節食減肥?小心厭食症!| 酷我新專輯更新!(159-160附文案)

賴世雄 發佈 2024-05-08T23:21:54.648814+00:00

Open the pages of any fashion magazine and images of thin models and underweight actresses can be seen. Tall and skinny, the women on these pages have become representative of beauty in many parts of the world. While the majority of women outside of the fashion and entertainment industries are not nearly as thin, this doesn't stop millions of women from trying to fit this image. This goal can be extremely unhealthy and even dangerous when it develops into a condition known as anorexia.




159 Wasting Away


160 Dust to Dust






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Wasting Away 致命的厭食症

When the quest to be thin crosses the line and becomes deadly


Open the pages of any fashion magazine and images of thin models and underweight actresses can be seen. Tall and skinny, the women on these pages have become representative of beauty in many parts of the world. While the majority of women outside of the fashion and entertainment industries are not nearly as thin, this doesn't stop millions of women from trying to fit this image. This goal can be extremely unhealthy and even dangerous when it develops into a condition known as anorexia.

Anorexia nervosa, as it is called in medical terms, is a type of eating disorder. People with the disorder have a distorted vision of their bodies. Sufferers may falsely believe that they are overweight and begin to diet to change their figures. Unnecessary dieting is a problem that is common enough, but for some, the desire to lose weight becomes an obsessive fear of gaining any weight. In most cases, individuals with anorexia use voluntary starvation, vomiting, excessive exercise, or other weight control measures like diet pills to control their weight. In severe cases, anorexics even restrict their food intake to levels that can barely sustain life.

Although anorexia nervosa occurs in a small number of men, ninety-eight percent of anorexics are women. Most come from affluent countries, where the condition appears in one in 100 young girls and is more common among wealthier portions of society.

While it may seem normal that looks inspired by thin stars are what many young girls strive for, anorexia has proven to be a serious danger. One of many examples is from 2006, when a 172-centimeter-tall Brazilian model died as a result of the disorder. At her death, the 21 year old weighed a shocking 39 kilograms. This condition is a sad reflection of cultures in which advertising and popular entertainment demand that only one body type be attractive and acceptable.


  厭食症的醫學名稱是 anorexia nervosa,這是一種進食障礙。患有這種疾病的人對自己的身體有種扭曲的錯覺。患者可能會誤以為自己過重,於是開始節食以改變體型。不必要的節食已經是普遍的問題,但對有些人來說,想要減重的渴望會轉變成強迫性害怕體重有任何些微增加。大部分的情況下,患有厭食症的病人會自行挨餓、嘔吐、過度運動或以服用藥物等其他方式來控制體重。在極度嚴重的案例中,厭食症患者甚至將自己的進食量控制到幾乎無法維持生命的程度。

  雖然厭食症也發生在少數男性身上,但 98% 的患者為女性。大多數患者來自富裕的國家,100 名年輕女性中就有一名患有這種疾病,而這種疾病在社會上較富裕的階層中更為普遍。

年輕女性想追求女星纖瘦的模樣並不奇怪,但厭食症已被證實相當危險。其中一項例子就是在 2006 年,有位 172 公分的巴西模特因為厭食症而死亡。這位 21 歲的模特去世時,體重只有驚人的 39 公斤。這種現象反映出可悲的一面,那就是廣告界和娛樂圈只認同一種體型才吸引人,才會為人所接受。

Dust to Dust  沙的極致藝術

Some forms of art can't be transported to museums around the world or recorded and reproduced like music and movies. These forms of art seem to have a magical quality that arises partly from their rareness. Sandpainting is certainly one of these extraordinary forms of art because it is uniquely delicate.

Sandpainting, as the name suggests, is an art form in which sand is used to make pictures and designs. The beautiful and tragic part is that the paintings are made without adhesives; therefore, they are only temporary pictures that will be destroyed before long. This impermanence certainly adds to their power, and the temporary nature of the paintings often has a spiritual meaning in the cultures that make them.

There are a few different sandpainting traditions. One is Native American, and in this culture, sandpainting is mainly a spiritual ritual for healing. In the ceremony, a medicine man creates a sand painting on the ground by carefully letting the sand sift through his fingers. When the painting is finished, the patient sits on it and chanting is performed. Within 12 hours of the creation of the sand painting, it is destroyed.

In Tibetan culture, Buddhist monks use metal funnels to pour out colored sand like liquid. With these instruments, they painstakingly cover a piece of wood on which a design has been drawn. Their paintings include geometric shapes and spiritual symbols. Not long after, the beautiful, meticulously detailed paintings are destroyed to represent the impermanence of life. The same message appears in the Mexican tradition that takes place on the Day of the Dead. On this day, sand paintings are created in the streets and then simply swept away. If you ever have the chance to see these magnificent paintings, don't miss out.



  沙畫具有一些不同的傳統。其中一種是美國印地安文化,對他們而言,沙畫主要是用來治療疾病的心靈儀式。儀式中,巫醫小心地讓沙子從指縫漏下在地上創作沙畫。畫作完成時,病人會坐在畫上,巫醫開始吟誦咒語。沙畫在創作完成的 12 小時內就會被摧毀。

