
今濤拍案 發佈 2022-05-18T03:24:00.354561+00:00


今年國際風雲變幻,原有格局被徹底打破,山雨欲來風滿樓,這讓許多歐洲人感到岌岌可危,德國政治分析人士湯姆福迪刊發評論感嘆道, 美國回來了,歐洲夢破滅了,默克爾的偉大政治遺產被摧毀了。在美版知乎Quora上,俄羅斯網友提問道:歐洲在默克爾卸任後變得更加混亂,她留下了什麼遺產?這個問題引起了各國網友的圍觀和熱議,我們看看他們的回答。

In my opinion, Merkel's position as chancellor is the most competent since Germany's reunification in 1990.


In the 1990s and early 2000s, Germany's GDP growth has been lower than the European average. Since Merkel came to power in 2005, the situation has gradually reversed, and Germany's GDP growth is gradually higher than the European average. Germany has changed from the "sick man of Europe" 16 years ago to the recognized economic star in the EU, which gives Germany a stronger confidence and voice within the EU.


Before Merkel took office, Germany's unemployment rate was the highest in history. Since Merkel took office, she has implemented reform and the unemployment rate has been falling. The unemployment rate in Germany is the lowest since reunification, and the employed population is the highest in history. At present, the unemployment rate is also the lowest in Europe.


Merkel also managed to reduce Germany's government debt for the first time since 1969. Germany's debt increased every year from 1969 to 2013. Since 2014, Germany has now established a balanced account, that is, it does not generate new debt (different from 95% of other European countries), so that the European debt crisis and Greek crisis will not be repeated in Germany.


So from an economic point of view, you can say that Merkel is very successful.


Another important (though underestimated) thing Merkel did was to improve child care policies.


Before Merkel, childcare was a disaster in Germany. Children under the age of 3 also do not have childcare services. This policy is the main reason why Germany has one of the lowest fertility rates in the world, because many women do not want to have children because their childcare services are poor (so mothers have to stop working when giving birth). In the past 10 years, Germany has spent a lot of money to improve child care, which is very positive.


She has many valuable qualities in politicians.


1. She has a firm will and has never been coerced by populism.


2. She is a brave person. She has the courage to accept mistakes and strive for improvement.


3. Although she is strict, she is very easy-going and polite.


4. She is a shrewd politician and the Iron Lady of the whole EU.


5. Her party, the CDU, is a very popular party in Germany. Other candidates are not as popular or famous as her, and this popularity is due to her taking the most effective measures for the development of Germany compared with the former prime minister.


Angela Merkel's expression of respect is very important when she is in power, and people will not show much respect for her in the international meeting.


7. Under the male dominated regime, Angela Merkel has all these qualities, which are very valuable. Although Germany is a developed country, it is unacceptable for some German groups to lead a country with a strong and powerful woman. She has always maintained her position and faced controversy. Every political decision of her is extremely difficult. Because of her attitude towards refugees and foreign aid to Eastern European countries, she is also a respected figure in the world.


Merkel is rational and pragmatic in diplomacy. She advocates multilateralism, opposes conflict and confrontation, and is committed to promoting friendly exchanges and practical cooperation between Germany and Europe with China. She knows that in the face of such an Oriental giant, cooperation is much better than confrontation.


Merkel's status as a European leader is not because she is the leader of Germany, the EU's most populous and industrialized country. On the contrary, the memory of World War II prompted all German leaders to adopt a low-key attitude and avoid imposing their proposed solutions on EU partners. Merkel's way of governance explains why she can become the leader of the whole Europe.


默克爾的執政方式/Merkel's ruling style

Whenever she faced a crisis, she would make the right decision at the last minute, because it turned out that with her intervention, even various opponents could not find any mistakes. Then, instead of "guiding" EU partners in how to act, she "guided" them to a position they might consider acceptable, even if they did not achieve their initial goals. The Greek debt crisis is Merkel's masterpiece:


Merkel's first challenge after taking office was the European debt crisis. The European debt crisis is actually a mine laid by the United States for the European Union. The euro was born in 1999. The United States tried to fight the euro through the Kosovo war, but failed in the end.


Unwilling Americans decided to bury mines in the euro zone. In 2001, the United States greatly reduced the Greek government debt ratio by making false accounts for Greece, and successfully sent Greece to the euro zone. After that, the United States lured Greece into borrowing through various capital instruments, and finally made it full of debt.


The global financial crisis in 2008 severely hit the world economy. Greece, which relies on shipping and tourism, fell into recession and the government was facing bankruptcy, which became the fuse of the European debt crisis. Moreover, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland and other countries also face similar problems. Once the European debt crisis is not handled properly, the eurozone will have to disintegrate.


Soon, the pressure was transmitted to Germany, because as the largest economic country in Europe, and has implemented strict fiscal discipline for a long time, all countries hope that Germany, which has a fiscal surplus, will give Relief. However, Merkel knows that relying on water to save the economy will only cure the symptoms rather than the root cause. If she wants to completely solve the crisis, she can only choose the way of fiscal tightening.


But at that time, the Greek government directly chose to let things go hang and rot, and forced Germany to provide relief under the threat of brexit. Worthy of being a political strongman, Merkel withstood the pressure of public opinion and publicly stated: "if Greece does not implement fiscal austerity and continues to choose high welfare policy, Germany will let Greece exit the eurozone." This makes the Greeks dumbfounded, because Greece is nothing after leaving the eurozone. They originally wanted to blackmail more money, but Merkel was so tough.


Out of resentment, the Greeks discredited Merkel as a Nazi and rumoured that she was Hitler's granddaughter. Public opinion in the European Union also believed that Merkel wanted to take advantage of the European debt crisis to unify Europe economically and politically and complete the mission that the Third Reich failed to complete.


However, three years later, public opinion completely changed its tune, because facts have proved that Merkel's line is right. Relief will only cultivate lazy people. The root cause of Greece's debt crisis lies in uncontrolled government spending and high social welfare. This means of pleasing voters can only last for a while, not for a lifetime.


Greece, which adopted fiscal austerity, finally came out of the debt crisis, and other southern European countries also came out of recession one after another. Germany finally avoided the division of the eurozone, stabilized the economy and adhered to the tradition of strict fiscal discipline. Without relying on water to stimulate the economy, Germany's macro leverage ratio did not rise but fell, becoming one of the few countries in the world to successfully achieve deleveraging, and house prices were also controlled at a low level.


Instigated by the United States, conflicts and crises within the EU are inevitable: between various institutions, "conservatives" and "radicals", countries more or less divided by climate change, and so on.


Can macron succeed Merkel as EU leader? I personally doubt this because his style is completely opposite to that of Merkel. He first set out his goals and then tried to convince EU partners of their wishes. His approach is likely to exacerbate rather than reduce conflicts among EU Member States.


I think only one politician can follow Merkel's example, Michelle Barnier. Despite the differences in the interests of EU Member States, he has just succeeded in maintaining the EU United Front in the brexit negotiations, which is a considerable achievement.

