
learningyard學苑 發佈 2024-04-30T05:06:10.172886+00:00




Share interest, spread happiness, increase knowledge, leave beautiful. Dear, this is Learningyard New Academy. Today, Xiaobian brings to you: Jiang Hong assistant (38) - game decision mode.‍


In addition to the objective and environmental factors related to the game structure, such as game players, game benefits, game information, the decision-making mode of game players is a more important issue.‍


In many game models, the assumption is that the players are rational, they will make decisions based on their own interests or utility maximization principle. However, people in reality are very different from "rational people". Not only may they make mistakes, but also willful and blind behaviors are everywhere. Therefore, the assumption of rational people is unrealistic in many cases.‍


The first case considered by modern game theory is the case that is close to the rational man but occasionally makes mistakes. Analyzing such problems is similar to analyzing the rational man problem. To solve such problems, it is necessary to properly use the concept of equilibrium and corresponding analysis methods to replace the game analysis of the rational man problem.‍


The second case is that although it does not conform to the hypothesis of reasonable person, it has a relatively high degree of rationality. It only has certain limitations in foresight, judgment and analysis, decision-making ability and so on, but it has strong learning and imitation ability. In reality, this kind of bounded rationality problem is very common. The approach to deal with this problem requires the introduction of a specific model of learning imitation and strategy adjustment.‍


The third case is a very low degree of rationality, the decision choice is relatively blind. To deal with this problem, we should discuss the evolutionary equilibrium between individual blind behavior and group selection in the sense of group behavior.‍


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