
藝術見聞 發佈 2020-05-12T16:21:25+00:00

16 mm Black and White film transferred to high-definition digital media, sound。


「From Screen to Mind – A 50 Year History」



策展人:喬納斯·斯坦普 & 肖戈

Curator:Jonas Stampe & Xiao Ge



Venue:Wind H Art Center,

No.31a Wanhongli. South Gate 798 Art Zone. Chaoyang.Beijing


Host:Wind H Art Center

關於 山中天藝術中心


Located at the South Gate of Beijing's 798 Art District, Beijing Wind H Art Center was founded in November 2019 and designed by the famous architect Dong Yugan. Its total surface measures 900㎡, of which 500㎡ are dedicated to exhibitions. Its mission is to popularize and promote contemporary art to the public through academic art exhibitions showcasing renown and cutting-edge contemporary artists from China and abroad. Wind H is committed to establish an international platform for art exchange, aiming to cultivate a high-quality art community, gather new ideas, deepen empathy and creative thinking.

關於 「從螢幕到觀念——50年的歷史」


Wind H Art Center celebrates its new existence with the exhibition "From Screen to Mind – A 50 Year History」, showcasing - for the first time in China - the origins of online screen-based art. It traces its sources from Joseph Beuys to Lawrence Weiner, through the work of 30 avant-garde artists. Today in the new post-corona era everyone lives with the screen as a body extension. Which gives the exhibition a function as a rearview mirror of history teaching us about our future. While providing a unique possibility to explore, understand and discuss how contemporary art in an online environment can function.


喬凡尼.安塞爾莫(Giovanni Anselmo),義大利

約瑟夫·博伊斯(Joseph Beuys),德國

阿里傑羅·波堤(Alighiero Boetti),義大利

馬里努斯·博埃塞姆(Marinus Boezem),荷蘭

斯坦利·布朗(Stanley Brouwn),荷蘭

丹尼爾·布倫(Daniel Buren),法國

詹姆斯·李·貝耶斯(James Lee Byars),美國

皮耶·保羅·卡佐拉里(Pier Paolo Calzolari),義大利

吉諾·德·多明尼西斯(Gino De Dominicis),義大利

沃爾特·德·瑪麗亞(Walter De Maria),美國

簡·戴比斯(Jan Dibbets),荷蘭

吉爾-凡-艾爾克(Ger van Elk),荷蘭

巴瑞·弗拉納根(Barry Flanagan),美國

漢密斯·富爾頓(Hamish Fulton),英國

吉爾伯特&喬治(Gilbert & George),英國

麥可·黑澤爾(Michael Heizer),德國

加里·奎恩(Gary Kuehn),美國

理察·朗(Richard Long),英國

馬里奧·梅爾茨(Mario Merz),義大利

丹尼斯-奧本海(Dennis Oppenheim),美國

克勞斯·林克(Klaus Rinke),德國

瑞內·盧森貝克(Reiner Ruthenbeck),德國

烏爾里希·呂克里姆(Ulrich Rückriem),德國

格里 ·舒馬(Gerrry Schum),德國

理察·塞拉(Richard Serra),美國

羅伯特·史密森(Robert Smithson),美國

基斯·索尼耶(Keith Sonnier),美國

弗朗茨·艾哈德·瓦爾特(Franz Erhard Walther),德國

勞倫斯·韋納(Lawrence Weiner),美國

吉爾伯托·佐里歐(Gilberto Zorio),義大利

Artists :

Giovanni Anselmo, Italy

Joseph Beuys, Germany

Alighiero Boetti, Italy

Marinus Boezem, the Netherlands

Stanley Brouwn, the Netherlands

Daniel Buren, France

James Lee Byars, USA

Pier Paolo Calzolari, Italy

Gino De Dominicis, Italy

Walter De Maria, USA

Jan Dibbets, the Netherlands

Ger van Elk, the Netherlands

Barry Flanagan, USA

Hamish Fulton, UK

Gilbert & George, UK

Michael Heizer, Germany

Gary Kuehn, USA

Richard Long, UK

Mario Merz, Italy

Dennis Oppenheim, USA

Klaus Rinke, Germany

Reiner Ruthenbeck, Germany

Ulrich Rückriem, Germany

Gerrry Schum,Germany

Richard Serra, USA

Robert Smithson, USA

Keith Sonnier, USA

Franz Erhard Walther, Germany

Lawrence Weiner, USA

Gilberto Zorio, Italy


我們很高興以「從螢幕到觀念——50年的歷史」展覽作為山中天藝術中心(Wind H Art Center)的開館首展。本次展覽著重展示了在線螢幕藝術的早期歷史。如今,線上展覽已然成為畫廊、美術館和藝博會所必需的展示方式,山中天藝術中心則試圖對其進行50年的溯源,在網際網路還未存在,也沒有其它在線視覺媒體出現的時代,它被簡稱為「電視藝術」。

