
learningyard學苑 發佈 2022-10-05T22:18:36.067398+00:00

Decision support systems are computer applications that assist decision makers in making semi-structured or unstructured decisions through data, models and knowledge in a human-computer interactive manner. There are models compared to transaction processing systems.




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Today I bring you "Information Systems Development Course Notes (2) | Overview of Information Systems Development (2)", welcome to visit.




Information systems can be divided into front-end information systems and back-end information systems by information system user category. Front-end information systems are information systems that support business functions that extend to corporate customers; back-end information systems are information systems that support business operations within the organization and reach suppliers directly. According to the functions provided, the level of the service organization, information system can be divided into transaction processing system, management information system, office automation system, knowledge work system, decision support system, and manager information system.






Transaction processing systems are operational layer systems that capture, generate, store and deliver information to support routine and regular transaction activities in the enterprise business. The main operations are sorting, listing, and updating, and the operations used are simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and are performed by operators.

Typical transaction processing systems include supermarket pos system, teaching information system, airline booking system, income and expenditure account system, payroll management system, order entry system, inventory control system, book management system, etc.

Main features: support daily operation, handle large amount of data, high accuracy requirement, simple logical relationship, high repeatability, support multi-user.





Broadly speaking, management information systems refer to information systems used for management purposes. In a narrower sense, it is understood as a report that provides managers in an organization with regular, pre-defined content and formatted, summarized information. The input to the MIS comes mainly from the various transaction processing systems in the organization.

Main features: MIS supports structured decision making at the operational and management control levels; MIS is generally report and control oriented, providing daily control of operational work; MIS provides reports that lack flexibility and cannot arbitrarily define the content and format of reports; MIS is for internal rather than external; information requirements are known and stable.





Transaction processing system: data-oriented, with data processing as the core; made into a separate system for a certain function; handles detailed data.

Management information system: information-oriented, with the generation of useful information at its core; includes functional subsystems and also upper-level systems; deals with comprehensive indicators, trend information.





Decision support systems are computer applications that assist decision makers in making semi-structured or unstructured decisions through data, models and knowledge in a human-computer interactive manner. There are models compared to transaction processing systems.

Main features: supports decision makers in decision analysis and making decisions rather than replacing them; can be used for various levels of structured problems, but the focus is on semi-structured problems; can support all levels of management, but the focus is on the higher level, which has the least structured problems; mainly applies data and models for decision analysis and optimizes and analyzes the results; human-computer interaction.


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