金融時報雙語 麥卡錫,當選美國眾議院議長

李子園外語 發佈 2023-01-08T18:04:57.476611+00:00


Kevin McCarthy has been elected as Speaker of the House of Representatives, ending a tortuous week of wheeling and dealing on Capitol Hill that exposed sharp divisions in the Republican party and raised fresh questions about whether Congress can govern effectively in the years to come.

凱文•麥卡錫(Kevin McCarthy)當選美國眾議院議長,結束了國會山整整一周的艱難坎坷的討價還價過程,暴露出共和黨內部的尖銳分歧,並提出了美國國會能否在未來幾年有效治理的新問題。

McCarthy was elected Speaker just after midnight on Saturday with all but six Republicans backing his bid. The six opposing Republicans voted "present" — a technicality that reduced the critical number of votes required for McCarthy to seize the Speaker's gavel.


It was the 15th round of voting since the process to elect a Speaker began on Tuesday. McCarthy is the first Speaker in a century to require more than one ballot to be elected.


But the California congressman defied his critics when, after seemingly endless rounds of negotiations and concessions, he quelled enough opposition within his own party to be handed the Speaker's gavel. Earlier in the night, McCarthy suffered a humiliating defeat when he lost the 14th round of voting by the narrowest of margins.


McCarthy appeared visibly upset by that result, and in a last-ditch attempt walked over to Florida's Matt Gaetz and Colorado's Lauren Boebert to try to get them to change their votes from "present". Mike Rogers, a congressman from Alabama, appeared to lunge at Gaetz before he was restrained by another lawmaker.

第十四輪投票後,麥卡錫面露慍色。他孤注一擲地走到佛羅里達州共和黨眾議員馬特•蓋茲(Matt Gaetz)和科羅拉多州的勞倫•博伯特(Lauren Boebert)那裡,試圖讓他們改變「在場」的投票。來自阿拉巴馬州的國會議員邁克•羅傑斯(Mike Rogers)似乎要衝向蓋茲,隨後他被另一名議員拉住。

McCarthy insisted the laboured process had united his party and would make them more effective in legislating in the months and years to come. But many in Washington questioned whether he had weakened his own hand and left himself in an exceedingly vulnerable position at the start of a new Congress.


One of McCarthy's key concessions was approving a rule that would allow any single member of Congress to trigger a vote of no confidence in him or any future Speaker.


McCarthy faced an uphill battle to becoming Speaker in large part because the Republican "red wave" that he and others predicted did not materialise in November's midterm elections. Instead, the Republicans eked out a razor-thin majority in the House, the lower chamber of Congress, and failed to regain control of the Senate, the upper chamber.

