
中巴經貿合作平臺 發佈 2022-08-12T14:30:58.682489+00:00

今年年初,安瓦爾亞洲投資公司與巴基斯坦鐵路籤署了一份協議備忘錄。In a meeting with the prime minister on Thursday, a group of Japanese investors expressed interest in spending $1 billion in a number of economic areas. During the meeting with the prime minister, Takaji Tsuji, the group's founder, headed the delegation from Japan's BSP Investment Group. The prime minister applauded the Japanese investors' choice and instructed the Board of Investment authorities to initiate all essential actions as soon as possible. Assuring the investors of full support from the Pakistani government, he also welcomed Japanese investment for the growth and creation of employment prospects in the nation.


The Federal Minister for finance and Revenue received a visit from Dr. Riina Kionka, the European Union's ambassador to Pakistan, at the Finance Division. Miftah Ismail, stated that the current administration's top priorities include expanding exports, and making the energy industry sustainable. The EU and Pakistan have strong bilateral ties and collaborate on international development, according to the finance minister. He emphasized the necessity of significantly enhancing trade ties between Pakistan and the EU. The two parties talked about issues of shared concern and collaboration, such as the development of GSP Plus.

歐盟駐巴基斯坦大使Riina Kionka博士在財務部對聯邦財政和收入部長進行了訪問。 miiftah Ismail表示,當前政府的首要任務包括擴大出口,並使能源行業可持續發展。 這位財政部長表示,歐盟和巴基斯坦有強大的雙邊關係,並在國際發展方面進行合作。 他強調了顯著加強巴基斯坦和歐盟之間貿易關係的必要性。 雙方就發展普惠制等共同關心和合作的問題進行了討論。


Omani investors expressed interest in funding Pakistan's power and railway infrastructure development projects. In Islamabad, Chaudhary Salik Hussain, Minister for the Board of Investment, met with a team of Omani investors led by Dr. Anwar Al Balushi of Al Anvwar Asian Investments to exchange ideas on potential investments. Investors expressed a strong interest in the construction of the 1,087-kilometer rail route from Gwadar to Jacobabad, Sindh, in accordance with the contract proposal. Anvwar Asia Investment Company and Pakistan Railways inked a memorandum of agreement at the start of this year.

阿曼投資者表示有興趣資助巴基斯坦的電力和鐵路基礎設施發展項目。 在伊斯蘭瑪巴德,投資委員會部長Chaudhary Salik Hussain會見了由Al Anvwar亞洲投資公司的Anwar Al Balushi博士帶領的阿曼投資者團隊,就潛在投資交換意見。 投資者對根據合同提案建設這條從瓜達爾港到信德省雅各布阿巴德的1087公里鐵路線表示了濃厚的興趣。 今年年初,安瓦爾亞洲投資公司(Anvwar Asia Investment Company)與巴基斯坦鐵路(Pakistan Railways)簽署了一份協議備忘錄。


In a meeting with the prime minister on Thursday, a Group of Japanese investors expressed interest in spending $1 billion in a number of economic areas. During the meeting with the prime minister, Takaji Tsuji, the group's founder, headed the delegation from Japan's BSP Investment Group. The prime minister applauded the Japanese investors' choice and instructed the Board of Investment authorities to initiate all essential actions as soon as possible. Assuring the investors of full support from the Pakistani government, he also welcomed Japanese investment for the growth and creation of employment prospects in the nation.

在周四與日本首相會晤時,一群日本投資者表示有興趣在多個經濟領域投資10億美元。 在與首相會晤期間,該集團創始人Takaji Tsuji率領來自日本BSP投資集團的代表團。 首相讚揚了日本投資者的選擇,並指示投資委員會(Board of Investment)儘快採取一切必要行動。 他還向投資者保證,巴基斯坦政府將全力支持他們,並歡迎日本投資促進該國經濟增長和創造就業前景。


Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah, the Federal Tax Ombudsman, stated on Monday that industry-academia links are strong sustainers of industrial agglomerations and help to spur economic growth and spread knowledge about the use of cutting-edge technologies in several diversified sectors of the economy. As Dr. Asif Jah stated, "A strong relationship ensures that research and development operations in institutions are properly focused towards demands in the marketplace." He was speaking to a high-level corporate sector delegation led by Almas Hyder, Chairman of Spel Technology Support.

聯邦稅務調查員Asif Mahmood Jah博士周一表示,產學研聯繫是產業集聚的有力支撐,有助於刺激經濟增長,並傳播有關在多個多樣化經濟部門使用尖端技術的知識。 正如Asif Jah博士所說:「牢固的關係確保機構的研究和開發運作恰當地聚焦於市場需求。」 他是在Spel技術支持公司主席Almas Hyder率領的高層企業代表團面前講話的。


Andrey Viktorovich Fedorov, the Russian consul general in Karachi, paid a visit to the Institute of Business Management. He discussed Pakistan-Russian diplomatic ties. He continued by saying that IoBM and the Institute of Business Studies in Moscow had established a connection in academia. He hoped IoBM would keep inviting Russian dignitaries to exchange thoughts, information, and research. The president of IoBM announced that IoBM would also resurrect its student exchange programme with Russia. The economic, social, and political ties between developing nations and developed countries were discussed.

俄羅斯駐喀拉蚩總領事Andrey Viktorovich Fedorov參觀了工商管理學院。 他討論了巴基斯坦和俄羅斯的外交關係。 他接著表示,IoBM與莫斯科商業研究所(Institute of Business Studies)在學術界建立了聯繫。 他希望IoBM繼續邀請俄羅斯政要交流思想、信息和研究。 IoBM的總統宣布IoBM還將恢復與俄羅斯的學生交流計劃。 會議討論了發展中國家和發達國家之間的經濟、社會和政治關係。

