史上最貴 勞斯萊斯首款純電動車 "閃靈" Rolls-Royce Spectre

英語東 發佈 2024-03-14T13:51:14.326079+00:00

The British company is coming off a record year, delivering more than six thousand vehicles in 2022. That is especially promising considering Rolls-Royce plans to sell only battery powered vehicles by the end of this decade.

A cooling economy isn't stopping the very wealthy from buying a Rolls Royce.


The British company is coming off a record year, delivering more than six thousand vehicles in 2022. That is especially promising considering Rolls-Royce plans to sell only battery powered vehicles by the end of this decade.

這家英國公司迎來了創紀錄的一年,到 2022 年交付了 6000 多輛汽車。 考慮到勞斯萊斯計劃在本十年末只銷售電池驅動的汽車, 這一點尤其有希望。

Rolls-Royce has finally done it.


They've made an electric vehicle.


This is the first Eevee from Rolls-Royce ever.

這是勞斯萊斯有史以來的第一款 Eevee。

We're here in Cape Town to drive it.


The first non Rolls-Royce employee to drive it.


Let's do it now.


The arrival of Spectre gives Rolls-Royce a strong first statement among the ultra luxury set.

Spectre 的到來讓 Rolls-Royce 在超豪華系列中首次亮相。

Bentley, for instance, has some hybrids and plans to produce five all electric vehicles beginning in 2025. But so far, Rolls Royce beats it to the punch.

例如,賓利有一些混合動力車, 並計劃從 2025 年開始生產五款全電動汽車。 但到目前為止,勞斯萊斯先發制人。

Our strategy is clear by the end of 2017, the entire portfolio is fully electrified.

我們的戰略很明確,到 2017 年底,整個產品組合將完全電氣化。

It's been a long time coming.


Rolls-Royce hesitated to replace their signature V12 engine responsible for the world famous quiet and smooth coaches.

Rolls-Royce 猶豫是否要更換其標誌性的 V12 發動機,負責世界著名的安靜和平穩的教練。

But times have changed and BMW, which owns Rolls-Royce, has left no doubt where all of its brands must go.


Last year, the chairman of BMW said he anticipated that by 2030, 50 percent of all vehicles sold across the group would be electric set on twenty three inch wheels and with a fast backed body style.

去年,寶馬董事長表示,他預計到 2030 年,集團售出的所有車輛中有 50% 將配備 23 英寸車輪和快背式車身。

The spectre is heavy.


More than sixty five hundred pounds.


And it is so long at nearly 18 feet from nose to tail that it becomes nearly impossible to see over the hood.

而且它從鼻子到尾巴幾乎有 18 英尺長,幾乎不可能透過引擎蓋看到它。

When you're making a tight turn up or downhill, of course he has this massive carriage door.


It's actually the longest carriage style door in any Rolls-Royce, one and a half metres long.


And then to close it, you put your foot on the brake.


Another cool thing that's a first for the spectre is this grill.


This is the widest grill ever on a Rolls Royce.


And as an option, you can choose to have it illuminated.


So when you drive, you're driving with sort of a softly illuminated grill.


It looks very cool.


A redesigned spirit of ecstasy figurehead on the hood comes crouched Yoda like lower than its predecessor.


What's more, this baby is fast.


Spector produces 577 horsepower and six hundred and sixty four pound feet of torque.

Spector 產生 577 馬力和 664 磅英尺的扭矩。

When I drove it in wine country outside of Cape Town.


It registered a zero to 60 mile per hour sprint time, a four point four seconds, and Rolls Royce tells me it has a top speed of 155 miles per hour.

它的衝刺時間為零到 60 英里/小時,四點四秒, 勞斯萊斯告訴我它的最高時速為 155 英里/小時。

It feels exactly like a Rolls Royce.


If you've driven any other Rolls Royce, this electric Rolls-Royce will feel exactly the same.


It might even be more Rolls Royce than any previous Rolls Royce foreign.


As for the total driving range, it'll run on an electric power for 260 miles and it will be able to charge from 10 to 80 percent full and 34 minutes.

至於總行駛里程,它可以用電力行駛 260 英里,並且能夠在 34 分鐘內充滿 10% 到 80% 的電量。

Pricing for the spectre will hover around five hundred thousand dollars, which is about the average price of a Rolls-Royce these days.


The company declined to say how many they'll make in the first year, but more than 300 clients have already been specially invited to see the car.

該公司拒絕透露第一年的產量,但已經有超過 300 名客戶受邀參觀了這款車。

It's early days in the year 2023, but as I said, I'm cautiously optimistic.

現在是 2023 年的初期,但正如我所說,我持謹慎樂觀的態度。

What I'm definitely not seeing is any, let's say, hesitation when it comes to spec doors.


This is going from strength to strength to strength.


Deliveries begin in the fourth quarter of 2023.

交付將於 2023 年第四季度開始。