本次展覽是中國首個呈現螢幕藝術起源的展覽。從約瑟夫·博伊斯(Joseph Beuys)到勞倫斯·韋納(Lawrence Weiner),展覽中的30位參展藝術家均是當時最重要的前衛藝術家,也是最早使用螢幕媒介進行創作的藝術家。他們來自於不同的藝術運動,例如行為藝術、過程藝術、貧困藝術、觀念藝術、攝影和大地藝術。「從螢幕到觀念——50年的歷史」探討了螢幕藝術的開端,並為探索、理解和討論當代藝術如何在線上環境中發揮作用提供了獨特的可能性。同時,它也可以指導我們從其歷史中學習,以提高對其風險以及許多變化的認識。

儘管早在1952年,「電視藝術」曾作為一種概念被盧西奧·豐塔納(Lucio Fontana)和義大利空間主義者們在其《電視清單》中所提出,但它並未成為一種特定的藝術形式。

1969年,德國一位年輕的、富有創造力的藝術家和電影製片人,格里·舒馬(Gerry Schum),再次踏上了這條短暫而又充滿張力的道路,並創造了歷史——他和妻子厄休拉·韋弗(Ursula Wevers)構思並創建了第一家電視畫廊格里·舒馬(Fernsehgalerie Gerry Schum)。不同於任何畫廊,這家畫廊只存在於人們家裡的電視機中,並於1969年4月15日晚上10:15分播出了第一場展覽「大地藝術」(Land Art)。此後,畫廊的每場電視展覽只播出一次,這賦予了其極為短暫的特質:人們要麼看到了,要麼就錯過了。就是這樣,沒有重播。格里·舒馬試圖通過尋找一種方式將電視這一大眾傳播媒介作為一種藝術媒介來使用,從而使藝術更容易為廣大觀眾所接受。這個想法也對當代藝術中的商業主義提出了批評,並與新興藝術運動的意識形態相一致,都頌揚了藝術的非物質特徵。


電視畫廊格里·舒馬(Fernsehgalerie Gerry Schum)及其對在線螢幕藝術的延展,雖然試圖在藝術作品和媒介之間尋求統一,但也同時將其再次定義為一種針對大眾的藝術形式。在那場充滿活力、產生巨大影響、但壽命短暫的實驗中,格里·舒馬邀請來自美國和歐洲的前衛藝術家們創作了許多基於在線廣播電視的作品。它促使那些之前可能並沒有考慮螢幕的藝術家們開始通過電影和影像進行創作實踐。當然,如果我們同意格里·舒馬的電視畫廊對於影像藝術的興起及其早期發展具有重要意義,那麼這也同樣提出了一些問題。我們希望「從螢幕到觀念——50年的歷史」可以對於其中的部分問題進行解答。

「問題」同樣也是詹姆斯·李·貝耶斯(James Lee Byars)的傳奇性觀念作品《世界問題的中心》的主題,這件作品於本次展覽中首次在中國展出。在格里·舒馬第一場展覽「大地藝術」播出的七個月後,由傑夫·科納利斯(Jef Cornelis)指導,《世界問題的中心》於1969年11月28日在比利時國家電視台播出。這是當代藝術史上首次將現場直播作為媒介進行創作並與觀眾互動的藝術作品。貝耶斯的作品獨一無二的,它可能再也不會在中國展出了,所以這也是人們為何需要來觀看本次展覽的重要原因之一。貝耶斯試圖從當時最聰明的100個人那裡收集世界上最重要的100個問題。在《世界問題的中心》中,貝耶斯或是與他的嘉賓(主要是藝術家、策展人、公共知識分子、科學家、政客)對談,或是現場展示(如馬塞爾·布羅德薩斯),或是通過電話聯繫(如約瑟夫·博伊斯,約翰·凱奇,沃爾特·霍普斯,馬歇爾·麥克盧漢,塞德里克·普萊斯)——這些對談通常是「問題引向問題」式的提問,而不是常見的「問與答」式的交流。


「From Screen to Mind – A 50 Year History」

We are very pleased to open the Wind H Art Center with the exhibition 」From Screen to Mind – A 50 Year History」 which highlights the early history of online screen based art. Now, at a time when online exhibitions is a survival mode for art galleries, museums and art fairs, Wind H Art Center explores its sources and early beginnings. 50 years ago when the internet didn』t exist, when there were no other visual online media, it was simply called television art.

This exhibition, the first in China, will showcase the origins of this screen based art. It features 30 of the most important avant-garde artists of the time from Joseph Beuys to Lawrence Weiner, who were the first to experiment with the mediium. They were coming from different art movements like performance and process art, arte povera, conceptual art, photography and land art. 」From Screen to Mind – A 50 Year History」 explores the very beginning of screen based art and gives a unique possibility to explore, understand and discuss how contemporary art can function in an online environment. Guiding us to learn from its history, to raise awareness of its risks as well as its many opportunities.

Although television art was first used as a notion in 1952 by Lucio Fontana and the Italian Spatialists in their Manifest for Television, it did not materialize as a specific art form.

