they hear things that could be a match.

同時,這也可以讓他們在聽說 適合你的職位時, 能想起你。

【65】Give them the broad target rather than limiting it to a tiny bullseye.

在工作機會方面, 給他們一個寬泛的目標, 而不是讓他們局限於一個小小的靶心。

【66】If this feels icky, and it often does when it comes to networking, remember: it's a two-way street.

如果你覺得拉關係找工作令人討厭, 在職場社交中, 這確實是一個給人添麻煩的事情。 請切記:這其實是雙向的。

【67】You can help them achieve their goals, too.


【68】And you might be surprised what opportunities can come as a result of these conversations.

和這些人的談話, 可能會給你帶來意想不到的機會。

【69】Perhaps they recommend you for a role at their company, giving you a much better chance at landing an interview.

或許他們會推薦你去應聘 他們公司的一個職位, 這會讓你有更大可能性獲得面試機會。

【70】Or maybe they mention you to someone else who can open doors for you.

又或許他們會向 可以為你打開一扇門的人提及你。

【71】The bottom line is that leaving a job, it's a chance to get to know yourself better.

最重要的一點是,離職 其實是一個讓你更好了解自己的機會。

【72】It has the power to shake up the status quo and help you see those things that might not be so obvious.

離職可以讓你踏出舒適圈,改變現狀, 可以讓你看到平時容易忽略的事情。

【73】So my advice is to hone in on what matters, and from there, you'll be able to chart your path.

因此,我的建議是,當你離職時, 專注那些對你重要的事情, 接著,你就能描繪出 未來職業發展之路。
