中英雙語小說連載 張愛玲《傾城之戀》

李子園外語 發佈 2024-04-30T15:37:21.480919+00:00




Bai Liusu was kneeling forlornly by her mother's bed. When she heard these words, she crushed the embroidered slipper against her chest. The needle that was stuck in the slipper pierced her hand, but she didn't feel any pain.

小聲道:「這屋子裡可住不得了!…… 住不得了!」她的聲音灰暗而輕飄,像斷斷續續的塵灰吊子。她仿佛做夢似的,滿頭滿臉都掛著塵灰吊子,迷迷糊糊向前一撲,自己以為是枕住了她母親的膝蓋,嗚嗚咽咽哭了起來道:「媽,媽,你老人家給我做主!」

「I can't live in this house any longer,」 she whispered. 「I just can't!」Her voice was faint and floating, like a trailing tendril of dust. She felt as if she were dreaming, tendrils streaming from her face and head. Falling forward in a daze, she thought she was clasping her mother's knees, and she started sobbing aloud. 「Mother, Mother, please help me!」


Her mother's face remained blank as she smiled on without saying a word. Wrapping her arms around her mother's legs, Liusu shook her violently and cried, 「Mother! Mother!」


In her daze, it was many years before: she was about ten years old, coming out of a theater, and in the middle of a torrential downpour she was separated from her family. She stood alone on the sidewalk staring at people, the people staring back at her, and beyond the dripping bus windows, on the other side of those blank glass shields, were strangers, an endless number of them, all locked inside their own little worlds, against which she could slam her head till it split—and still she'd never manage to break through. It seemed that she was trapped in a nightmare. Suddenly she heard the sound of footsteps behind her, and guessed that her mother had returned. With a fierce effort she steadied herself, not saying anything. The mother she was praying to and the mother she really had were two different people.


Someone walked over to the bed and sat down, but when she spoke, it was in Mrs. Xu's voice. Mrs. Xu chided her, 「Sixth Young Lady, don't be upset. Get up, get up, the weather is so hot...」


Bracing herself against the bed, Liusu struggled to her feet. 「Auntie,」 she said, 「I can't stay here in this house any longer. I've known for ages how much they resent me, even if they bite their tongues. But now that they've beat the drums, banged the gongs, and said it straight out, I've lost too much face to go on living here!」


Mrs. Xu made Liusu sit down with her on the edge of the bed. 「You're too good, no wonder people bully you,」 she said tenderly. 「Your older brothers played the market with your money until they'd spent it all! Even if they supported you for the rest of your life, it would only be right.」


Liusu rarely heard such a decent remark. Without pausing to weigh its sincerity, she let her heart well up and her tears rain down. 「Why was I such a fool? All because of that fuss over money, little bits of money, now I have no way out of here!」


Mrs. Xu said, 「Someone so young can always find a way to make a life.」


「If there were a way, I'd be long gone! I haven't studied much, and I can't do manual labor, so what kind of job can I do?」


「Looking for a job won't get you anywhere. But looking for a somebody, that's the way to go.」


「No, I don't think so. My life is over already.」


「That kind of talk is for the rich, for people who don't have to worry about food and clothing. People who don't have money can't just give up, even if they want to. Shave your head, become a nun, and when you beg for alms you'll still have to deal with people—you can't just leave the human race!」


Liusu bowed her head. Mrs. Xu said, 「If you'd come to me about this a few years ago it would have been better.」


「Yes, that's right,」 said Liusu. 「I'm already twenty-eight.」


「For a person with your qualities, twenty-eight doesn't matter. I'll keep you in mind. But I really should scold you—you've been divorced for seven or eight years now. If only you'd made up your mind earlier, you could have set yourself free and saved yourself a lot of grief!」


「Auntie, of course you know the situation. Would a family like mine ever let us go out and meet people? And I can't depend on them to find me a match. First of all, they don't approve, and even if they did, I have two younger sisters who are still unmarried, and then there are Third and Fourth Brothers' daughters, all growing up fast. They can't even manage for the younger ones. Why would they do anything for me?」
