
淡風靜流 發佈 2023-01-28T03:01:34.211370+00:00



Science in the national interest


NSF’s mandate was designed from the first moment to serve the national interest;

Bush made a point of that in his report, and it is in the agency’s authorizing charter. How that mandate is to be interpreted and what programs are to be specifically funded have been open to vigorous discussion and vulnerable to differing priorities since NSF was created.


Throughout NSF’s history, up to the present, various congressional 「wastebooks」have called out proposals whose ends are not clear or apparently useful. Yet reports from the U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine

continue to cite examples in which curiosity-driven research that had no

particular application in mind when first begun yielded breakthroughs that over time advanced the national interest in profound and lasting ways. The American Association for the Advancement of Science, a strong advocate for science and science communication, annually sponsors the Golden Goose awards to spotlight beneficial outcomes from curiosity-driven research whose ends did not seem obvious at first. This is all as Bush anticipated when he wrote, 「Many of the most important discoveries have come as a result of experiments undertaken with very different purposes in mind.」


NSF’s continuing ability to enable beneficial impacts is a result of many factors,but none more important than its commitment to merit review. This process, which discerns the most promising research, has been a hallmark of NSF’s value proposition since its inception. With 70 years of history now in hand—including

the agency’s support of more than 230 Nobel Prize winners at some point in their careers—it is clear that the Foundation’s merit review system generates

a vast array of research designs that produce remarkable discoveries—

discoveries that advance science, advance the national interest, and improve the quality of life for our citizens.

