
learningyard學苑 發佈 2024-04-28T10:34:41.214695+00:00

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Today, Dating will brings you 「Tax incidence and tax equality」,Welcome your visit!


The tax destination - the study of who bears the tax burden - is the center of evaluating tax equality. People who bear the tax burden are not always those who get tax receipts from the government. Because taxes change supply and demand, they also change the equilibrium price. As a result, taxation affects not only those who actually pay taxes according to the law. When evaluating the vertical and horizontal equality of any kind of tax, it is important to consider these indirect effects.



One principle of taxation is called the benefit principle. It believes that people should pay taxes according to the benefits they get from government services. This principle tries to make public goods similar to private goods. It seems fair that those who often go to the movies spend more money on tickets than those who seldom go to the movies. Similarly, a person who gains more from public goods should pay more taxes than those who gain less.


The principle of benefit can also be used to support rich citizens to pay more taxes than poor citizens. Because the rich often benefit more from public services than the poor. For example, if the rich have a lot of money to protect, the rich will get more benefits from the police than the poor who have little money to protect. Therefore, according to the principle of benefit, the rich should pay more for maintaining the police than the poor.



Another way to evaluate the equality of tax system is called the principle of ability to pay taxes, which holds that a person should be taxed according to the burden he can bear. This principle sometimes proves the proposition that all citizens should make "equal sacrifice" to support the government. However, the amount of a person's sacrifice depends not only on the amount of tax he pays, but also on his income and other circumstances. A poor man who pays $1000 in tax may make more sacrifice than a rich man who pays $10000 in tax.


The principle of ability to pay taxes derives from two equality concepts: vertical equality and horizontal equality. Vertical equality believes that taxpayers with large capacity should pay more. For example, rich taxpayers should pay more than poor ones. Horizontal equality believes that taxpayers with similar payment capacity should pay equal amounts.




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