
中巴經貿合作平臺 發佈 2022-08-12T14:55:52.351159+00:00

Chinese businesses operating under the auspices of the All-Pakistan Chinese Enterprises' Association reiterated their commitment to making investments in Pakistan at a meeting with the Board of Investment team on Wednesday. The BOI delegation was informed by APCEA that a number of other Chinese businesses were looking for joint venture partners in Pakistan. The BOI team, led by Additional Secretary Khashih ur Rehman and Project Director, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Industrial Cooperation Development Project , Asim Ayub, visited APCEA in Karachi to encourage B2B cooperation in the private sector between China and Pakistan.


The policy for dual degree programme in Pakistan is being developed and improved by the Higher Education Commission (HEC). In a meeting with a delegation from Tang International Education Group led by Director & Executive President Max Ma, Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman of Pakistan's HEC said, "I look forward to the first China-Pakistan dual degree programme officially approved by HEC which will be launched at Karakoram International University. The Chairman claims that 57 institutions and colleges in Pakistan are dedicated to providing vocational education. More will be converted into vocational institutes in the future.

巴基斯坦高等教育委員會(HEC)正在制定和改進雙學位課程的政策。巴基斯坦HEC主席Mukhtar Ahmed博士在會見由董事兼執行總裁Max Ma率領的唐國際教育集團代表團時表示:「我期待著第一個由HEC正式批准的中巴雙學位,該項目將在喀喇崑崙國際大學啟動。主席稱,巴基斯坦有57所院校致力於提供職業教育。今後還將有更多的學校轉變為職業學院。


According to sources, a meeting was conducted in Karachi with the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) and health officials regarding a trade mission from Germany to discuss issues of mutual interest. Additional officials confirm that a meeting was held between Business Coral GmbH, led by its CEO Syed Mohsin Raza, and a delegation from the FPCCI and representatives from the health sector in order to exchange ideas and discuss potential investment opportunities in order to offer specialized services and expertise in relation to Pakistan's tourism and healthcare sectors.

據消息人士稱,在喀拉蚩與巴基斯坦工商聯合會(FPCCI)和衛生官員舉行了一次會議,討論了來自德國的一個貿易代表團共同關心的問題。其他官員證實,由執行長Syed Mohsin Raza領導的Business Coral GmbH與FPCCI代表團和衛生部門代表舉行了一次會議,以交流想法和討論潛在的投資機會,以便為巴基斯坦旅遊和衛生部門提供相關的專業服務和專業知識。


Nguyen Tien Phong, the chairman of the ASEAN Committee in Islamabad (ACI), stated on Sunday that data from Pakistan indicated that the nation's commerce with ASEAN had topped $11 billion in the fiscal year 2022. The Vietnamese envoy remarked that the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) has enormous economic potential and said that Pakistan's economy would be able to achieve milestones thanks to the paradigm change from geopolitics to geoeconomics. Phong noted in a recent interview with APP that regional integration of ASEAN nations is crucial for both regional economic success and connectedness to the rest of the world.

位於伊斯蘭瑪巴德的東協委員會(ACI)主席Nguyen Tien Phong周日表示,來自巴基斯坦的數據表明,該國與東協的貿易在2022財年超過110億美元。他說:「區域全面經濟夥伴關係協定(RCEP)具有巨大的經濟潛力,並表示,由於從地緣政治到地緣經濟的範式轉變,巴基斯坦經濟將能夠實現里程碑式的發展。」Phong在最近接受APP採訪時指出,東協國家的區域一體化對於區域經濟成功和與世界其他地區的聯繫至關重要。


Miftah Ismail, the federal minister of finance and revenue, stated the government's intention to support the business community's efforts to achieve sustainable growth in the nation on Wednesday. According to a press release from the finance division, he was speaking to a team from the Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturers and Exporters Association (PHMA) led by its chairman, Mian Kashif Zia. The minister reassured the delegation members that their concerns would be addressed immediately and emphasized the need for PHMA to expand its export clientele.

周三,聯邦財政和收入部長Miftah Ismail表示,政府有意支持商界努力實現國家的可持續增長。根據財務部門發布的新聞稿,他是在對巴基斯坦針織品製造商和出口商協會(PHMA)主席Mian Kashif Zia領導的團隊談話。部長向代表團成員保證,他們的關切將立即得到解決,並強調了PHMA需要擴大其出口客戶的必要性。


Chinese businesses operating under the auspices of the All-Pakistan Chinese Enterprises' Association (APCEA) reiterated their commitment to making investments in Pakistan at a meeting with the Board of Investment (BOI) team on Wednesday. The BOI delegation was informed by APCEA that a number of other Chinese businesses were looking for joint venture partners in Pakistan. The BOI team, led by Additional Secretary Khashih ur Rehman and Project Director, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Industrial Cooperation Development Project (CPEC-ICDP), Asim Ayub, visited APCEA in Karachi to encourage B2B cooperation in the private sector between China and Pakistan.

周三,在全巴基斯坦中國企業協會(APCEA)的主持下,中國企業在與投資委員會(BOI)團隊舉行的會議上重申了在巴基斯坦投資的承諾。BOI代表團從APCEA獲悉,許多其他中國企業正在巴基斯坦尋找合資夥伴。由副秘書Khashih ur Rehman和中巴經濟走廊工業合作發展項目(CPEC-ICDP)項目總監Asim Ayub率領的BOI團隊訪問了喀拉蚩的亞太經濟合作委員會,以鼓勵中巴兩國在私營部門開展B2B合作。