In 1969, however, a young innovative German artist and film maker, named Gerry Schum embarked on a short and intense journey that would make history. He conceived and created with his wife Ursula Wevers the first television gallery, Fernsehgalerie Gerry Schum. It broadcasted its first television exhibition Land Art on April 15 1969 at 10:15 pm. It was not like any other gallery, since its physical space was the television set in peoples』 homes. Furthermore, each of the shows were only broadcasted once, which gave them an extremely ephemeral character. You saw it or you missed it. That was it. There were no reruns. Schum’s visionary idea was motivated by finding a way to use the mass media of television as an artistic medium and, consequently, make art more accessible to a wide audience. An idea which also carried a critique on the commercialism of contemporary art, in line with the ideology of the emergent art movements celebrating art’s profoundly immaterial qualities.

This idea, which aimed to have art works created specially for television rather than making and presenting documentaries about artists, should be put in the social and political context of Europe and the United States of the late 1960’s. Influenced by Marxist ideas of bringing art and culture to all citizens and to democratize culture, it was a time which witnessed a strong urge to make art accessible for the masses. But it was also highly influenced by new emerging and groundbreaking artistic movements of the period; performance art, process art, conceptual art, land art, photography, arte povera and a few artists use of video. Art forms that aspired to go beyond the limits imposed by the traditional art disciplines of sculpture and painting.

The Fernsehgalerie Gerry Schum, and its radical innovations extended into an online screen based art, attempted to find a unity between work and medium, but also to redefine it as an art form aimed at a mass audience. In this vigoruous highly influential yet shortlived experiment, Schum invited emergent avant-garde American and European artists to create new work expressly for online broadcast television. It prompted artists, who might otherwise have not considered screen based art, to carry out broadcast projects first using film and later on video. If Gerry Schum’s television gallery is considered to have been important for the emergence of video art and its early development, it also raises questions. Questions which we hope From 」Screen to Mind – A 50 Year History」 will partially answer.

Questions were also the theme for James Lee Byars legendary conceptual work The World Question Center which we present here for the first time in China. It was broadcasted on Belgium’s National Television under the direction of Jef Cornelis on November 28 1969 just seven months after Gerry Schum’s first exhibition Land Art. It was the first time in contemporary art history that an art work used the live broadcast as its medium and interacted with its audience. It was an attempt by Byars to gather the 100 most significant questions in the world from the 100 most brilliant minds of the time. In The World Question Center Byars confronts his interlocutors-mostly artists, curators, public intellectuals, scientists, politicians - either present on set (e.g. Marcel Broodthaers), or contacted over the telephone (e.g. Joseph Beuys, John Cage, Walther Hopps, Marshall McLuhan, Cedric Price), with a 'question-to-question' instead of a common question-to-answer situation.

In celebrating the 50 plus one year anniversary of these very early innovations in screen based art, 」 From Screen to Mind – 50 Years History」 wants to highlight its current position – or lack thereof - in contemporary art. Despite the fact that everybody carries a small. television screen in their pockets, also acting as a video camera, there is a lack of a screen based art today. Why is that ? Especially at a time when every person possesses the means to create and distribute their work and that of others. We hope that 」From Screen to Mind – A 50 Year History」 will trigger further questions and give new answers.

Jonas Stampe & Xiao Ge


Jan Dibbets

Dutch, b. 1946

TV As A Fireplace, 1969

16 mm colour film transferred to high-definition digital media, sound

Running time : 26:00 minutes

Courtesy LIMA Foundation


荷蘭 生於1946



LIMA 基金會

Joseph Beuys

German, b. 1921

Filz TV, 1969

16 mm Black/White film transferred to high-definition digital media, sound

Running time : 4:46 minutes

Courtesy LIMA Foundation


德國 生於1921

Filz TV

16毫米黑白影片轉高清數碼影像,聲音, 4分46秒

LIMA 基金會

Ger van Elk

Dutch, 1941-2014

Untitled, 1970

Film by Gerry Schum

16 mm Black and White film transferred to high-definition digital media, sound

Running time : 3:12 minutes

Courtesy LIMA Foundation




攝影 格里·舒馬

16毫米黑白影片轉高清數碼影像,聲音, 3分12秒

LIMA 基金會

Lawrence Weiner

American, 1942

Beached, 1970

Film by Gerry Schum

16 mm Black and White film transferred to high-definition digital media, sound

Running time : 0:51 minutes

Courtesy LIMA Foundation




16毫米黑白影片轉高清數碼影像,聲音, 51秒

LIMA 基金會

Gino De Dominicis

Italian, 1947-1998

Attempt to fly, 1970

Film by Gerry Schum

16 mm Black and White film transferred to high-definition digital media, sound

Running time : 1:56 minutes

Courtesy LIMA Foundation




攝影 格里·舒馬

16毫米黑白影片轉高清數碼影像,聲音, 1分56秒

LIMA 基金會
