
龍騰網看世界 發佈 2024-01-12T18:43:17.130662+00:00

Yeah. The same question that you are asking now. The monk tells him to take a deep breath and answers the question:「Well, you were leading a happy life few years back. Have you ever thought on why your life was so easier or happier than ever?


Why is life so hard?

Arjun A J
Why is life tough?
Let me tell you a small story which relates to your question and I'm sure it eventually gives you something to think and can even give you a proper solution:
A man was leading a happy life with his wife and two children, considerably a rich rife. He was earning a lot of money in his business which was more than enough for a small family like his.
But what happens down the line say, after 5-6 years, he started losing all his wealth because of some unexpected scenarios. And as a consequence of it, his wife and children also started suffering.

原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.cn 轉載請註明出處

"Why the life is tough?"
Yeah. The same question that you are asking now. The monk tells him to take a deep breath and answers the question:

The man got stuck right there and could not even dare to open his mouth. The monk now conveys the message:
"My dear son, life is neither easy, nor difficult. It is purely based on two aspects: one is, how you perceive things and another, how you act on them. Perception affects your actions and actions affect the outcome. So, never try to perceive things in negative manner because that affects your think-act process. As of now, stay calm for a moment and get back to your family since lot of good things awaiting you in future. God bless you..!!"

So, whatever may be the problems in your life, I suggest you to stay calm, think in a better way to solve them and act wisely. Never lose hope in life.


Richard Muller
Would you say that life is hard?
Yes, life is hard, thank God!
Sometimes I think about life in the following way: I had a prior life, totally different from what I experience today. I was very well behaved, generous and thoughtful, so God decided to send me to heaven. And that’s where I am now.
Heaven is a fascinating and challenging place. Yes it is hard, but that’s what makes it heaven. I am given challenges to accomplish, like having to survive, to raise a family, to do what I can do to make the world better, to try to understand how the world works. These challenges are the primary joy of my current heaven, and I thank God I was not sent to Hell, where probably I would be doomed to the worst punishment of all—not fire and brimstone, but boredom. Why is solitary confinement the worst prison punishment? Because it consists of intense boredom!

My guess is that in hell you are not allowed to do anything interesting, but are confined to sitting on clouds, playing sweet music on a harp, and listening to others play their sweet tunes. It’s a dreadfully boring existence, made worse by the fact that it will go on for eternity.
My greatest joys in my life have come from successfully meeting hard challenges. Does anybody enjoy video games which are easy to defeat? No! Those are no fun. People get joy from challenges.
Thank you, God, for sending me a heaven that is hard!

Dhruvi Agrawal
What's the hardest truth of life?
Physical beauty is valued.
Fake people are loved more.
Reservation system is killing the development of India.
No one thinks good for you except your parents. I repeat, no one!
Very few friends are happy with your success.
Most of the present relationships have no future. They are made to break up one day.

Everyone has feelings which are hard to hide but difficult to express.
We are getting addicted to the internet day by day!
Most of the students are even today forced to pursue engineering and medical.
Marriages are not always happy.
All relatives don't think of your goodwill.
90% people you meet in life , backstab you.
We waste most of our time in jealousy.
You can get good education only if you are financially stable.
Headache really sucks.
Life of a divorcee is too tough. Not for work but for the taunts they get to hear daily.
I didn't mean to hurt anyone or question equality for the sc/st. !!!!!!!!

原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.cn 轉載請註明出處

Shinam Khatri
Why is life tough?
Life is tough because; it is fragile, it is short, it is unpredictable and it is finite. It tests your patience, it tests your love, it tests your ties with the loved ones. It will show us dreams and then takes them away. It is full of opportunities, we still fail anyway. We don't know what lies beyond. We don't know what lay before. We compare and compete, we backstab and cheat, we yearn for short cut to success. We want glory and riches, we want health and wealth, we want family and love, we want power and beauty. We are green with envy at the success of others. We want our kids to be better than those of neighbors.
In a limited time with limited competencies and bodies that will grow old and fragile we juggle so many things, interact with so many people and aim to achieve so much.
Is it any surprise that life is tough?!

